Server Alert

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  • Hello All,

    An Alert for when someone come on to the Server and of course it should have a timer of sorts, so it does not register the people who log on then off.


  • Sorry it made perfect sense in my mind :D , I will start over. I would like to see someone make an alert to let the Server Owner know when a new person logs on to the server. Sending the Alert to Steam would be the best way. Of course it should have a timer of sorts, so it does not register the people who log on then off.


  • Sorry it made perfect sense in my mind :D , I will start over. I would like to see someone make an alert to let the Server Owner know when a new person logs on to the server. Sending the Alert to Steam would be the best way. Of course it should have a timer of sorts, so it does not register the people who log on then off.

    I see, thanks for the explanation.

    I have no idea of what sending a notification to Steam implies (nor which kinds of notifications can be sent), but Java allows to access the 'outer world' in some ways. So, in principle, might be possible.

    However, once we 'get out' from the current RW server process, a HUGE lot of things can go wrong (the host where the server is running might not allow sending e-mails or other kinds of messages, the recipient might be not ready to accept it, and so on). Therefore, implementing such a feature in a reasonably reliable way looks much more complex than it may seem at first sight.

    I for one, I am not going to attempt it. Anyone brave enough to accept the challenge?

  • i have some ideas on how this could be done but as Miwarre pointed out a lot of things can go wrong and setting this up would in most cases need the server owner to know lots about the process needed to get the plugin working, this would end up been very time consuming for the poor guy who makes the plugin, so unless we can make it seamless its not likely to happen,

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • there is a PlayerConnect event trigggered whenever a player connects to a server. You can then use Player.getLastTimeOnline to determine if the player is on for the first time ir not.

    As far as the Steam API functionality,I would assume its a matter of dropping some steam class files into the plugin jar and save a steam password into a config file. but if steam connectivity requires installing files onto the server like with steamCMD then you are probably out of luck unless you actually own your own server and have root access.

  • i must also point out that the hive can be used to detect when someone joins your server it would be very simple to make a online tool (not a plugin) but a tool that each server owner could join and use, this tool could be used to send out mail to server owners when someone connects and disconnects with time, date, username, info.

    come to think about it this could be turned into a phone app oO

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


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