Transferring world from Personal to Dedicated?

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  • My wife and I have been playing on a server running from my machine for several days.

    Yesterday I installed the dedicated server files and got it up and running fairly quickly. The issue I had was I wanted to take our current server (players and world) and put them on the dedicated server. I searched for about 4 hours on google and this forum for an answer and I couldn't find anything. In searching my machine it appeared that the world the dedicated server uses is in the cache directory of where I installed Rising World. I attempted to copy my current server to the directory that it used and that didn't appear to work.

    What can I do? This seemed trivial in any other dedicated server model, but in this game it is a bit more difficult it seems. I am hoping it is just a change.

    Currently I am running this on Windows, but I can change to Linux if that would make any difference.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Was this a dedicated internal server or a local game you opened to lan? Not sure why your game would be under cache.

    Normally simply drop the save folder for the world onto the server under the saves folder. That will contain world and player data. If you are running a small server then this is likely enough. If you want more performance then convert the sql lite files into a mysql database. There should be a sticky note somewhere here on how to do that. Dont forget to update your world name in the server config file.

  • Initially it was a local game opened to lan. I don't see a "Saves" or "Save" directory. I only see a "Worlds" directory that has the local game info in it. I personally don't want a "bigger' server. Just something my wife and I can play on. This machine should be able to handle that no problem. The world name is the same as my local lan name, but the only files that update when I run a dedicated server is the "New World651237569" directory under RisingWorld/cache/

  • First of all, for a private serving of players, even more if located in the same building, a dedicated server adds very little to the LAN-shared solution. It is true that the load of the serving is separate from the load of each player, but the added complications (and inevitable delays) of networking make things somehow more cumbersome.

    That said, I have NOT tried what I am about to suggest, so take it with great caution and backup everything before modifying anything. Also, I am assuming a Steam-based installation; I believe non-Steam has the same folder structure, but possibly starting from another top folder.

    Both the RisingWorld folder (the single-player version of the game) and the RisingWorldDedicatedServer (the dedicated server version) folders have a sub-folder named Worlds, where the worlds created with each version are stored, one sub-sub-folder for each world, as in:


    World names may depend on several things. In particular, the name of the world sub-sub-folder of the dedicated server should match the "server_world_name" line in the configuration file.

    The idea is to copy the contents of the single-player world folder into the dedicated server world folder; i.e., following the example above, to copy the contents of .../MyPrettyWorld into .../NewWorld.

    But, as I already said, better to be exceedingly careful when messing around with file and folder contents...

  • @Miwarre is right ;) If you want to move your world to another game directory or a server directory, just copy the particular world folder from the "Worlds" directory, and (if you run the dedicated server) adapt the "server_world_name" line in your to your world name. You can ignore the "cache" folder in your main directory btw, it's literally just a cache.

    In terms of performance you probably won't see a big difference. Basically the LAN game is nothing but an "integrated dedicated server" (a funny oxymoron :rolleyes: ). However, the big advantage of the dedicated server is the fact that you can easily manage scripts or permissions, you can see the server ouput in the command prompt (which may be helpful when any issues occur), and of course you can run the dedicated server without having to run the game (for example if just your wife wants to play).

  • First of all there is a huge difference. For one, my wife has to keep me online (and inevitably kills me 20 times) while she plays when I am at work. So, while you think this is the same, I want her to be able to play without me dying constantly. Secondly, this isn't my first dedicated server. I have ran multiple Minecraft, Wurm, Life is Fuedal,and others. So, I understand that it should be as simple as dropping the Worlds directory in the dedicated server, but it isn't. I tried that.

    First: Yes, this is the SteamApp version.
    Game: N:/Games/Steam/SteamApps/common/RisingWorld is the game app
    Server: N:/Games/Rising World Server/

    The only directories in the Rising World Server (that I downloaded 2 days ago) is lib and permissions.example. Then 4 files (linux, mac, win startup) server.jar and The shows server_world_name=New World

    I dropped "Worlds" into the dedicated server directory and it ignored it completely. When I monitor my computer the files that are changing while running the server is only located in N:/Games/Steam/SteamApps/common/RisingWorld/cache/ In this directory is a "New World651237569" directory with 6 .bpc/wpc files in it.

    Now, in the normal Rising worlds directory under "Worlds" there is a "WorldParts" that has the same files, but that would mean I would be missing the "New World.db". I also attempted another test. I edited the and set server_world_name=WorldRiseUp and when I loaded dedicated server nothing changed. It continued calling it "New World".

    We decided just to start over (only had 4ish days of work) but I am definitely doing something wrong, just not sure what it is.

  • First of all there is a huge difference. For one, my wife has to keep me online (and inevitably kills me 20 times) while she plays when I am at work. So, while you think this is the same, I want her to be able to play without me dying constantly.

    That's basically exactly what I'm saying...

    I dropped "Worlds" into the dedicated server directory and it ignored it completely. When I monitor my computer the files that are changing while running the server is only located in N:/Games/Steam/SteamApps/common/RisingWorld/cache/ In this directory is a "New World651237569" directory with 6 .bpc/wpc files in it.

    You can ignore the cache folder. When playing the game, the cache folder gets updated frequently since it serves as a "cache", the game just stores temporary files there. The world folder itself - on the other hand - only gets updated when there have been some changes to the world.

    Now, in the normal Rising worlds directory under "Worlds" there is a "WorldParts" that has the same files, but that would mean I would be missing the "New World.db". I also attempted another test. I edited the and set server_world_name=WorldRiseUp and when I loaded dedicated server nothing changed. It continued calling it "New World".

    The "worldParts" folder is not supposed to be in the "Worlds" folder, but it has to be inside the particular world folder. So if your World is named "New World", you will find a "worldParts" folder in "Rising World/Worlds/New World/". Next to the worldParts folder there is also a file called "New World.db". You have to copy the whole "New World" folder from your "Worlds" directory to the "World" directory in your server directory, or alternatively copy the whole "Worlds" folder (maybe delete the "Worlds" folder in your server directory first, just to make sure).
    Also make sure the server is not running while modifying the file (eventually check out if there is a "java.exe" process running in your TaskManager (in the processes tab), if there is such a process, kill it. If you're using Windows, you should always start the server by executing the "win_startscript.bat"

  • Yes, the first statement was answering someone else =)

    It's possible I had a runaway java.exe with no windows. Not sure. The strange thing was when I edited my server.properies file and renamed the world I never saw a "WorldRiseUp" created anywhere.

    In any case we just started over and are going with it. It's almost like it isn't using anything (including permissions) for the server. It's very confusing.

    We really enjoy the game by the way. We were long time Minecraft and Wurm players and this is somewhat of a marriage between the 2.

    Off the top of my head it would be neat if you could change the texture of a block on the inside of the home but not have the house walls be 2 blocks thick. IE wall paper inside but outside brick. Maybe with a roller or paint brush. I think of lots of things but I do remember a game I loved and then they added sooooo many block options that it became overwhelming almost to create anything (Space Engineers).

    So, I guess there is a fine line between simple and length of creativity!

    Right now, we are having fun with it and I see a lot of possibilities. Keep the updates coming!


  • if your referring to starting a server up with server.jar then that be why you had a runaway app. Have to start the server with either the included .bat for windows or the included .sh for mac and linux.
    Windows: win_startscript.bat
    Clicking on the .bat / .sh for the operating system your running the server on will bring up the console.
    For linux start up in terminal (and through ssh) the command i do is

    ./ start && ./ attach

    then i just do ctrl+shift+A+D to detach once i see that it bind RCON and HTTP to the ip i set in the

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