Way to add a Model without REalod plugins or is there a SIMPLE Example on how to do this?

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  • I tried Galveston's Static Model plugin now I would like to add models on my own,

    I would like the model to appear at Startup, without using "RP" in the console, can that be done??? because I use Miwarre's GPS plugin and when I go do "RP" it gives way too many Errors and crashes the server.

  • 1) I don't know about @Galveston01 plug-in, but I assume that at start up (i.e. when the server is restarted) everything should be there, without any need for an additional reloadplugins.

    2) If you are using the last version of GPS, the error it notifies when doing reloadplugins is benign (and as far as I know unavoidable, it also does not occur always, but apparently randomly, depending on the relative timing of the various RW threads, which is unpredictable).

    It never, never, NEVER crashed my server.

    Are you sure you have the last version (1.0.0: check in server log, where GPS tells its version at start up)?

  • yes 1.0.0 I can only reload plugins once then I get all the red errors.

    The chat 'remembers' the previous output; for each reloadplugins from GPS you may get just ONE more error and NO server crash.

    my plugin needs work too, it gives errors when there is a bad command.

    This what errors are for, aren't they? ;)

  • Of course this can be done, but it will be totally senseless for people who only want to use the plugin to show the models, not create own new ones. The plugin will then have to call the scan method all 0.5-1 seconds(which will of course have an impact on the performance). I don't really see the problem at reloading the plugin allways you changed something on the models. Besides, I would like to rework the whole plugin completele in the near future so you won't need the rp command anymore to place models (probably I can add a command to reload all models).

  • I would just like to mention that you always have to be careful about the reloadplugins command. Unloading and reloading classes during runtime is definitely not intended in Java, so there is always a chance that this leads to strange behaviour. Basically this command is mainly there for having an easy way to test plugins without the need to restart the game/server.

  • I would just like to mention that you always have to be careful about the reloadplugins command. Unloading and reloading classes during runtime is definitely not intended in Java, so there is always a chance that this leads to strange behaviour. Basically this command is mainly there for having an easy way to test plugins without the need to restart the game/server.

    Yes, thanks for reminding everybody of this important point.

    This is the reason why I personally didn't bother to fix an issue with one of my plug-ins which shows up only with reloadplugins.

    On the other hands, also the community and the world servers are somewhat 'in alpha', not only the main programme. Then, it may happen that test/debug features like this one are more frequently used than in a future 'regular use'...

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