So I was chatting the other day with Arcticu about my thoughts of BladeRunner flying cars as taxi services and I got an even better idea just now. What about flying pigs?
So I'd like to request that the Player.moveTo method be implemented into NPC as well. Also a way to assign a rider to the NPC ( NPC.setRider(Player player). The idea of spawning a rideable flying pig as part of my taxi service that I'm working on would pay homeage to the older bugs of Rising World and all the fun and jokes we all made about them. When the Animal AI is fixed then we won't have flying pigs anymore.
If something like Npc.setRider(Player) is not ready yet then atleast att Npc.moveTo and I can translate both player and npc at the same time
Ohh... Player.setRider(Player) and Player.setRider(Npc) are also good ideas as with many online environments such as SecondLife, you can carry someone on your back.