[Script]World edit complete now with /we fill water and we fill saltwater

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  • (french)
    hahah! Le temps me manque... et sans World-Edit (je n'y ait pas accès sur ton serveur :whistling: ) je suis très limité. Mais j'ai l'intention d'e m'y remettre! Dans tous les cas, merci de l'info! Pour World-Edit, il y aura quelques ajustements mineurs dans la prochaine version, question de ne pas bloquer le serveur... parce qu'il n'y a pas de restrictions sur le nombre de plante et le serveur bloque pendant l'exécution de la commande. Donc, y'a un potentiel de dommage et ça va être réglé en fin de semaine. Il y aura aussi une autre commande pour créer une ligne de plantes dans la direction du joueur (non seulement x et z). D'autant plus que x et z n'est pas vraiment intuitif et on pourrait changer ça pour ns (north-south) et ew (east-west) qui nécessiterait qu'une boussole.

    [...] There are some adjustments that need to be made on the plant command, so it does not freeze the server too long... because there are no restriction on the amount of plants that the command can process at once and this can cause the server to freeze during execution. So, there's a potential to cause damage et this should be resolved this weekend. There should also be a command to create a line going in the angle facing the player (so, not limited to x and z). Furthermore, x and z are not intuitive and may be replaced by ns (north-south) and ew (east-west) which only require a compass.

    Sorry, my german is practically non existent and I don't dare messing it up with Google Translate... Someone can tell @hkurzawa that he can get the Chrome extension to perform live translation on english test? It might help. With the extension, just select the text to translate, then click on the "Google Translate" icon in Chrome's toolbar. This is what I use and it's good enough for me to understand what's posted in German :)

  • Ich hab den "World edit complete" installiert-es funktioniert. Mit der englischsprachigen Anleitung komme ich nicht ganz klar. Ich wünschte daher einige Befehle, besonders um
    Pflanzen zu setzen. Wer kann mir einige Befehle mitgeben?
    Vielen Dank schon im vorraus.

    Ich werde versuchen am Samstag Nachmittag eine Video Anleitung zu machen, es ist wirklich etwas kompliziert was er da gemacht hat.

  • Thank you all for you hard work. When I try even the simplest LUA like Hello world it tell me "no".

    So I know there is a lot of hard work in this add on and it is great. One question is there any way to first make a straight line? Then to say you are a the limit of the \we clear \we fill etc.

    Second question is there anyway you can remove the unknown command when I run this command or is that hard coded into the game?

    Thanks again....

  • The "Unknown command" is coming from the area protection script, there's not much I can do about it with world-edit...

    As for the limit of selection, there could be a solution, and I'll see what I can do. But having a "hard" limit (not be able to select passed the limit) would be much much better and I was hoping that this would be a game feature before fiddling with this... (Like when I implemented wordwrap for that chat, then Red implemented it into the game :) )

  • one other thing I was curious about, you was able to add plants how come no other textures?

    I don't understand. You mean, adding other objects? While this is technically possible, it is far easier to use the "item" console command and use the game placement system. Planting is just not available in game (you can cut down trees, but you can't plant any.... yet)

  • Hmm I guess I was trying to say is we can plant grass now with yahgiggle added script and gold etc but the other materials (probably would of been a better word) is the same dungeonwall, clay etc. I am lazy and it would be nice to fill in walls with cobblestone instead of placing them. :P . Like I said just curious and a thought.

  • Sigh I'm sorry I am the worlds worst communicator ;( ask Yahgiggle... Ok I slept on it and got to thinking what I was asking for was impossible. Well for this script anyways, I was wanting to put in blocks. So I thought if you could just put in block ID number I could fill the area with cobblestone blocks. Then I realize this is for earth material.
    Just thought I would let you know so you wouldn't think I was totally nuts in the head. :P That could be your next project though?

  • Complete /we plant refactored! Now a lot easier to use with even more options :) Take a look at the README for more information and examples.

    @TutMeistensNix you can make that video, it is very unlikely that anything will change too much regarding the command now.

    Important: The german (DE) locale has not been translated! If anyone care to do that, and/or anyone point out any errors in the EN locale, too! I'm not even a native english person :P

    Note: I installed a distance limit of 64 blocks and a number of total plants planted to 500. These limits may be modified at your own discretion in the "commandListener.lua" file, the first two local variables declared (and commented for you). These limits, I assume are for the better of most servers as placing a single plant requires a few 3D calculations to find the correct terrain height and, if planting too much, will hang the server temporarily. Limiting the amount at once helps limit server lags. Just repeat the same command to plant more than the prescribed limit.

  • So, /we plant line is now fixed.

    I also... hehe... implemented /we paint take a look at the README for more info.

    Cheers all!

    BTW: German translation still needed! Anyone can grab the lc_messages/de.locale and post it here, translated? Thanks!

    Hinweis: (Mit Google Translate) Deutsche Übersetzung noch benötigt! Jeder kann die lc_messages/de.locale zu greifen und sie hier, übersetzt? Vielen Dank!

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