[Plugin] UserObjectLoader

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  • your .model file is correct, this objects are away to big - you need to scale down 0.001 - 0.002,

    (couch: verts:88.000 faces:88.000 Tris: 177.000 - thats as much or more than your whole Wollaton Hall )

    Ah. So much for complex furniture, huh? Oh well. Maybe someday. The flat square couch is just not very appropriate to my build. Too bad. I guess I can try building them in game. (Laughs)

  • @MommaT i just try to rework the couch and bring it down to lowpoly so we can use it :)

    and to save the object:
    p to bring it in position and p again to save it

    btw the picture you try to use is not the right one, it just shows what you are downloading - this objects did not come with a texture you just get the different texture.png which are used in this objects.

  • Dagoline,

    You have been so helpful. I did try to scale the chair as you suggested to .002. The chair now places, but the center point is now way off. Since I didn't create the object I don't know how to fix that. I also see that the jpg I chose for the texture covers the whole chair. If there is more than one texture to be applied I don't know how I would do it. I have put a video here that shows how this is very odd when trying to place the object.

    And I have linked to my object files so that you can download them if you want.

    But the bigger problem now is HOW DO I DELETE the chair from my world???? I fist placed it in my practice world, but then I decided to try in my real build. Mistake! How can I remove the chair???

    I should probably leave this fancy object placing to the big boys.

    link to a video of chair placement
    Chair Files

    Can you help me remove the chair?

    Also this is what is in the .mtl file: (I wonder what it does?)
    # 3ds Max Wavefront OBJ Exporter v0.97b - (c)2007 guruware
    # File Created: 22.09.2014 10:18:17

    newmtl wire_153185228
    Ns 32
    d 1
    Tr 0
    Tf 1 1 1
    illum 2
    Ka 0.6000 0.7255 0.8941
    Kd 0.6000 0.7255 0.8941
    Ks 0.3500 0.3500 0.3500

    newmtl wire_223086086
    Ns 32
    d 1
    Tr 0
    Tf 1 1 1
    illum 2
    Ka 0.8745 0.3373 0.3373
    Kd 0.8745 0.3373 0.3373
    Ks 0.3500 0.3500 0.3500

  • that wasn´t a good idea to place this objects ..

    i will try to explain - scaling this object makes the object smaller but it didn´t reduce the elements that has to be rendered. this couch is not for use in games.
    the mtl file contains information that's not necessary for RW, you can ignore it.

    i have finished the couch and the chair, now i´m working on a table (couch without a table ...) and tablecloth and .. will see. you can test it tomorrow :) - but use a testworld, this plugin is still in works and we have to be patient until its finished and safe to use.

    i have no idea how to delete them, but i am sure @'Kryssi_79 can help you.

  • the object position is saved in a file (probably in the plugin directory, probably a .db file) if you open it you can manually delete the entries and the object will be gone :)

  • @Kryssi_79 I saw your code (decompiled the jar to look inside) and I noticed you are using the world database to save your objects. Even though you are creating a new table in it that is a huge no no for a number of reasons:
    1) you never know if the developers will add a table with the same name you are using in the future thus causing errors for the world
    2) you may accidentally alter something else in the world database thus rendering the specific world corrupt (I trust you know how to code well enough but you never know with these things, at some point an accidental "feature" could be introduced)

    I would recommend creating your own database to hold the model information :)

  • @red51, @Kryssi_79

    ich weiß nicht ob es euch weiterhilft, aber dieser schwerwiegende fehler tritt nur auf wenn mit dem geladenen object etwas nicht in ordung ist, was bei gefühlten 80% der heruntergeladenen Objekte der fall ist.
    fehlende faces, doppelte faces, vielecke, herumschwirrende vergessene vertics usw.

    verwende ich nur meine eigenen objekte kann ich rp wiederholen bis ich alt und grau bin.

    vielleicht könnte man da eine abfrage einbauen die vorweg die objekte checkt und so das setzen solcher objekte verhindert. Da es so einfach ist objekte ins spiel zu bringen auch wenn man keine ahnung von 3d objekten hat wird es da immer probleme geben.

    Windows 8.1 (x64) 6.3 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 -H:5120 -D:3072 (Steam)
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz, B85M-D3H, 12166 MB (5333 MB Heap)
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 20170316000000.000000-000
    Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 20140129000000.000000-000
    Error occurred during application-update (25)

  • the object position is saved in a file (probably in the plugin directory, probably a .db file) if you open it you can manually delete the entries and the object will be gone :)

    Scary. My world db has these lines:
    ;;G]Volpi Matilde Chair.objVolpi Matilde Chair.jpg-6280.224 62.77908 -2614.58457.642742E-15 8.742278E-8 8.742278E-8 1.0?`bM“Ò©¸
    ;;IEVolpi Matilde Chair.objVolpi Matilde Chair.jpg-6261.3296 70.07163 -2566.52050.0 0.38268346 0.0 0.9238795?`bM“Ò©¸

    I guess I could make a back up copy of the world db then remove the lines with the Chair and try that file as the world... Scares the crap out of me though. :/
    What if I just remove the plugin and the items?
    Either way I guess I should back up my World db.

  • as @dagoline said...it should be a simple deletion of 1-2 lines but make sure you have a backup just in case something goes wrong :)

    btw you can also do it online on https://sqliteonline.com/

  • Well. I tried removing the line with the Chair reference from the db of my PRACTICE world. The game then doesn't even see that world in the open world menu—i guess I broke the db(copy).
    EDIT: Yes, I just opened in a text editor and deleted the line from the practice world with the line like this:
    ;;G]Volpi Matilde Chair.objVolpi Matilde Chair.jpg-6280.224 62.77908 -2614.58457.642742E-15 8.742278E-8 8.742278E-8 1.0?`bM“Ò©¸

    So I guess you'd have to be a programmer to know how to edit the db. clearly I should stay away!

    However, I just removed the chair's files from the ObjectLoader plugin asset file, and my world (both of them) open fine and the chair is gone. Whew!

    If I insert any more objects it will just be in my practice world. Lesson learned!

    Dagoline—the couch and chair look great, though! :thumbsup:

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