An Idea for Ores.

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  • I was thinking how cool it would be to have different types of ore spawns for the same mineral type.

    What I mean is that you would find pockets of iron(as an example) in stone, but also be able to find crystal forms of iron growing in caves.
    This could happen if an ore spawn generated partially in a cave.

    I know crystals have already been suggested, I just thought I'd add an idea for some crystals other than the usual gems. (Though those would be awesome too.)


  • Maybe instead of finding raw ore, it also spawns in odd formations as iron. Or copper. Maybe you would need more then a pickaxe to get that kind of stuff out? Use the pickaxe to expose the metal, then harvest it with a rustic, primitive sawzall (could have different types of blades for the different types of metals etc..)? Then you have to melt it down in order to use it again. Just a thought.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Yeah, I was thinking maybe using the sledgehammer to break off the crystals.(they could be placed as decorations or refined?)
    They would refine to a bit more ore than regular ore as they're 'purer'.

  • Maybe instead of finding raw ore, it also spawns in odd formations as iron. Or copper. Maybe you would need more then a pickaxe to get that kind of stuff out? Use the pickaxe to expose the metal, then harvest it with a rustic, primitive sawzall (could have different types of blades for the different types of metals etc..)? Then you have to melt it down in order to use it again. Just a thought.

    I like this idea, but don't you think it will get a little too complex to just go resource-hunting and mine stuff?
    I mean, in Minecraft you've got different kinds of ores, and these ores can all be mined with different types of pickaxes - woodpick to mine stone/coal, stonepick to mine iron, ironpick to mine gold/diamond, and diamondpick to mine everything. It's pretty basic, and everyone gets the idea of having to upgrade your pick to mine higher-tier ores.
    I know this game isn't Minecraft, but I'd much rather see a system like that :)

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  • No wood picks please, the idea has always been completely silly. I preferred the idea of forging and panning for starting metals before you can actually start mining with a real pick. A shovel and a sieve should be the first tools you have to work to find bits of ore to scrape up enough together to make your self a pick. I am not saying it has to be grindy or tedious, just enough so that when you actually have a pick finding a vein and mining that is more lucrative.

  • there needs to be a system for mining ore. why not make it realistic
    example: gold miners use gold panes to get the gold out of dirt and rock.…gal-Cunningham%5B1%5D.jpg

    and diamonds. I don't know if there will be volcanoes in this game but if there going to be this is where they should be…tion-in-earths-mantle.jpg
    and the method for finding them you would use the pickaxe to get the unpure ore and maybe make a system to extract the diamonds.

    Also depending on what you mine (back to the minecraft pickaxe tier system) instead of that do something like a reinforced pickaxe with a steel pick or even a mining drill with carbon fiber tip.

  • No wood picks please, the idea has always been completely silly. I preferred the idea of forging and panning for starting metals before you can actually start mining with a real pick. A shovel and a sieve should be the first tools you have to work to find bits of ore to scrape up enough together to make your self a pick. I am not saying it has to be grindy or tedious, just enough so that when you actually have a pick finding a vein and mining that is more lucrative.

    I like the idea of making a basic sieve from sticks (gathered by hand from bushes?) to then pan river/lake/pond beds (sift sand in deserts?) to find flint to make a basic pick(and ax and shovel) to then be able to mine stone to build a forge.

    In the process of sieving/sifting you would also find iron flakes. Then you would use the forge to create your first iron tools, allowing you to mine low level ores.

    Once you have your first iron pick, you wouldn't need to sieve/sift anymore(unless you die) as you would have access to iron ore.

    Feels like a nice progression for the beginning of the game. :)

  • For the first type of pickaxe etc.. you're forgetting that you can shape certain stone with just your hands and some elbow grease, or maybe an antler. That was my thought for the first tools of this sort (pickaxe, axe, simple knife etc..). Before getting the flint, maybe you have to find an antler out in the world to use as your first tool to break the flint. I found this page, seems like a good reference for such things. I'm not saying we should have everything on that page haha

    In regards to my sawzall idea, that would be advanced tech. Not something you do the first day by no means haha Not sure about the sledgehammer being used to harvest metal shards or crystals. Think of solid iron sticking out of a cave wall, then imagine smashing at it with a sledgehammer. Would take some time I think haha :P

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • ANother Idea for ores

    Like JC596 said it be nice if it were realistic

    I myself would love to see Quartz veins leading to Iron and Gold sort of like in real life, have to think about your mining more. The whole "Clay ball" mineral deposits in SE for instance are a little boring.

  • I didn't really like that part of SE, how ores generated. With the amount of stones and ores that RW has (sure some additions could be made of course), I thought of it being done in layers of sediment like earth. Mountains can be the crust being pushed up, almost vertically in places (bringing some deep ores to the surface but dangerous to get to..). There could even still be one type of simple stone that makes up the majority of the mass. Love the idea that some areas would become seriously difficult to mine through because of what it is made of. Layers, not pockets. Within the layers, pockets of oil deep down and water nearer the surface. Crystals etc...

