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  • Hi, i'm pretty new of this forum, even if i already posted something

    so, sorry for the long thread, but i love this game and i want to give my supporto to it

    first of all, what does "survive" means? not only killing zombies (thanks to avoided making another zombie game...and congrats for the idea to choose which animal you wwant).

    survival means:

    1) FOOD
    gather food: now it's a little bit easy..maybe found an apple o r cherry tree could be much more difficult

    too many edibles animals, too few bad animals; cows, sheeps etc should be less than now.
    but once found, you should take them in a pastures (feed ing them with grass, and adding some grass is not enough in pasture), so cows give milk, goat too, wool sheep (alreay implemented), pig it's ok, and maybe leather when you kill them. they should breed.
    i'd like to see some disease on cattle, and some medicinal herbs that could heal it...but i like the idea that a disease could kill all my cattle, so i have to take other animals.


    farms are good, maybe adding cereal could be great, starting a food processing chain (cereal-flour-bread)
    adding manure too


    food spoilage: i think could be challenging if your apple wither, or your meat. so we can add food processing (salted-smoked beef, fish etc etc)
    maybe in a cellar food could last more.
    this except cereals that do not wither.


    winter, in this season nothing grows...so you have you reserve of food, or hunt animals (dangerous for predators and cold)

    2) THREATS

    as i said, more dangerous animals...maybe some group of looters could be interesting...less less food

    natural threats: fire, earthquake, flood. Nice if i build a house, farms, pasture, and then the fire destroys all! this put more challenge and fun

    disease: first of all could (dresses helps), then contaminated water. If you can, you could add some disease if you not eat a good food variety
    disease even for animals and plants

    3)TRANSPORTATION and storage

    not only horses, as i read somewhere...coul be funny some cart like in minecraft!

    even storages (personal too) should change a bit...maybe adding the weight...so you cant transport 1000 wood!!

    specialized storage..cellar for ham (or salted meat) and fruit-vegetables, silos for grain etc

    then, no more pigs on trees :-D

    sorry for the long thread, but i have great expectation from this wonderful game

  • Well.....

    Animal AI is being re-worked at present. Possibly some improvements will come in time for the dungeons update (next expected update) since better AI would mean that whatever monsters are in the dungeons will be more challenging. Domesticating and breeding of farm animals is planned and will be worked into the AI updates but I doubt if it will come before the dungeons however.

    Survival as we've all come to expect from this game is going to be survival of the elements. Weather is coming but needs more tweaks. Cold weather and rain should increase the risk of hypothermia for sure.

    Specialized storage has also been thrown out there, i don't know much for sure about what will come but I know there will be a new tool rack (that will actually show the tools paced).

    I personally am in favor of weight limitations and reduced inventory in favor of relying on horses and horse-drawn wagons to help do the heavy lifting. I'm not sure if this is going to happen. There's still some debate as to how much "minecraftish" this game will be. I personally don't like the idea of being able to carry a forest of logs in my pocket but hey, its still a game. This one will probably not become as hardcore as some of us survivalists want but who knows? There is a lot of potential, the devs are great, and anything is subject to change in alpha

    Horses are already modeled and ready to go, we are just waiting on the new player models to come. Other stuff is dependant on that as well for example, boats and a horse saddle, since new player animations are being designed to show interaction with all those items. I don't know for sure that a horse wagon is planned, I certainly would like to see one (so I can pretend to ride about like Gandalf). NPC humans such as thieves and merchants and more agressive ones are planned but also dependant on the new player models.

    There's a lot of other stuff Red51 is doing in parallel such as the new Java API which will allow for better custom scripts and mod packs, the animal AI, the dungeons, and the character models (with boats, horses, new tools, and possibly a fishing rod and bow and arrow). There's so much additional work to be done but that's pretty much everything we are expecting over the next few months.

