Flowing water, Decor items, Steel sledgehammer, re-sizable blocks, higher stack numbers, more color/material choices and cooking timer.

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  • First off, I am loving this game. I have dubbed it "Minecraft for grownups".

    So here's my wishlist:

    1) I would love to have water be able to flow so I can make moving rivers and properly fill my swimming pool.

    2) I would like to see some decor items such as books, Pen and paper, box of tissues, pots, pans, etc etc. Just the little things that would make my home look more lived in. Also a laptop would be nice. And I know some people complain about the multiple tech levels but honestly, it's one of the things that make this game so great. You can choose your tech level for your world so you can live in medieval times or have a modern city.

    3) I would like a stove. And for the love of all that's holy give it a timer. I'm soooooo tired of burning my food X___X

    4) The sledgehammer needs an upgrade. A steel sledge that can break building blocks in one hit. It's so tedious fixing a mistake made with blocks right now. It takes 2 seconds to place a line of blocks and 2 minutes to take it down :(

    5) I would like to be able to resize items made on the block bench. I would also like the same kind of fine control in rotation as we have with planks.

    6) I would like to be able to choose colors on the blocks. Like, there's only one horizontal block that looks anything like siding for the outside of my house and it's such an ugly gray color.

    7) ALL food should stack to at least 16. It makes no sense at all that I can have a stack of 4 bacon but chicken only stacks to 1. All non food items that aren't huge like scaffolding should stack to at least 32. Especially the pelts.

    So those are my items I would like to see altered. Thanks for reading :)

  • Flowing Water is Plannd, It just not Coming in gthe Immideate Future, red is not going to add re-colorable blocks, this was said a while ago..
    There will be a Cooking update soon With New Recepies and spoilng Food.

  • They manage it just fine on Minecraft.

    but minecraft is a thousand times simpler than RW mainly because the terrain is made of blocks and not real voxels. Anyway it is planned so red must have some idea in mind on how to implement it :)

  • They manage it just fine on Minecraft.

    Well, you basically answered your own question & suggestion with "Dubbing Rising World for grownups". Red51 is trying to aim for realism that he's trying his best to make Rising World a survival based game as much as a building type game. The stacks of food being so low is because of "survival" & "realism" that he also wants to add food spoilage, preserving food, and all those nitty gritty survival oriented stuff, something you could also bypass by letting someone else cook or use a plugin to get around.

    Sure, Minecraft has 16, 32, & 64 stacks, yet that's Minecraft. Minecraft is a whole different beast now, even if there are similarities between the two. Apples and oranges; they're both round, you can get juice out of them, yet one is an apple, the other is a citrus. :D


    Onto the list:

    1) I agree we need rivers, yet that's something Red51 wants to tackle all at once with mention of a tropical biome having been worked on with coffee (source is on steam forums)

    2) I've been asking for books as well with FUNCTIONING bookshelves, something Minecraft failed on. You can't store books in bookshelving that we should be able to do so in this game. Books should also have that poster functionality with blueprints to be able to be shared between worlds.

    3) Cooking update later on, but +1

    7) Look up... It's for "survival" & "realism", yet Red51 is still trying to tackle this properly for proper survival gameplay. He needs future updates to fine tune this properly.

  • Well, you basically answered your own question & suggestion with "Dubbing Rising World for grownups". Red51 is trying to aim for realism that he's trying his best to make Rising World a survival based game as much as a building type game. The stacks of food being so low is because of "survival" & "realism"
    See, the thing is, if you want realism, you'd have to lower the stacks on soooo many other things. Think how awful it would be to have ingots stack to only 8.

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