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  • Seeing as how horses & camels was teased/hinted by Red

    Horses and camels? I've only read about horses. Camels would be good to have, don't get me wrong. Hopefully livestock and animals we use as transport, will need food and water in order to survive. So it would be an interesting dynamic riding your horse far from base, needing to keep both of you alive. Not just container water for yourself but some fresh water for the horse. And food of course. Not to mention the threat of predators... There will be some long treks home for sure! :D

    For vehicles. Just a few would be fine I think. No need for shit loads of vehicles which all handle different etc.... I hope for a simple one like a beefy go kart or buggy with a trailer hitch. I would be happy with that actually lol

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • If you're curious about the camel, and where I got it, is the same thread Rook (or someone other) found a thread with horses being confirmed. Scroll down further and you'll see camels being teased and played with as a thought.

    I also wouldn't mind feeding and keeping 'them' fed and their thirst meter quenched. I would make sure I live next to a proper water source and such while supplying for a long journey, if it ever gets that detailed for the NPCs and our mounts also. Those should be interesting travels for sure, with or without survival or the creatures also. Seeing as how this is more 'mature' and 'detailed' then this shall be quite a game to play from beginning to the 'end'.

    I only listed the 'possibilities' so I don't mind the variety, if it does get all crazy in variety. If we're playing with "Ages" then I'm only trying to imagine what may or may not be on the other side. I wouldn't mind Go Karts & Buggies. I'd assume people would go all 'Red Neck' with jeeps, trucks, and all for multi-purposes and efficiency.

  • But most of want is said goes against Rising World mission statement... "The world can be completely deconstructed without any restrictions. Everything you see can be changed."

    If you totally block TP then you are restricting the persons right to build as they wish. Let the Dev build it in the game. Then let Server owners decide which way they want to go, and then the gamer has a choice of how they want to play...


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