Socket Error

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  • I noticed this thread that we both have the same/similar issues. What's the difference between mine & this person's issue?

    Player Can't connect due to Java Socket Exception

    Then I stumbled across this also hmm :…ons/0/152390014782059603/

    I'm going through my window settings to see what may or may not have changed.


    I have to wonder if it's Hamachi related because I had to get rid of that, yet certain it worked without it when I uninstalled that.... From my guess now it seems to be something that Red51 is all to familiar with, yet seems to be a bit on the 'down low' with it being 'cable' or DSL related. I assume I have DSL from what my thing noted. I'd love to know what causes the sudden reset that it needs to be toggled back. I went through my settings seeing that nothing has been changed. It was left as is that I'll try to gradually go through various tips and suggestions, yet won't go the VPN route. It has to stay 'natural'.


    Edit #2:

    Well, I added another edit because I thought changing the 'NAT' TCP/UDP would do it. I guess that's more towards lan or IP hosting hmm..... Also added an image, something I should have done ages ago. Didn't want to share it because it had the IP, yet the stats page now shows it. Yeah.... 'Home Internet VDSL Unlimited', yeah.


    Edit #3:

    I did the socket reset & still failed on my end.

  • Well, we did have a lot of rain & storms, yet not sure what's up physically.

    In the middle of a phone call with my ISP that we're narrowing it down that every other server works, yet when I try it on Foxbox, Arcticu Valley, and Artisan it fails. They're under favourites, yet I can ping them outside of the game. There's something with the favourites tab that may be blocking them, or something along those lines. I'll try other servers out. It works on German servers, and even that French Canadian server. GOing to keep trying servers.


    WOrks on Freask R Us server.

    Worked on a (UK) Dragon Soup server, yet booted socket wise instantly upon connection.


    Is there anybody having issues with New York related servers?

    Everything is able to be pinged properly off Rising WOrld, yet the moment I get on I can't connect to Foxbox, Arcticu Valley, nor Artisian. I'm able to connect with everything else, just not those three. Not sure where Foxbox is hosted, and seems like Artisian is hosted in New York with Nitrado.

  • You may try a VPN service and see if you're still unable to connect to particular servers. For example, "Cyberghost" is available for free. It forces your connection to take a different route through the internet (when connecting to a server, website etc. you always pass several "nodes", sometimes your internet connection may take very strange routes), it would be interesting to know if this has an influence on this issue (and maybe it could be a valuable information for the ISP to find out what's going on).

  • Alright, it's fixed. I think the ISP guy failed to mention that I had to manually reboot the modem to apply the new IP. In frustration I decided to just turn it off and on again and it seems to be now allowing me to connect after he applied the new IP a few hours ago.

    That was the most useless, baffling, & frustrating situation I've run through. I guess It was a modem reset, or Nitrado actually fixed their servers in the New York area. Unsure what it is, I'm now going to have fun with this 'plausible' new IP of mine, as well as being able to play again. Let's take advantage of it.

    You can mark this now as solved. Rejoice, for you shall not hear about this again! *knocks on wood*

  • On another note.......... My screen stuttered a bit then this popped out.

    Windows 10 (x64) 10.0 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 -H:4096 -D:3072 (Steam)
    AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor, M5A78L-M LX PLUS, 16366 MB (4242 MB Heap)
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 20170501000000.000000-000
    Error occurred during application-update (25)
    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 624, Size: 623
    at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheckForAdd(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.ArrayList.add(Unknown Source)
    at com.jme3.util.SafeArrayList.add(
    at com.jme3.scene.Node.attachChildAt(
    at com.jme3.scene.Node.attachChild(
    at u.a.a(SourceFile:377)
    at u.a.update(SourceFile:183)
    at commons.JIWApplication.update(SourceFile:326)
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(
    at Source)


    Edit #2:

    I can apparently walk through solid glass that's facing north side. If you walk north you can walk through glass.

  • Alright, it's fixed

    Awesome, I'm happy to hear that :)

    On another note.......... My screen stuttered a bit then this popped out.

    Are you using any plugins? Especially the animal breeding plugin currently triggers a bug in the game, resulting in this error (but it's not the fault of the plugin, it's a bug in the game). This will be fixed with the next update ;)

    I can apparently walk through solid glass that's facing north side. If you walk north you can walk through glass.

    Hmm... that's strange. I wasn't able to reproduce this issue, does it still persist if you reload the world / reconnect to the server?

  • Where's the java temp file? Hope that's for the glass issue.


    After I posted this I realized I should have just Googled that. ignore that stupid question as I was in the middle of building something in RW.


    Edit #3:

    The glass is solved that I simply replaced the glass. Everything seems solved so you might as well also lock it. I guess it simply didn't register some of the glass, or something.

  • Let me guess. Animal Breed Master plugin stuff again? 8o

    Windows 10 (x64) 10.0 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 -H:4096 -D:3072 (Steam)
    AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor, M5A78L-M LX PLUS, 16366 MB (4242 MB Heap)
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 20170501000000.000000-000
    Error occurred during application-update (25)
    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 690, Size: 686
    at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheckForAdd(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.ArrayList.add(Unknown Source)
    at com.jme3.util.SafeArrayList.add(
    at com.jme3.scene.Node.attachChildAt(
    at com.jme3.scene.Node.attachChild(
    at u.a.a(SourceFile:377)
    at u.a.update(SourceFile:183)
    at commons.JIWApplication.update(SourceFile:326)
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(
    at Source)

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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