GPS Plug-in for world navigation and self-locating

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  • @Deirdre, @lenko, @Ranaarvalis: I tried to follow the above discussion about allowTpToWp, but I could not understand if anyone was complaining about some problem or not. If someone is facing some problem, would it be possible to have a summary in English? Thanks,

    About the error occurring with reploadplugins, as described in the plug-in description at the start of the thread, it is harmless (reloadplugins is not intended to be used in production anyway).

  • The problem was quite simple. In your stands for the on and off the waypoints still both times the "0" and not as in your description the "1" and "0". That was all.

    Oh, I see; thank you for clarifying.

    Well, in the comments within the, the allowTpToWp item is described as "0 = not, !0 = yes" where "!0" means any (integer) number other than 0, according to a notation which someone already criticised as too specialistic.

    I'll correct it in the next release (IF any); for the moment being, I apologise for the obscurity and I hope the description in the first post will make things clearer, also considering that this plug-in seems to me more documented than most other scripts / plug-in so far...

  • Hi i may be blind as a bat but is there any way of changing the X position of the GPS to say just above your health bar? i tried to add a line into the but I guess thats the wrong way to go about it as nothing happened.

    "just above your health bar" looks like you are trying to move the Y position, not the X. To change the Y position, there is a "gpsYPos" setting in the file.

    If you really want to change the X (horizontal) position, well, this is not possible right now: horizontally, the GPS display is always centred on the screen.

    There is an added complexity which stopped me (at least so far) to implement a precise position of the GPS display.

    The screen H and W resolution (or the window H and W sizes, in windowed mode) of the player client may be different from player to player and in general a position which looks fine with one resolution may end up in a bad spot with another resolution.

    As far as I know, a plug-in has no way to know the actual display sizes of a given player client.

    Also, I don't know (and probably the dev team is not going to document it, as it may easily change in the future) how RW manages the different display sizes: is a certain GUI item (say, the health bar) positioned always at the same X and Y absolute pixel offset form the lower left corner? Or it is scaled by the resolution?

    This is why I tried to place the GPS display in a usually empty, not obtrusive, spot.

  • After 2 weeks not being in singleplayer my waypoints and homepoint are cancelled. I haven't changed
    The coordinates between F3 and GPS are different.
    F3 are with minus coordinates and GPS plugin without minus.
    This means different destinations.

  • After 2 weeks not being in singleplayer my waypoints and homepoint are cancelled. I haven't changed

    Home and way points do not have any "deadline", they do not expire. I believe you did change something, either re-installing the plug-in (this shouldn't affect the points, but one never knows...) or creating a new (single player) world, as points are specific for each world.

    The coordinates between F3 and GPS are different.
    F3 are with minus coordinates and GPS plugin without minus.
    This means different destinations.

    This is explained in the top of the thread. The RW proprietary (F3) format for displaying coordinates (with West-positive longitude, followed by altitude and by North-positive latitude, all unlabelled) is rather non-standard and makes difficult orienting oneself. Also the F3 screen is only for debugging purposes and chances are it will be removed when development advances. So, I would not rely too much on it.

    The GPS uses the most widely used format, all over the world and in most applications: North (positive) / South (negative) latitude, followed by East (positive) / West (negative) longitude and altitude, each properly labelled.

    Nonetheless, I have an update of the GPS which allows to configure the output to match the F3 proprietary format. I will upload it "soon"...

  • Version 1.1.0 uploaded:

    *) Added coordinate display in Rising Wrold own proprietary format (for the joy of @Deirdre! :D )

    *) Improved parsing (and explanatory comments) of file.

    *) Reduced (eliminated?) the error with reloadplugins.

    Download and details in the first post of the thread.

  • Hello there ;D

    can I share the waypoints to anothers players ?

    Not at the moment; of course, anyone is free to go to the same point you "waypointed" and set a way point of his own there, but this is not what you meant, is it?

    Such a function might be added, though. How do you see it working? I mean:

    1) It requires the consent of both parties, the player who shares his info and the player who receives them, so changing his own info. Who starts the action and how the other party gives his consent?

    2) Sharing individual wp or all as a set?

    3) When a wp is shared, where should end up in the receiving player set? At the same place it had in the origin wp set or in the first empty place? What to do if there are no empty places? Same if and when sharing a whole set of wp's.

    4) Home shall not be shared, right? (everyone has his own home, usually)

    If you have ideas for these points, I can start implementing something.

  • to share one wp for all or for a one player or is better the waypoint to set in a group and then to share ?

    Do you suggest adding the concept of group (group of players, I suppose) sharing the same wp's? Not over-simple, but this can be probably done. There are open points, though (but we may discuss them later).

    Still, this does not change most of the practicalities I described above. How do you imagine this sharing to happen from the player point of view?

    (In other words, I am looking for specs as precise as possible, before starting implementing anything).

  • How do you imagine this sharing to happen from the player point of view ?

    The best thing the player can say is whether or not he accepts the waypoint as if you send someone a PN. And this point is then added to its with the waypoint name of the sent one.

    I hope you understand me ;D

    Oh, I have on question too, how I can delete a wp ?



    Edited once, last by Bogus ().

  • A) sharing WPs between specific players (player A shares a WP with Player B)

    The best thing the player can say is whether or not he accepts the waypoint as if you send someone a PN. And this point is then added to its with the waypoint name of the sent one.

    So, the process could be:

    1) Player A press a (new) button on the GPS control panel ("Share WP") which asks for another player (B) to share that WP with.
    2) A message on Player B tells him that there is a new WP he can import from Player A (better as a chat message, as a modal message box would interrupt his playing flow).
    3) Player B opens his GPS panel, goes to one WP slot of his choice, press an "Import" button and the WP from Player A occupies this slot.

    Correct? Makes sense?

    B) A "global pool" of WPs

    In the meantime I had another conversation about creating a general "pool" of WPs available to all players in the server:

    *) to which any player can contribute one of his WPs (or more, one at a time)
    *) from which any player can "fish" WPs (browsing a list) to put in one of his slots.

    Either approach is possible; having both could make thinks complex (for me and for the players), though. Any preference?

    Oh, I have on question too, how I can delete a wp ?

    See here ^^

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