Realistic Tree Cutting

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  • Inspired by the Direction Trees Fall thread:

    Talking to/listening to/reading about other people in the game, I see that tree felling is a common issue with a lot of folks, including myself. I recently spent time designing and testing various tree farm layouts that would make harvesting wood more efficient. They pretty much all failed in one way or the other. And now it dawns on me -- in real life trees don't fall in a random direction when felled by an experienced woodcutter. The good ones can practically thread a needle with their accuracy.

    I've actually felled a couple dozen good-sized trees in my lifetime. The basic principles are straightforward enough that I had reasonable accuracy most of the time. Rising World is now bringing back those memories, except those principles aren't implemented in the game. Yet. :rolleyes:

    At the very least I'd think trees should fall in the general direction of the side you are chopping on, or maybe within a few degrees thereof. The animations and attention to gravity as the tree falls are already amazing. We just need some bit of control over the initial lean when it starts to go.

    If it's possible to have the wedge-cut become visible as you chop, even better. Gives you a visual aid to your aim. Not an absolute requirement, but it would add a whole new dimension to the task.

  • Thanks for bumping this up.

    I agree more control needs to be given to trees, similar to how they behave in '7 Days to Die' and 'Medieval Engineers'. I prefer the way trees fall in Medieval Engineers because of how you can control the fall to one side that I hope Red51 inspires from that to redo the tree mechanic in this game for that. I could then always point my trees inward in tree farms.

  • In place of my friend, Nas' (Nighthawk), I'm going to +1 this thread for him because he's not the type to really go here. He's more of a Steam user that I'll echo his thoughts in his place

    Nas goes +1 for this thread. :thumbup:


    Well, I do hope we can gain finer control with tree felling/cutting that you can aim them, as in Medieval Engineers, so they can stay in a desired area without losing them. It's being said time and again that I do hope something is being looked into when tree cutting.... I mean, look at the frustration I have to deal with as I cut trees at my Kelna tree farm by having to jump fencing to get to the split logs & saplings......

    I have to say Medieval Engineers has the best tree system going on. Maybe even mining..... Rising World does everything else the best, yet Red51 needs to truly look into Medieval Engineers.

  • In place of my friend, Nas' (Nighthawk), I'm going to +1 this thread for him because he's not the type to really go here. He's more of a Steam user that I'll echo his thoughts in his place

    Go check through your huge list of followers... I think you will find that Nas is actually a forumer!

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • *facepalms*....

    Alright, then he is but he did have the same complaint as we're all having.


    Nascar241993-Yesterday at 1:02 PM

    Red needs to make it to where trees don't have a random fall direction
    it should fall towards where the player chopped it from
    Or fall towards the player, basically

    Seeing as how he's "shy" I'll post for him then :rolleyes: Seeing as how this is already awkward, and such.

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