pockets of fluid underground

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  • First off, I know water is being worked on etc...

    So, imagine when the world is generated, it also generates pockets of fluid underground. Water, oil, natural gas (gas pocket!), lava, and maybe some fantasy element like a cavern with an ooze lake where specific monster lives?

    - source of underground water, and maybe a reason to have pumps in the game so you can get that water to the surface?
    - a way to introduce something like oil and natural gas instead of just a pool on the surface or whatever
    - increased danger while mining
    - interesting building opportunities
    - increased monster ideas

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I hope they do implement something like this, as I liked the effect it had on other games.

    With the depth of the earth being so much larger, it would be nice if you could find sizable pockets of these.

    In addition, if they could a tiers to the underground that vary by biome. They could be denser stone, and different features.
    One of the tiers between the bottom and surface could be an aquifer so you have to deal with the real challenge of tunnel flooding if you do not pump or seal your tunnels in that tier.
    Another one could have caverns with crystals and stalagmites/stalactites.

  • The addition of crystals would be great! :) There should definitely be different kinds of crystals and the more common ones would be found near the surface. The rare crystals that are more perfect in structure would be found deep underground and would be difficult to obtain. What would be some uses for crystals in Rising World?? :?::?:

    Would you need them in a fantasy setting where they could be added to a staff that is then imbued with power?

  • Some form of usable crystals would be great too. Crystal caverns are good places to find certain monsters, so there is some serious risk involved in getting specific types of crystal. They should also be embedded in the stone, found while mining.

    Crystal swords or spear heads would be great. Crystal armor? Not so much for me..

    Maybe they could be used to focus a laser or something like that?

    Maybe they can be charged with some form of energy then used as a fuel cell for a futuristic vehicle?

    And yeah, maybe they can be used to amplify magic, or contain souls...

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Piggybacking off of this topic, I also think it would be interesting if the devs were to include some sort of easter-egg or extremely rare/valuable commodity at absolutely ludicrous depths below the surface.

    Anyone who has ever played Motherload in their lifetime knows exactly what I'm talking about.

    It would absolutely add another layer of depth (pun intended) to the game and extend it's play-value when combined with the fact that these resources could be necessary for more advanced construction and crafting.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • Have you gone really deep underground to see what is down there? If not, you should.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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