Changelog 2017-11-30: New playermodels, new items and more!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • The preview pane is actually broken for quite a few objects (i guess everything that's changed essentially). unchanged items like the workbench show up fine but all resources and tools, the preview is broken.

    Also, a moot point but.... "statue2" should probably be called something better since statue 1 is "Stone Statue".. maybe statue2 could be "Early Settler" ;-p

  • I had to delete the original folder to run the game, but after loading, a fatal error occurred.

    "Error while loading the game
    java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Byte
    at L.O.d(SourceFile:152)
    at L.O.<init>(SourceFile:107)
    at content.Game.initGui(SourceFile:2660)
    at w.h.update(SourceFile:148)
    at commons.JIWApplication.update(SourceFile:328)
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(
    at Source)"

    Edit: Weird, when I run the second time the game worked. ;)

  • Next issues.

    * rake rases and lowers ground a large amount.. I raked up twice on a patch of grass and got a mound as tall as i am. Also, rake does not destroy grass in the process and turn into dirt.

    * new sledgehammer does not recover blocks. it shows block cracking then it breaks
    * on ore detector text label is offset from white box where text should be
    * preview of all rod and plates are missing from anvil (not showing the carton box (what replaced all updated item previews), just not showing anything)
    * block previews also missing ( restarted my game and now the blockbench is completely missing from where i placed it)
    * while holding a repeating rifle, selecting "hide the body" on npc causes the weapon to fire again.
    * wearing tux_jacket crashes and corrupts the save

    BIG ONE!
    Workbench bug. I created two worlds. in one world i managed to get a bug where i click on the workbench while in gm 1 and its fine but if i go to gm 0 and enter the workbench, the mouse does not release from the player so i still look around. Now what's odd is i start a new world and do not get this error anymore. However... if i load the ok world and then go to the bad world, the error does not reproduce. I have to restart the game and go first into the bad world to reproduce the error. @red51I'll send you my world saves if you want them. I created both new under 0.9

  • Durch aufrufen der Workbench- Werkzeuge

    Windows 7 (x64) 6.1 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 0.9_37 -H:8192 -D:16384 (Steam)
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, Z87-K, 16322 MB (8520 MB Heap)
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 20171114000000.000000-000
    Error occurred during application-update (25)
    at H.m.b(SourceFile:845)
    at H.x.onClick(SourceFile:358)
    at de.jiw.gui.elements.ClickableLabel.onMouseButtonEvent(
    at de.jiw.gui.core.Screen.onMouseButtonEvent(
    at com.jme3.input.InputManager.processQueue(
    at com.jme3.input.InputManager.update(
    at commons.JIWApplication.update(SourceFile:299)
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(
    at Source)

    Was ich sehn konnte: für Werkzeuge werden nur Stöcke benötigt

  • Ok, later we gonna have to talk about the female figure =D

    I have seen games with much worse even in so-called AAA titles. ^_^ I am just grateful this is not one of those Eastern European devs that think only MALES are needed, and make them all hulky he-men with massive shoulders (and if there are any women, they are all topless slaves with 48DDD boobs, "just to be historically accurate har har")

    The shoulders/arms/hands are a little off, but I can live with it. I am glad they went for "lean/athletic" not "boobsie" look. I have not seen the male ones yet.

    Looked at the male ones, they look fine (VERY glad they did not go for massive hulk look) but since they get something like 4 hairstyles+14 facial hair options for 56 variations, I would love to see maybe one or two more female hairstyles, maybe something short but feminine like a simble braided bun or something like these:

    or even a faux mohawk

    Overall I am happy (except for the disparity in variations for men compared to women -- but I can live with it). I have seen too many times an amateur modeler has tried to "improve" female characters only to make them much worse (see SOE & Vanguard), that I no longer usually ask for changes for fear I will get permanent changes that are worse :P

    Very excited to try out the stuff like crossbows and leather armors. I like the primitive mini forge addition, and starting with a universal-purpose stone axe with expanded iron/steel variations to upgrade to later.

  • You wait till i can take the Obj of this model, gonna change a bit. other than the high Shoulders... cause the Femal Figure Shoulders are toooooooooo high up
    The type of high like you on top of your mama house looking down on the earth "Jesus i dont wanna be this high" type of arms.. they really look out of socket.

  • Next issues.

    * rake rases and lowers ground a large amount.. I raked up twice on a patch of grass and got a mound as tall as i am. Also, rake does not destroy grass in the process and turn into dirt.

    I can't get the rake to lower the ground. All it does is rise the ground, and like you found, it rises it by at LOT.

  • Korrectur zur Schmelze (smelter): Aluminum schmilzt korrekt, Eisen zu schnell.

    Tools metallaxe, pickaxe and so on are not craftebale. Rising World crashed permanently with the error, thats stand in the last post of me.

    Ps.: The female and male look is the implement-figurs. Im sure this are at end not the final-figure.

  • I was looking through the crafting tables trying to find out how to make wood for a bed, when the game crashed. I couldn't get the error report because to leave the crashed screen, I had to sign out.

    I can't take screenshots in game, don't know why.

    I reverted my game back to the stable version and will wait for a more stable patch.

    Thanks for all your hard work Red51. :) Not being sarcastic, thankful for the patch release, and will happily wait for the stable version.

  • Glitches aside, I love the new character animations. I can see my hands unscrew the cap on the water bottle! It might seem like such a small thing, but what it adds to the game is amazing. <3<3 Thank you @red51!! :thumbsup:

  • I have uninstall and reinstall the game ... it seems all fine, after one error at the first start.

    Das lag dann wohl am anderen Patch.

    Und red51:

    Danke Dir und dem gesamten Team das ihr so hart gearbeitet habe. Rising World ist und bleibt mein Lieblingsspiel seit über einem Jahr, und das nicht nur wegen des Spiels, sondern auch wegen der Entwickler, :) die verdorrich solide und gute Arbeit machen! :)

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