    And thinking of this gave me an idea that would totally change RW hell (you know.. down there): Earths core, magma under pressure, volcanoes, geothermal power, what is down there currently could still be found close to the core in a seriously dangerous area... anyways. Something like that would just make me shit myself and I wouldn't be able to play so... what's the point? hehe

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • It seemed i couldn't Qoute probably anyway..

    there needs to be a system for mining ore. why not make it realistic example: gold miners use gold panes to get the gold out of dirt and…gal-Cunningham%5B1%5D.jpgand diamonds. I don't know if there will be volcanoes in this game but if there going to be this is where they should…tion-in-earths-mantle.jpgand the method for finding them you would use the pickaxe to get the unpure ore and maybe make a system to extract the diamonds.Also depending on what you mine (back to the minecraft pickaxe tier system) instead of that do something like a reinforced pickaxe with a steel pick or even a mining drill with carbon fiber tip.

    +2 ^^ I like this idea a lot, especially the last in how you need to extract the diamonds from the ore, maybe thought go a little further than that, I would like the idea of not being able to see what's inside a piece of rock so you wouldn't know wether you've hit the jackpot or that you've been mining absolute crap. This is kinda realistic imo.
    Ofcourse in real life you can get samples of the ground you want to mine, but you could do the same thing in here.
    So maybe make the ores spawn in bigger quantities stuck together so when you find something you find more than one. so lets say every 20 rocks you'll find 1 shard of diamond, so you'll have yourself a diamond mine.
    And on the other hand you could also find nothing when the mine is emptied.
    ( shouldn't be spawned in to often ofcourse, maybe make it a rare thing around volcanoes or volcanic active surroundings )

    For the first type of pickaxe etc.. you're forgetting that you can shape certain stone with just your hands and some elbow grease, or maybe an antler. That was my thought for the first tools of this sort (pickaxe, axe, simple knife etc..). Before getting the flint, maybe you have to find an antler out in the world to use as your first tool to break the flint. I found this page, seems like a good reference for such things. I'm not saying we should have everything on that page hahaIn regards to my sawzall idea, that would be advanced tech. Not something you do the first day by no means haha Not sure about the sledgehammer being used to harvest metal shards or crystals. Think of solid iron sticking out of a cave wall, then imagine smashing at it with a sledgehammer. Would take some time I think haha

    Antlers :thumbsup: -1

    I didn't really like that part of SE, how ores generated. With the amount of stones and ores that RW has (sure some additions could be made of course), I thought of it being done in layers of sediment like earth. Mountains can be the crust being pushed up, almost vertically in places (bringing some deep ores to the surface but dangerous to get to..). There could even still be one type of simple stone that makes up the majority of the mass. Love the idea that some areas would become seriously difficult to mine through because of what it is made of. Layers, not pockets. Within the layers, pockets of oil deep down and water nearer the surface. Crystals etc...And thinking of this gave me an idea that would totally change RW hell (you know.. down there): Earths core, magma under pressure, volcanoes, geothermal power, what is down there currently could still be found close to the core in a seriously dangerous area... anyways. Something like that would just make me shit myself and I wouldn't be able to play so... what's the point? hehe

    You go ahead and make this :P It seems that your imo are overthinking this.

  • lol Antlers :thumbsup: but then a -1? Sarcasm I assume?

    I know I went too far with the whole earths core thing. But I don't see why the different types of rock and ores couldn't be generated in layers instead of pockets. I don't intend it to be one layer for each type of stone or ore, there should be multiple. The oil and water pockets I brought up in another thread but thought it fits well with this. I don't see how it doesn't. Crystals were another persons idea (can't remember who) and it would be great in order to have some variety of cave but also more stuff to mine for and use in crafting etc..

    If I could code this stuff for Red, I would. If nothing else works.. could use the old fashioned "quotes". ;)

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Gold: So, recently I listened to the excellent Life of scrooge soundtrack (like very often) and was reminded by the comic of Don Rosa ... and this let me get some ideas for ores gold, lol:
    There, he builds a shaft vertically down, and there is gold in the gravel. He then lets the gravel flow through a sluice, to wash the gold out (Or like this, made out of steel), like JC596 suggested with a pane.
    In his shaft, he also needs to set a fire, to warm the dirt, before he can dig down there. Since the comic is in Klondike, maybe you should only be able to find gold in cold areas with high mountains etc.? Maybe not realistic, but it would make diging for gold more realistic^^ A cable control would fit into the situation with the shaft, as well. You could then get a
    small amount of gold from some rivers there, too, but the bigger chunks you should find when you dig in the gravel.
    Gold could be used to create jewelleries and adornments and may be used for creating coins, that could be used to trade with other players in multiplayer.
    Advantages of this system: Gold could just randomly "spawn" when you sift gravel. There could still be a few bigger nuggets. Maybe there would be some areas where gold is more likely to be found in dirt (like ReZiNsky suggested with the quartz veins). Maybe there could even be a skill system, that you find more gold in gravel with time.
    This way, the system would not have the problem, that you need to basically dig through the whole mountain (because I don't like that you remove so much of it when searching for gold) or run through endless caves like in Minecraft. If you don't like the idea of a skill system, maybe you just would need a lot of resources, mainly wood to make a fire to defrost the gravel or to make new sluices or new sieves (maybe they would worn out very fast).
    I just would like a rather small shaft and somce sluices like Unlce Scrooge and then just have to wash the gold out of the gravel for a long time. Later there could be a automated way to do this. Would not have to be a system that requires modern machines etc. maybe just some kind of wood mechanics that fit well with the sluices.