    The pigs on trees and other such oddities are part of why the animal AI needs to be re-worked. Gotta be patient, it's a small dev team! :-D

  • There are some things in life that can be repeated by any human being,yet they are not imitating each other by doing this. If you put a carrot in your hand,the pig will follow you. Minecraft is not the creator of all things. Its just real life. I personally want to have several features from that game to this,but also new ones.Its not a copy cat deal.It is every day life(or gaming life).We need wood to get a fire. i wont burn aluminum just because other games have that feature.
    Besides,It looks WAAY better in Rising world. all the interesting stuff in Minecraft has been created from the community through mods.
    By the way,We need those horses to haul heavy loads of wood etc on that buggy. They can follow you with hay.!

  • Thanks to @diegomarino80gongo for his suggestions (and to @zfoxfire for the summary of what is presumably going on under the hood).

    I wholeheartedly agree with practically all Diego's suggestions, we seem to be on the same plan here! A few, marginal, comments:

    Animals: "too many edibles animals": well, a lots of animals ARE edible!

    "i'd like to see some disease on cattle": nice idea! With two caveats: 1) It should not be (or only very very marginally) random, but usually with some reason: not enough food, or water, not enough care and so on. Otherwise it would become a lottery. 2) Healing herbs are a nice touch, but finding herbs in the tall grass is again mostly a lottery.

    "more dangerous animals": well, not all Earth areas are (equally) filled with dangerous animals -- which played some role in civilisation evolution --. But mostly, it should be a matter of reasons and equilibrium: dangerous animals should come with techniques and tactics one can learn, become adept at (perhaps gradually) and adopt to decrease the risks, as most rural populations do in absence of powerful, mechanical defence and attack tools. Otherwise: again the feeling of playing a lottery game.

    Threats: "fire, earthquake, flood": ok, we have no control on earthquakes, but we can learn where they are more probable. Fire and flood: for the major part, they are caused by humans themselves, the exceptions being usually periodic, but then we enter the field of climate models which is rather complex and daunting and I do not expect to even be implemented in a game like RW.

    "[human] diseases": same as above: there should be reasons (thanks for listing the most important) and ways to react.

    Anyway, you depict an environment much like the one I would imagine myself. Thanks for such a summary!

  • yes, agreed with all, withhthe desease (animal and human) too

    i'm just thinking if some monter could be interesting and..yes. so we need less dangerous animals..
    just playing at night, and i was scared by a cow! if it was a monster....

    however, i wait next update, it will be great

  • For the survival aspect of the game, I hope to see scarcity of animals and fruits and veggies. Pehaps when animal AI is reworked, we willl find them in herds too. Lets just not so something silly like lure cows in with wheat or feed them wheat to get them to mate. Too Minecraftish. Pehaps a cattle dog could be trained to chase cows into our farms.

    As far as disease go, maybe food poisoning should be a risk anytime you eat meat. I mean it happens in real life without us suspecting.

    I presume that when we lure cows in or perhaps we could get hire some npc humans to help out on the farm.....

  • Pehaps when animal AI is reworked, we will find them in herds too.

    Thinking of it, most of animals I have direct experience of -- humans included -- go in herds, flocks, gaggles, schools, or whatever. Almost only apical predators go in small family groups

    I hope to see scarcity of animals and fruits and veggies

    Indeed, right now they occur too often. I think that less frequent animals make more sense once there is the possibility to domesticate and breed them, or there is the risk to spend too much time in hunting at the expenses of other tasks. It is true that collecting & hunting populations spend a lot of time in these tasks, but
    1) in these populations, however small, still there are more persons than in a single player game or in the average RW server, allowing for some 'multitasking';
    2) at least here in the Mediterranean area, we overcome this collect/hunt stage several thousands of years ago; I hope RW will not be stuck into a pre-historic simulation.

    I still have to find a domestication process which makes sense without being too frustrating; I hope the dev team will come with some great idea for this.

