just suggesting some things :)

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  • 1. sand
    2. creek beds <> rivers <> mountains with flowing water off it
    3. kids play sets <> swings <> seesaws
    4. fire blocks where you can chop wood up into little blocks put it in a fire place and burn it like a real fire

    ill add more when i think about more :D

  • 1. Planned
    2. Naturally flowing water is a really hard task, especially traveling larger distances (like for rivers). I'd be glad when we have flowing water, or water at all in the game ;)
    3. Yes we can do that^^
    4. Fire is coming soon, as well as firewood ^^

  • 1. Planned
    2. Naturally flowing water is a really hard task, especially traveling larger distances (like for rivers). I'd be glad when we have flowing water, or water at all in the game ;)
    3. Yes we can do that^^
    4. Fire is coming soon, as well as firewood ^^

    You can do swings? You're a genius. Well, you already are, I mean eh, you created this amazing game, right? <3

  • It would be nice to swap the rake into a shovel as we dig way too deep on the 1st try anyhow,
    by this i mean that most of the time we dig on surface it is to flatten out the piece of land
    and not actually try to dig ourself to China... :-)

    1. Pick axe to go to China...
    2. Shovel for surface digging and adding ot pilling dirt ...
    3. Rake to even out the surface we are playing with...

    (Just between us, i really liked the mallet idea used in (LIF) too even out the square piece of land....)
    Our rake could possibly imitate that action...

  • 2. Naturally flowing water is a really hard task, especially traveling larger distances (like for rivers). I'd be glad when we have flowing water, or water at all in the game ;)

    This was one of the first things I was looking for when I started playing. It may be a hard task but would add so much more realism to what you have already done. Understanding it's a hard task...I'm rooting for you! lol

  • Fire. Well, I would like to see some variation. Basic fire can be lit several ways. Hand drill, bow drill, fire plough, fire piston, and of course flint and steel. I suppose matches would be next then a lighter like a zippo? Random and rare lightning strike causing bit of a forest fire which you can take advantage of if you are careful? Makes it risky to build in the forest...

    And using certain fuels would help. Birch bark and dry moss would increase your chances of successful fire starting.

    After the basic campfire, maybe a cast iron stove? Electric next? Will there be electricity?

    Just some ideas..

    Edit: I've now seen the planned features. yay for electricity etc..!

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

    Edited once, last by ZaCormyr ().

  • Again, for the 4th time, I'm no programmer...

    But as far as implementing water goes, some sort of a spherical particle system with client-side post-processing might be plausible, like what is used in Phun.

    Otherwise, if this would end up consuming too much serverside processing power, you could try some sort of system that functions on the block-building grid, I.E. something similar to Minecraft's fluids in basic function, but much, much more versatile... With client-side render effects to make it appear more realistic.

    For instance, when water is placed in the world, it will be assigned to a given block position, and that block position will then check for terrain and other blocks around it based on a tick/clock system of some sort. Depending on the results of the check, it could be programmed to spread/disperse to adjacent block slots that are lower or on plane, level out, etc.

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