Servers automatically renaming Plugin Database

  • ok sure will test it, I don't think i have even been on your server so I will join this evening (central europe time) and let you know :)

    PatrickBronke visited and I sent him the databases. He is looking into it. The routine is not updating the new database and the old one writes a new entry everytime you log in.. though the routine keeps all the entrees the same as far as money math is concerned so it is transparent. Will make way too big a database though. The new routine is not updating the database at all.

  • Ah well just a thought, I was always taught to use escape backslashes.

    An odd program indeed.

    I am going to send him your comments because that might be another issue. The database issue is not solved with the old one just the entries. I bet you could manually enter the database information and it would start working but new people would not have any money and it would be a pain to maintain.

  • Ah well just a thought, I was always taught to use escape backslashes.

    I think front slashes already take account of this thus you don't need the escape character on backslashes. i.e. / and \\ are equivalent characters in a file path string.

    Sql should be giving you errors if there are problems?

    This is true if the queries happen and are failing there should be SQL exceptions thrown, and if caught by the plugin itself there should be an error message appearing if the plugin creator has coded one in.

    Maybe the queries are wrong? Using update statements without inserts? Sorry not going to be much help here.

    I will have a look at the decompiled code again to check but no way to know for certain without the full source code :/

  • Second post in a row but I just checked the decompiled code again and I think I see the problem.

    In the SQL statements it is recommended to use the keyword LIKE instead of an equals = sign because in some systems that causes problems, also in the SQL statements again there are single quotes ` instead of '. I would recommend removing the single quotes all together since many systems confuse them and don't recognise table names if they are in single quotes.

    Something else I noticed is that the iConomy plugin is not using prepared statements for its SQL statements, that doesn't cause problems but it is not a good practice since a player could use an SQL Injection attack to alter anything they wanted in the database.

  • Now when a new player logs on this error showed up. The routine still works for those that were in the database prior to the newer version.

    It does not seem to recognize short single player UIDs versus Steam but this is an observation as two players one steam and one not both in the database act differently. The Steam UID functions normally and the player receives money and notification of money being transferred. The non-steam player does not get a report but the sending person gets a report that was sent.

  • It does not seem to recognize short single player UIDs versus Steam

    both steam and standalone players have a type long UID. Unless you mean something else by that? :/

    As I said the plugin probably has bugs in it as it is still in development, I would recommend only using it for testing purposes and to provide feedback to the developer, it is clearly not ready for players to play with. :/

  • I have already had the developer over to my server and tested it with him. I have sent him config and databases. He feels he knows part of the problem so he is working on it. I forwarded this thread to him so that he might have the insight brought out by you two also. :saint:

    So players can attack the SQL database and alter the databases? That is not good. 8| Hope Patrick is listening.

  • I can not resist adding my mustard! :D
    1. Do not use hardcoded path name separators! Not "/" and not "\\"! :D

    Please make use of the getSeparator()-function:

    String SEP = FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator();
    String filePath = plugin.getPath() + SEP + "data" + SEP + "mydatabasefile.db";

    2. Avoiding SQL injection attacks: always use prepared statements and then everything is in the paint again! :thumbup:

    Prepared Statement Example: (excerpt from abm rancher update routine)

    Happy coding! :whistling::thumbup:

  • I can not resist adding my mustard! :D
    1. Do not use hardcoded path name separators! Not "/" and not "\\"! :D

    Please make use of the getSeparator()-function:

    String SEP = FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator();
    String filePath = plugin.getPath() + SEP + "data" + SEP + "mydatabasefile.db";

    As far as I am aware you only need to use the .getSeparator() function if you are using the code on a JVM with multiple partitions each with its own filesystem. If you are using a single JVM then a / is translated to the filesystem's default. I don't think I am wrong but am I? :/

  • You are not wrong! It is normalized, f.e. when using new File("a/b/c").
    But on the other hand there are cases where you pass a path with no normalization (native libraries?) when the target system is unknown.
    I simply do not want to care about this. :)

  • I simply do not want to care about this.

    fair point :D

  • both steam and standalone players have a type long UID. Unless you mean something else by that? :/
    As I said the plugin probably has bugs in it as it is still in development, I would recommend only using it for testing purposes and to provide feedback to the developer, it is clearly not ready for players to play with. :/

    No actually this routine sees people with the extended Steam UID but the shorter individual user UID is not recognized. Both are in the database. I assume that this is just a problem with this routine but I wanted to ask.

    Also can the shorter personal UID cause issues with other routines such as permissions? Seems I have a user that says he can fly when it it is clearly turned off in the permissions groups until someone is promoted to specialized group of dedicated builders. No other player has informed me of this.

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