[Plugin] Animal Breed Master - Viehzuchtmeister V0.81.1

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • could you look at the naming process of the animals. It is getting harder and harder to name them. It doesn't want to put the naming box up and when it does it doesn't want to save the name. have done the relog dance and everything. Please look into this I am not the only 1 having problems on my server. Thanks.

  • This was an early problem in the animal breeding naming process.
    A player told us that he had found that if you make sure you have paper in your inventory, then reboot. As soon as you come back into the game, name the animal. It worked then.
    You may even be able to name two or more. But, if the menu hangs up again, reboot again and rinse and repeat till animals renamed.
    Note: one server was crashed everytime someone named an animal, so use caution.

  • yes I know greysilk have been doing that but it seems to be getting worse is all and maby he can find a solution is all I was asking. I did say I have been doing the relog dance.

    Ok here is an idea. since the rwgui is acting up and it seems the only thing is the naming that is using the rwgui in the plugin, how about untethering the plugin from rwgui and we f the animals to target them and enter a chat command like /abm rename (name) and cut the rwgui out completely?

    I know rwgui is a nice feature but the owner and coder of that plugin is MIA with no expectation of return so it is time to move on.

    another idea, we could use the animals unique number to identify them in a chat command and use the name it was changed to to identify them for the future like /abm rename (animalid/presantname) name.

  • Sounds good to me Shark, but you are talking over my paygrade.
    I don't know enough to know how to program plug in commands. I usually follow your posts simply because you have intelligent comments.
    I can bug hunt, and report them and workarounds, maybe suggest fixes, but not the knowledge to do it myself. I just ask lots of questions. :)

  • Sounds good to me Shark, but you are talking over my paygrade.
    I don't know enough to know how to program plug in commands. I usually follow your posts simply because you have intelligent comments.
    I can bug hunt, and report them and workarounds, maybe suggest fixes, but not the knowledge to do it myself. I just ask lots of questions. :)

    understandable, I was just trying to get something fixed that has been broken for a while. I am sorta getting tired of hearing about it from my newer players and such. Just thought I would make a few suggestions. I don't wright code myself but am learning stuff and do understand the process.

  • Hi!

    I'm thinking about completely removing the renaming feature!
    At least as long as the gui-api is in such an early state. The annoyances outweigh the benefits.

    The trouble is that AnimalBreedMaster uses event-driven GUI instead of - as usual in other plugins - command-driven per chat command.

    On the one hand, this plugin is fortunately completely independent of third-party plugins, but on the other hand it still interferes with other (maybe outdated) plugins.
    I can not and do not want to compensate for this!

    And a renaming by chat is no longer intuitive for me and inhibits the flow of the game.

    I hope you understand my concerns and support my decision, no matter how I decide!

  • why not have a static gui appearing at a set position e.g. in the middle of the player's screen instead of the current above the animal box?

  • well I can live with that too. I am just trying to spot and reduce problem spots so as to make game play smoother for my people. I love the plugin. It is a very important part of my server and am just attempting to help. Thanks for your response. And minotorious does have a good idea there :)

  • another question is can we breed them >:)
    and will a yellow person and a blue person turn out a green person?

    I certainly hope we dont get into the XY YY chromosome thing from High School Biology. They go to sleep and run away if you shoot at them. Maybe they can be made aggressive like a Bear too and then we will have attained Zombies. <X

  • Well naming them works. I just had to log on again on my server. So that is cool. Maybe there will be a script that allows you to set up dialogue with them so you can tell players to go see Anchilles for a key to the dungeon. :thumbup:

  • New Version: V0.51.0:

    • command for recalling animals home:
      /abm warphome all (recalls all animals home)
      /abm warphome ID (recalls one animal home - use /abm list to find out the ID)
    • admin only command for recalling all tamed animals from all players home at once:
      /abm warpallhome
    • improved output of animal listing
    • the animal watcher now sends an animal home regardless if the owning player is online or not
    • fixed a null pointer exception when a player disconnects

    Neue Version: V0.51.0:

    • Kommando zum Zurückrufen der Tiere:
      /abm warphome all (all deine Tiere zurückrufen)
      /abm warphome ID (ein bestimmtes Tier zurückrufen - benutze /abm list, um die ID herauszufinden)
    • Kommando nur für Admins: alle Tiere von allen Spielern gleichzeitig zurückrufen:
      /abm warpallhome
    • Ausgabe der Tierliste verbessert
    • zu weit entfernte Tiere werden nun auch nach Hause geschickt, wenn der Besitzer offline ist
    • Fehler behoben: null pointer exception wenn ein Spieler einen Server verlässt

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