roleplay gamemode

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  • i think it would be cool if there was a role playing gamemode that allowed you to play with npc's to talk and trade with and to be able to play as a black smith or adventurer what ever you want with quests and everything even pre built towns/cities
    of course it is a must for this to be an option when making the world not just something that is there for every world or only on servers

  • If I'm not mistaken, there's a game mode that will have this in it eventually. It shall allow you to follow quests lines, set up your own, and etc. I guess similar to what Minecraft has, but maybe with more options because Red51 tends to listen to us more intelligently than with what Mojang is doing. You'll get this roughly in late 2016 or 2017. We'll see.

  • With the style of the game that Rising World is, I don't personally think its a necessary feature nor will it affect my enjoyment of the game. That being said however, I can understand why people would want such a mode. A mode like that when properly done can add alot of replayability to a game...but if its poorly executed... it can drag on, be dull and repetitive.

  • A roleplaying mode could be awesome. One thing that could be done as a role playing option either in single or multiplayer is start out with a few NPCs, you build your own city and in the case of multiplayer you could have multiple cities. Then you could open up the possibility to either trade and coexist peacefully or go to war, you could even build a nation with armies, maybe even have a world war. It would be similar to civilization but instead of being like a god or leader your actually one of the people.

  • A roleplaying mode could be awesome. One thing that could be done as a role playing option either in single or multiplayer is start out with a few NPCs, you build your own city and in the case of multiplayer you could have multiple cities. Then you could open up the possibility to either trade and coexist peacefully or go to war, you could even build a nation with armies, maybe even have a world war. It would be similar to civilization but instead of being like a god or leader your actually one of the people.

    yes exactly that would be a lot of fun

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