well, if you make a dlc "survivalist" i'll surely buy it
i want to play to this game, but without threats i'm waiting...
this is a provocation
why would you ask for a dlc in a game still in pre-alpha?
These features could be part of the full game when it gets officially released.
Eitherway the devs have said that when the game reaches version 1.0.0 (i.e. Beta phase) survival will be a viable playstyle. At the moment this is a creative building game not a survival game.
i try to speed up
dlc wouldn't be good, especially for a game like this. like, what WOULD dlc add? plus, I've seen plenty of games get ruined by greedy devs pumping out dlc, making you buy it to get the remaining 95% of the game. I don't want that to happen with rising world!
Nah... I doubt if JIW Games will pull an ARK on us. If anything, the price will be increased after version 1.0 (when the game becomes released or just non alpha). The game will still be developed as there is quite a long list of community suggestions yet to be implemented.
The modding API will be more robust by then so maybe we will see more user written plugins. I would love to see Rising World become a modders choice, much like what happened to minecraft. I doubt DLC will ever be a thing here.
i fear that this game stick focusing on building.....
so i'd like to have dlc, mods or whatever to ahve a real "survival" mode -
when mods become a thing for this game we will have more options that is for sure
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