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Blueprint Texture Editor version 0.2
- English / German
- Minotorious
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
Für die Konsole in Rising World muss man auch die englischen Bezeichnungen verwenden.
Viele Begriffe aus dem Englischen sind mittlerweile verdeutscht worden, ohne dasss wir uns noch darüber Gedanken machen.
Ich mag den Editor so wie er ist. -
Das geht nicht @lenko mein editor ist kein plugin und nutzt nur normaller Java nicht das RW API. Ich hab es von 0 abgebaut
ich hab ja mit programmieren kaum Ahnung. War nur ein Gedanke
the texture editor is acting funky. I tried to use it 1 time and it worked just fine but then I tried it again and it won't change the texture. something is strainge here.
You need to press the Next or Previous buttons to internally save the new texture number before saving the new blueprint
Even if the blueprint has only 1 texture
Quick update to everyone using this tool, I am quite confident that all blueprints created after this last update (introducing terrain blueprinting) will not work with my editor. I will look into the issue starting April/May as I have no time atm to deal with it.
Quick update to everyone using this tool, I am quite confident that all blueprints created after this last update (introducing terrain blueprinting) will not work with my editor. I will look into the issue starting April/May as I have no time atm to deal with it.
@red51 Is it possible to use an older RW version for copying parts to use the editor, until update? The editc version is too costly.
@red51 Is it possible to use an older RW version for copying parts to use the editor, until update? The editc version is too costly.
In the Game's Steam properties, go to the Betas tab and you can revert your client to a former version. But note you will most likely not be able to join worlds that have been updated to the latest version and definitely not servers which have updated.
@red51 When you have the time could you please pm me the new blueprint file format to have so I can work on the editor again in a month or two?
@Minotorious Thanks, that's what I thought.
At the moment I'm not able to repaint something new, as you told above. I tried 4 older versions of Rising World, and set my blueprint and recopied it again, but
blueprint editor regognizes no available parts to repaint. This is possible for the new ones only.
Is there a chance to repaint a new blueprint with a former Rising World version? If yes, which one is the choosen one?Btw the downgrading to a former version takes some time.
Gibt es eine neue Version? Die alte ist bei mir nicht mehr funktionsfähig und ich nutze den Blueprint Editor sehr oft.
war mir letztens auch aufgefallen. Denke aber nicht das da jetzt noch was neues raus kommt.
I am new working with plugins and I am very interested on editing textures as you explained; I downloaded it but, what are the next steps to make it work?
1-Where to save it?
2-How to open it?Thank you
I am new working with plugins and I am very interested on editing textures as you explained; I downloaded it but, what are the next steps to make it work?
1-Where to save it?
2-How to open it?Thank you
Open it with Java. Saving by going to next step. Be aware that editor only works with old blueprints, I think 2018 +/-.
Open it with Java. Saving by going to next step. Be aware that editor only works with old blueprints, I think 2018 +/-.
Thank you!
I will figure it out!
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