Question for Texturingsystem

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  • Okay, i was looking the game structure and found some entries in the configurationfile, which indicated that it is planned to support specular and normal mapping. For me as a amateur texture modder it is very interesting, if its planned for the game or if it's a legay entry from engine or so. I think that would be an awesome addition to the games atmossphere.

    Another connected aspect to this point, is the actual texturing system. I understand the 256x texturesize which lays over 4 blocks so it simulates some random texturing. Is this fix or will it be changed?

  • Just my thoughts, ok?
    I played (note past tense) another MC-like game. They had a contest for texture packs and 16 were picked to be included with the game.
    They were horrid. None of them made the game look any better or improved it in any way.

    Personally, the game looks amazing and I seriously doubt anybody could make it look better.

  • It is okay if you like the look and feel of the game as it is, but like said may some people have fun to make some textures. And maybe some people who play the game wishs some additional textures. It is not such an advanced task to implement such a optional possibility to provide this.

  • Just my thoughts, ok?
    I played (note past tense) another MC-like game. They had a contest for texture packs and 16 were picked to be included with the game.
    They were horrid. None of them made the game look any better or improved it in any way.

    Personally, the game looks amazing and I seriously doubt anybody could make it look better.

    Not necessarily a case of making it look better - more changing the look so you're not seeing the same visual design all the time. :)

  • Okay i found some normal maps in a folder for a texture i think which is not in use so i think it will come to the game.

    Indeed, we have plans to add normalmapping as well as parallax mapping. But it currently has a low priority ;)

    Another connected aspect to this point, is the actual texturing system. I understand the 256x texturesize which lays over 4 blocks so it simulates some random texturing. Is this fix or will it be changed?

    Currently it is a fixed size, but we will change it depending on the textures: Some textures better fit when they lay over 1 block only. Perhaps we move that to a separate configuration file, so that it can be changed by texturepacks.

    And texturepacks are already supported, I've written a short tutorial about it: How to create texturepacks

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