Day Range

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • I should know this by now, yet do not know something as basic of the day-night cycle in this game. How long does a day & night last in this game? Same as in Minecraft, Terraria, & Starbound? Roughly 10 minutes per cycle.

    I suggested on the Steam forums that we should also be able to adjust the cycle (if not yet having the option & pre-world generation for both single & multi) so you can please the people that prefer 1 hour day & night cycles, or even 24 hours, or something to that effect. 10 minutes is too short of a cycle in the Minecraft world. Basically scale it before you create a new world to then adapt to the day-night cycle you added. This also coming from a game called 'Kingdom', or so I believe that influenced me to mention this. Just wanting to help Rising World be that awesome game.

    It be neat to have it being 1 hour day & 1 hour night, similar to how I had to deal with in Euro Truck Simulator 2.


    Edit: 43 views & nobody can answer one simple question? ||

  • Currently the day-night-cycle duration can be changed, on multiplayer servers there is an option in the "" for that ("settings_time_speed", which specifies how many realtime seconds one ingame minute take, i.e. setting it to 60 will cause the day-night-cycle to take 24 realtime hours, for example). In singleplayer there is currently unfortunately no comfortable way to change that value, you can only change it via command "settimespeed", but you have to do that every time you reload the world. But this will change shortly ;)

    By default, one ingame minute takes 1.75 realtime minutes, i.e. one day takes around 42 realtime minutes. Sunrise begins at 7 am, and sunset at 9:30 pm.

  • Currently the day-night-cycle duration can be changed, on multiplayer servers there is an option in the "" for that ("settings_time_speed", which specifies how many realtime seconds one ingame minute take, i.e. setting it to 60 will cause the day-night-cycle to take 24 realtime hours, for example). In singleplayer there is currently unfortunately no comfortable way to change that value, you can only change it via command "settimespeed", but you have to do that every time you reload the world. But this will change shortly ;)

    By default, one ingame minute takes 1.75 realtime minutes, i.e. one day takes around 42 realtime minutes. Sunrise begins at 7 am, and sunset at 9:30 pm.

    Many thanks! So this is why nobody wanted to tell me why because it's that basic, eh? Multiplayer servers being what I care about the most because that's where the fun is at. I'm going to be focusing mostly on the multiplayer side thanks to interaction with your friends, and such, so it shall be fun to have the day-night-cycle last at least an hour each. It looks like I won't have to change anything, or much. Thanks Red, & Xdeft!

    42 minutes sounds like the best length for both a day & night range. Not too short, and not too long. I salute you for finding a nice sweet spot. :thumbsup:

    (Edit: Hope I'm not misunderstanding because it be neat for a day to be 40 minutes, night also 40 min. 20 minutes for day & another 20.)

  • so if i undersand it right
    if settimespeed 0.8 it would -+dubble the day-night cycle
    or is it settimespeed 60
    and what if i want day to be 2 hours (i think -+ settimespeed 5)
    sorry i'm a bit confused 8|

  • And 2 hours until day & 2 for night, or that's just the whole day? Even if it's 1 hour each or 2 hours, that's perfect.

    think it's 2 hours for the whole cycle i will check it later if so
    btw SE is a nice game if you likespace and far verry far traveling and of course building

  • To Change the speed of the day in a Single player game, Edit the Config file. TO change the game speed find this line


    The Default is 1.75. I run at 3.75. The larger the number the slower the clock moves.

  • (Edit: Hope I'm not misunderstanding because it be neat for a day to be 40 minutes, night also 40 min. 20 minutes for day & another 20.)

    Currently it's a total of 42 minutes, so ~20 minutes for the day, and another 20 minutes for the night. Well, in the strict sense, the day is slightly longer than the night (sunset ends around 10 PM, and sun rises at 7 AM) ^^

    and what if i want day to be 2 hours (i think -+ settimespeed 5)

    Exactly. The value determines how many "realtime seconds" one "ingame minute" takes, so when using a value of 5, one ingame minute takes 5 realtime seconds (one day has 1440 minutes, so 1440*5 = 7200 seconds, or 120 minutes, or 2 hours) ;)

    To Change the speed of the day in a Single player game, Edit the Config file.

    True, I forgot that this has already been implemented in the past :D Originally this setting was added for the LAN mode, but works in regular singleplayer as well

  • think it's 2 hours for the whole cycle i will check it later if so
    btw SE is a nice game if you likespace and far verry far traveling and of course building

    20 minutes for day & night? 10 minutes more, yet still odd. I'd actually nudge that more for an hour each to have more day, if with more night. You'd spend 1 hour in the day outside doing stuff, then do other pesky chores during the night underground or traveling in vehicles.

    I have SE bought with me waiting on Jan 27 or 29th to roll in so I can purchase my new computer. Friend of friend teasing me with part that I just want to smack him so he can just send me the part.

    Currently it's a total of 42 minutes, so ~20 minutes for the day, and another 20 minutes for the night. Well, in the strict sense, the day is slightly longer than the night (sunset ends around 10 PM, and sun rises at 7 AM) ^^

    Ya, I would nudge the multiplayer in my world to an hour then. I guess I could try and get the feel you had for 20 min, yet 1 hour was more neat when I did such in Euro Truck Simulator 2. 10 & 20 min you would panic (still in ETS2 also) but you had more time to do things. During the day I would do outdoor things because mobs were gone while at night I would go underground, or tend to crafting & the like. I had a habit & routine going on.

    Makes me wonder how I'll behave in this game with either 20 min or 1 hour.

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