[Script]World edit complete now with /we fill water and we fill saltwater

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
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  • Hey guys some users dont know how to install this script so i zipped everything up needed into one folder so all you need to do is unzip and place the folder with its files into your scripts folder

    This script has been updated by me to now include /we clear block, for them times you only want to clear blocks and leave everything else ;-)

    Now includes /we fill water and /we fill saltwater now much more simple to make flat water areas yay

    file now updated to include new options /we plant (Thankyou lordfoobar) lordfoobar has much improved my script now pants can be planted onto hills WOW that's awesome
    to pant you type /we plant 7 -r=20 -c=40 this will plant type 7 plant in a radius of 20 and have 40 plants total if you want to mix plants type /we plant 7..13 -r=20 -c=40 this will mix plants 7 to 13 also you can do combo mix like this /we plant 7..10 13..27 -r=20 -c=40 now for lines you do /we plant 7..10 13..27 -x=20 -c=40 note i change only r to x or you can change it to z or you can add both to make a rectangle like this /we plant 7..10 13..27 -x=20 -z=10 -c=40 This makes a rectangle 20x10 in size you can also add % to your plating amount like so we plant 7..10 13..27 -r=20 -c=40% so it covers 40% of the area warning this can crash your server or slow it down so use small % at first like 5% and see how that goes.


    help [command] : dipslay help. If command is specified, display help for that command.Ex: /we help fill

    select : start area selection

    cancel : cancel area selection

    fill <texture|#id> [-c] : fill the selected area with the specified terrain. Add -c to clear everything, first. All available textures are


    air (id 0)
    dirt (id 1)
    grass (id 2)
    stone (id 3)
    gravel (id 4)
    rock (id 5)
    farmland (id 6)
    mud (id 7)
    snow (id 8)
    sand (id 9)
    desertdirt (id 10)
    desertstone (id 11)
    clay (id 12)
    dungeonwall (id 13)
    dungeonfloor (id 14)
    bonewall (id 15)
    hellstone (id 16)
    iron (id -101)
    copper (id -102)
    aluminium (id -103)
    silver (id -104)
    gold (id -105)
    tungsten (id -106)
    cobalt (id -107)
    mithril (id -108)
    grass9 (id -10)
    grass8 (id -9)
    grass7 (id -8)
    grass6 (id -7)
    grass5 (id -6)
    grass4 (id -5)
    grass3 (id -4)
    grass2 (id -3)
    grass1 (id -2)

    Ex: /we fill -c grass

    clear [obj|con|veg|block|all|abs] : clear the selected area of (obj)ects, (con)structions, (veg)etations, (block)s, (all), or (abs)olutely everything. (Default all)Ex: /we clear veg

    place <blockType> id [north|east|south|west [sideway|flipped]] : place a block with the givenid, optionally facing the given direction and put sideway or flipped.Ex: /we place ramp 121 east flipped

    plant <ranges> [-x=x] [-y=y] [-r=radius] [-c=count] : plant vegetations (trees, flowers, etc.). The ranges determine the vegetation to plant.

    Ex: /we plant 13..27 plant a single random flower

    Ex: /we plant 29 -x=10 -c=10 plant 10 trees at random on a single straight line on the x-axis

    Ex: /we plant 29 -y=10 -c=50% plant 5 trees (50% of 10) at random on a single straight line on the y-axis

    Ex: /we plant 29 -x=10 -y=10 -c=30 plant 30 trees at random in a rectangle area

    Ex: /we plant 2..4 6 7 28..31 -r=10 -c=30% plant random trees in a circle area filling 30% of it

    Block Types
    block (aliases: b, blk)
    cylinder (aliases: c, cyl)
    cylinderhalf (aliases: ch, cylh)
    stair (aliases: s, s1, stair1)
    stair2 (aliases: s2)
    stair3 (aliases: s3)
    staircorner (aliases: sc, stairc)
    stairinnercorner (aliases: sic, stairic)
    ramp (aliases: r)
    ramphalfcorner (aliases: rhc, ramphc, ramphalfc)
    rampinnercorner (aliases: ric, rampic)
    rampcorner (aliases: rc, rampc)
    halfblockbottom (aliases: hb, hb1, hbb, halfblk, halfblk1, halfblkb, halfblock,halfblock1 halfblockb)
    halfblockcenter (aliases: hb2, hbc, halfblk2, halfblkc, halfblock2, halfblockc)
    halfblocktop (aliases: hb3, hbt, halfblk3, halfblkt, halfblock3, halfblockt)
    pyramid (aliases: p, pyr)
    arc (aliases: a)

