3d CAD like view orientation when building

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  • This game needs a view orientation to surfaces. Since all the objects line up on their surfaces in the order of things when you are positioning something off the grid you need to be sure you are looking perpendicular or parrallel to a surface as you line up the next item. In 3d Cad programs this is take care of by selecting the command and clicking on the surface you wish to orientate your view too. This would put your view at 90 or parallel to a surface so you can be sure the next item or object is aligned. Otherwise you get a view skew that is hard to assess if you are really lined up correctly.

    Maybe this should be a fly only feature as it would be easier but that would not be as fair to all player types. Lining up is important to make things look right in the wood world.

  • Sorry misread - but doesn't the enter/return key already do this?

    I think you are misinterpreting my comment. The return key alings the wood along the next one. What I am looking for is a way to orientate your viewpoint on a an exact 90 deg to the surface so you can see any hidden angles

  • use rt alt to lock pnb in place and arrows to move it around. pgup and down to lower and rase and hold rt alt down to rotate with arrows. hold a piece of pnb in hand and press f1 to get all the commands. and don'tforget setr setp and setl

  • Got it. But maybe that's a bit much asked for a game. Though would be interesting.

    But what I'd like to see more is a visible HUD or similar for the current selected and aimed angle, radius, positioning detail, etc.

    That would make life so much easier

  • If you wanted to I'm sure you could write a plugin to do what you want. The API has player position and view orientation calls.

    Hey yawwho can you give me the orientation coordinates? I am directly editing the SQL database in AktiveSign .. I think I can send them there but want their orientation to be due North. I am not sure what the POSRX, POSRY and POSRZ should be.

    I did a search on the term and you are the major hit that even hints of these functions.

  • Hmm I'm not sure off the top of my head.

    What I would do is write a very simple plugin with a timer say every 10 second.

    In the time create a vector3f object and grab the current player values and print them to the console, then look due north and see what comes out?

    That's how I would start with that one.

  • Well it is not for this routine in this thread. It is for orientation in a teleport.

  • That snippet might help you.

  • Well seems 0 0 0 is north.. lol so that is good. Funny the F3 shows position but rotation is shows only in compass direction N, NE, etc. Anyway I got AktiveSign WARP command working functionally finding the F3 coordinates to be in order. It is still not taking money but I will post in that thread

    I completely lost the Guestbook some place when I editted its location to get it out of the middle of ground. It went to never never land.

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