Changelog 2014-12-27: Tree replanting, field of view, offline mode

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Another update is available! It introduces the tree replanting feature (still work in progress, needs finetuning), as well as an ingame setting to adjust the field of view (FOV).

    This update also brings a gift object, which you can interact with ;)

    Apart from that, the game now also works when Steam is in offline mode.

    *Note for serverowners: You need to update the servers as well, download the latest version from our homepage*


    • [New] Option to adjust fov ingame
    • [New] Tree replanting, when chopping trees, they drop some saplings randomly. These can be replanted (work in progress!)
    • [New] Ability to start dedicated server with launch parameters for max players and port (which override the setting in the config)
    • [New] Gift object, serves as a simple chest ;)
    • [Change] Changed default fov to 60
    • [Bugfix] Grass now gets also removed when placing multiple blocks in a line
    • [Bugfix] Multiplayer setting to enable/disable pvp does work now

    Bugfix 2014-12-27:

    • [New] Multiplayer: Serverowners now have the ability to ban players
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong selected language

  • changelog in englisch? spiel nach dem update in englisch? :S

    deutsches studio! ^^

    ist es nicht richtig das deutsch zuerst kommt und dann englisch!? 8)

    wäre schön wenn das in zukunft anders ist...

  • each player is equal to any question
    I feel personally just about the language and I also can expect a german studio also is german !
    and the game, chanelog .... is also available in german and not "just" in english @


  • Thanks for the feedback! ;)

    ist es nicht richtig das deutsch zuerst kommt und dann englisch!?

    Nein, denn Englisch ist immerhin die Sprache, die die Mehrheit der Spieler versteht ;) Aber dass das Spiel plötzlich auf Englisch ist ist ein Bug, wir beheben das so schnell wie möglich!

    Hey red51, you guys left your names in the default file as admins.

    Oh, thanks for letting us know :D We will fix that as soon as possible (we should really stop using the release build for testing purposes xD)

    I guess trees do not frow from sapplings yet?

    They should regrow :) It happens in two steps, first the sapling becomes a small tree, and this small tree then becomes a fully grown tree. This process takes around 1 hour, maybe we should reduce the time?

  • I guess trees do not frow from sapplings yet?

    They should regrow :) It happens in two steps, first the sapling becomes a small tree, and this small tree then becomes a fully grown tree. This process takes around 1 hour, maybe we should reduce the time?[/quote]

    Oh, ok. Didn't wait so long, yet. I asked because you said that the work is still in progress. Guess 1 hour is fine though.

  • Reporting my findings with saplings. I chopped 5 trees before any saplings dropped, first time 2 dropped, next tree provided another 2 saplings. So out of 7 trees I chopped I got 4 saplings. Of course I could have missed saplings in the tall grass haha. I suppose I should have cleared all grass around each tree before chopping. If these numbers are accurate, then they work for me. Just don't want to have more saplings then trees chopped.

    Instead of the saplings spawning when the tree is chopped into log pieces, they could be growing at the base of the tree, attached to the stump. Then you have the realism, the option to go gathering saplings without chopping trees, or you can chop trees but leave the stumps with the samplings there for later. To get a sapling just pick it like a flower, or maybe use an axe or knife on it.

    Or you can go crazy and create seeds for each tree type and we have to plant them and for better odds put them in pots and take care of them etc... haha!

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Reporting my findings with saplings. I chopped 5 trees before any saplings dropped, first time 2 dropped, next tree provided another 2 saplings. So out of 7 trees I chopped I got 4 saplings. Of course I could have missed saplings in the tall grass haha. I suppose I should have cleared all grass around each tree before chopping. If these numbers are accurate, then they work for me. Just don't want to have more saplings then trees chopped.

    Instead of the saplings spawning when the tree is chopped into log pieces, they could be growing at the base of the tree, attached to the stump. Then you have the realism, the option to go gathering saplings without chopping trees, or you can chop trees but leave the stumps with the samplings there for later. To get a sapling just pick it like a flower, or maybe use an axe or knife on it.

    I would like more sapplings than trees, because otherwise I'm afraid that you would run out of trees in an area.
    But I really like the idea of sapplings growing near the stump!

  • The number of saplings you get is really random, between 0 and 2 sapling per tree. If we should change the counts (or regrow times), we are all ears ;)

    This approach (saplings spawning when tree is chopped into pieces) was easier than letting them automatically regrow at the stump. Perhaps we change that in the future, but for the beginning, we will stick to that :)

  • I would like more sapplings than trees, because otherwise I'm afraid that you would run out of trees in an area.
    But I really like the idea of sapplings growing near the stump!

    I just think that will create a challenge, you have to manage your forest.. not just chop everything down and have loads of saplings to replant everything and have extra. If there are more saplings, maybe they have another use? Use them like kindling to start fires? Chop the little branches off with a knife so you have a little spear and roast stuff over the fire with it?

    Just don't want a chest full of saplings. Too easy.

    @red, Any suggestion I make isn't a demand for some change to occur now! haha Just a suggestion. :D

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • The number of saplings you get is really random, between 0 and 2 sapling per tree. If we should change the counts (or regrow times), we are all ears ;)

    This approach (saplings spawning when tree is chopped into pieces) was easier than letting them automatically regrow at the stump. Perhaps we change that in the future, but for the beginning, we will stick to that :)

    I found that I was only getting about one sapling per two trees, but I may have been unlucky.
    However, I also noticed that if I chop down a tree on a slope, part of it may come to rest sticking "into" the ground. I'm fairly sure I lost some saplings this way, as they generate under the ground and fall out of the world. (Stumps growing in steep slopes also often drop their log out of the world like this when cut, I find.)

    I also find it a bit difficult to locate the saplings in the tall grass because they lay flat. Perhaps if they were 'round'/stuck out more at this point they would be easier to find?

    I think the saplings and later stages of development look great. Thanks!

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