    scrub1 (id 1)
    mapletree1 (id 2)
    mapletree2 (id 3)
    mapletree3 (id 4)
    dead1 (id 5)
    pine1 (id 6)
    forestpine (id 7)
    flower1_s (id 8)
    flower1_m (id 9)
    flower1_l (id 10)
    fern1 (id 11)
    pumpkin1 (id 12)
    flower2_s (id 13)
    flower2_m (id 14)
    flower2_l (id 15)
    flower3_s (id 16)
    flower3_m (id 17)
    flower3_l (id 18)
    flower4_s (id 19)
    flower4_m (id 20)
    flower4_l (id 21)
    flower5_s (id 22)
    flower5_m (id 23)
    flower5_l (id 24)
    flower6_s (id 25)
    flower6_m (id 26)
    flower6_l (id 27)
    maplesapling_s0 (id 28)
    maplesapling_s1 (id 29)
    pinesapling_s0 (id 30)
    pinesapling_s1 (id 31)
    watermelon1 (id 32)
    watermelon2 (id 33)
    tomato_s0 (id 34)
    tomato_s1 (id 35)
    tomato_s2 (id 36)
    tomato_s3 (id 37)
    tomato (id 38)
    carrot_s0 (id 39)
    carrot_s1 (id 40)
    carrot (id 41)

    LordFoobar (Yanick Rochon)
    Yahgiggle (Deon Hamilton)
    andyzee (Andy Zee)


    • worldedit.7z

      (14.77 kB, downloaded 859 times, last: )

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited 12 times, last by yahgiggle ().

  • I want thank you so much for this simplified version of the world edit lua script giggles. I worked like a charm!!! Again thank you, thank you, thank you! :thumbsup:

  • hello yahgiggle nice on with the clear block for world edit :)
    can you bring an new part to the clear option, i witch an clear command for plant where in can clear seperate, pinie only , or flower or carrot
    for example: /we clear tree 7, or clear flower 14 , or clear fuit 3
    i ask because i want to clear my area from the smaller pinie´s only

  • hello yahgiggle nice on with the clear block for world edit :)
    can you bring an new part to the clear option, i witch an clear command for plant where in can clear seperate, pinie only , or flower or carrot
    for example: /we clear tree 7, or clear flower 14 , or clear fuit 3
    i ask because i want to clear my area from the smaller pinie´s only

    maybe i can add that i will look into it

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • ... as I promised... like... weeks ago (lol) I will integrate this to master and push to this github tonight... promised!! :P

    I have to remove my homemade text wrapper anyway, since RW added that in the last updates.

    I'm such a lazy coder... I was playing Borderlands 2 yesterday and could have done that. *sigh*

  • Well, there it is! Finally!

    I also merged (as authorized by Yahgiggle) the planting commands into the script. And I plan to add some more... for example a /we paint to change texture on the ground to do what /we fill can't.

    Take a look here for more information.

  • nice work LordFoobar now we need 3d text added i wont use this but i feel some players will want it


    3D text and world editing?? lol whoever wants it will implement it. There are a few features that are far more important just now. I'd need to have some use case of 3d text usage... right now, the only use I can think of is some sort of showing area names (i.e. area protection), or if anyone wants to create some type of mini-game of some sort...

  • Thanks!

    3D text and world editing?? lol whoever wants it will implement it. There are a few features that are far more important just now. I'd need to have some use case of 3d text usage... right now, the only use I can think of is some sort of showing area names (i.e. area protection), or if anyone wants to create some type of mini-game of some sort...

    yeah your right maybe it should go into the admin tools, admins can use it for banners that show rules ect ect but yeah i hate the look of it so don't use it

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Wer kann mir diesen Artikel auf deutsch übersetzen? Eine Anleitung wäre nicht schlecht.

    Er hat eine neue Version hochgeladen diese beinhaltet nun auch das Pflanzenscript von @yahgiggle wo man gleich ganze Flächen bepflanzen kann.

    Wenn du auf folgenden Link klickst landest du auf einer genauen Anleitung wo jeder Befehl aufgeführt wird musst nur ungefähr bis zur Hälfte runter scrollen. Klick hier...

    Für die Zukunft plant er noch den Befehl paint aber lassen wir uns mal überraschen was er damit vorhat. ;)

  • Merci pour la mise à jour .... super

    Vivement l'option "Peindre"

    LordFoobar, ton château est toujours en place sur le serveur ;)

    Merci pour votre boulot

  • Ich hab den "World edit complete" installiert-es funktioniert. Mit der englischsprachigen Anleitung komme ich nicht ganz klar. Ich wünschte daher einige Befehle, besonders um
    Pflanzen zu setzen. Wer kann mir einige Befehle mitgeben?
    Vielen Dank schon im vorraus.

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