    That said for gold. Hoever, before there should be a gold diging system or diamonds and all that stuff, I think it is more important first, to get iron into the game.
    So: Iron: According to Wikipedia, the first iron ores where found from meteorits, lel. So maybe ?? :P
    Since there already is a big furnace in game, it should be clear, that iron will be gained from iron ores.
    Again, what I don't really like in Mincraft, is to run around searching for iron. There is a lot spread over the world very close together. But how about makeing it pretty rare and instead it could occur in great masses? Because in real life you also don't dig through the whole area around you.
    Pros and Cons for this:
    + You would not have to digg through a whole mountain to find enough iron (You just had to dig some "exploratory holes")
    + When you find it, the game could give you the ability to build a proper mine and unlike in Mincraft, this then would make sense, since you would not mainly find just stone
    + There could be some advanced techniques to search for ores, modern and some old ones.

    - You would need to spend some time to find any ores at all, but when you found them, you can mine a lot
    - When you need a lot of ore, you would still have to remove a lot of a mountain etc. (but I guess not so much like when you would dig big shafts everywhere and therefore the environment would not look like a "mess")

  • Gold only found in cold biomes, hellz yes! The dirt in cold biomes should be frozen, permafrost! That is why he had to warm up the dirt with a fire, maybe we could do the same to make it easier to dig in cold biomes. Otherwise you just get like half the dirt or something like that (depending on your skill of course) from using a shovel. People would have to struggle to get gold just because it's dang cold there. Water should be frozen in these biomes also which you would have to break in order to get water or to do some fishing.

    So like 5 ideas there which would be great together.

    I would like big chunks of gold to be generated with the world (I want to find big fist sized chunks on a rare occasion), but yeah small flakes of gold could spawn while you sluice gravel. The amount of gold flake you get depends on your sluicing skill (which works like how Quezax described skills, which I love). Then you melt it down to get a gold bar. From there you craft, and maybe are left with parts of a gold bar. I don't think a whole gold bar should be required to craft say.. a ring. Maybe just 1/4 or something like that.

    Off topic a bit, I sure hope that if you remove snow in cold biomes that it comes back somehow, like if you dig a hole or whatever. And snow should totally cover up small holes.

    About digging through a mountain. Well people will strip mine anyways.. it will happen. But I hear ya. The gold flake spawning while you sluice will reduce this, at least near the surface since that is where you find gold. We have to accept that the beautiful world will be destroyed in places. But this is good, it mirrors humans affect on the world...

    I don't think sluicing should be totally automated, like you can walk away from it and come back later to a pile of gold flake. Maybe the sluicing could be mechanized but you still need to dig with a shovel to get the gravel and dump it in the machine, plus maintain the water supply with your pipes and pumps, power which will need fixing etc... Then manually collect the gold flake after. At this point it would be interesting if you needed to have good skill for using machines also, so the sluicing skill combines with this which would increase the amount of gold flake you get which is realistic since the machine will help you get more. (So yes I'm suggesting we have a Use Machines skill which levels...).

    Gold panning progression: Gold panning by hand, simple wooden sluice box (which deteriorates fast), improved metal sluice box(same one Meltron linked but different image, improved durability), first mechanized sluice box (which is just an addition to the metal sluice box but needs piping, pump and electricity), ultimate sluicing machine which one person could use (full unit on wheels which is like a trailer so you need a vehicle to tow it, plus pipes, pump, electricity and a motor, belts, tumbler etc.. not an easy thing to make for sure).

    I know that seems crazy by I think it's doable and it would be freak'n great! I don't know of any game that has anything like this in order to have an economy. It doesn't have to be like little rocks being animated or whatever. Keep it simple and basic in regards to moving parts or whatever. Would be cool if the last one had the tumbler rotate.. other than that it's all about the water flowing!

    I think the ore stuff has been figured out, at least within the community haha. Not sure what the devs want to do in regards to getting ores into the game. Everyone should know by now that I hope for stone types and ores to be in layers, not pockets... haha

    Good stuff on the gold panning though! :D

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Much more natural then minecraft yeah.

    I've been talking about the stone AND ore being in layers because I thought that would be easier to do. But really I would like to find ore veins in and between the stone layers. Like this or this. Could be vertical too. I suppose minecraft kind of does it (for ore anyways, not stone), but it's just too blocky lol.

    Maybe I will work on my own graphic to display this idea from hell to the surface, instead of describing it. ;) Will have to get in game and check how many different types of stone there are haha... then find that post, I think from Quezax, which says how tall the world is.

    I saw this and just had to share it... just because. Love the little arrow pointing which way to go hehe

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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