  • i love thee idea of dog used for domestication of herds

    and ii think th game should be organized in "tiers of evolution"

    so at first you hunt and collect fruit, then you farm and grow herds

    then maybe, you can mechanize something (a food distribution for cattle, for example).
    so from this time you have to manage your system of surviving, farming better and better (irrigation, manure, pesticide maybe), heerding cattle in a easier way (as i said with a machine that gives them food)

    but you have to be careful: problems happens. as i said before...lack of water (for farm and cattle), disease (not only for some lack, maybe also when you bring a new animal infected referred to cattle, plant disease)

    then food spoilage. i think it's funny (yes, i'm a naturalistic nerd, you got it :-D) to process food, before with simple tool and with your hand, then with machines; it's nice to have ham hanged in your basement, or jam, or simply dryed food...

    and i repeat...in winter no fruits, no plant, and cattle less productive (don't know if realistic)..so you must collect food in spring summer, then you have to hunt and use your reserve

    last thing: i saw you can craft bulbs....did you think to add electricity? maybe with solar panel or generated by water fall.

    i really love this game, thanks to the developers!

  • I understand you have all the fora to browse and this takes time; several of your last points have already been raised (electricity and photovoltaic panels among other), in particular, the "civilisation evolution" or "progress" concept has been discussed at length (perhaps at too much length!).

    This concept has many supporters and it has for sure its positive aspects, but I have already discussed elsewhere why I believe it would be difficult to implement in a sensible manner (in all the other games with a similar concept, it ultimately fall into the category I call of "magic in disguise") and why it would also have drawbacks. In a very short summary:

    1) One of the greater forces behind civilisation 'progress' is not technology advance or scientific discoveries -- which still have their places --, but population growth. It is mostly the population growth which allows for diversified jobs and skills and for the increase of quality and quantity levels of object production. And this is very difficult to simulate in a sensible way in a single-player or limited-multi-player context (i.e. without recurring to magic in disguise).

    2) RW is centred on a multi-world paradigm: you create a world and play with it; then you create another to try something different and so on And/or you join a server and then another, because a friend plays there or for whatever reason and so on. How many times are you ready to repeat always the same civilisation steps from Stone Age to Post-Modernity before it would become utterly boring?

    That said, YEAH! I really love this game too and I am very grateful to the developers!

  • you said a good point, that ii forgot.

    yes, it's cool if every world has it's own peculiarity...what does it means this?

    maybe kind of animals-plants (it's not aestethic, different kind of plant gives you different way of survive), more energy possibility (yes, usually i like "oldish" games, with log and stone, but RW with electricity it's cool for me) like waterfall or more sun, different threats as the hypotermia or hypertermia (that i'm suffering now at 35° C)

    so the civilisation steps coul be not always the same...

    re-sorry for have not read all the forum, but i'm working hard...specially for my standards, and thank to whom gives me news on the game

  • Miwarre brings up the point about having to start over with building. The issue is that at present, player info is build into the world. So if you want to server hop or start a new local game, you have to start over but at present, you start over with the a few iron tools so its pretty easy to get set up quickly. When character customization comes out then it might be smart to separate the player from the world. It is going to become especially important to do that if we get a skill system and have to unlock recipes or start out with only stones and sticks to build with.

    For now it doesn't matter much because the player is nothing more than a storage container and we already start with good tools from the get go but I can see it becoming a problem later on.

  • Miwarre brings up the point about having to start over with building. The issue is that at present, player info is build into the world. So if you want to server hop or start a new local game, you have to start over but at present, you start over with the a few iron tools so its pretty easy to get set up quickly. When character customization comes out then it might be smart to separate the player from the world. It is going to become especially important to do that if we get a skill system and have to unlock recipes or start out with only stones and sticks to build with.

    For now it doesn't matter much because the player is nothing more than a storage container and we already start with good tools from the get go but I can see it becoming a problem later on.

    Hear, hear! I totally agree and in fact I raised the opportunity of some kind of character persistence across world sometime ago. Sure, right now it doesn't matter so much, but it will once several of the features hinted at here and there will be implemented.

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