dimensions of a block

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  • I have a question that i don't ever remember seeing on the threads, what are the dimensions of the blocks and what is the character's height? I'm only asking because i'm making a replica of the street i live on which spans 10 city blocks in length, I have tried a sample of one of the buildings and used Google earth to take the dimensions of the building but once completed two things did not add up one the building looked to high and second the stairway from one floor to the other did not work as the character could not get pass to the landing to go to the second floor it's like he was too tall.

  • Funny that you ask this because i wrote about it last month in steam-forum. I thought no one is interested in it. Now i know one person is interested in it :D
    The only meaningfull way to create a scale is to give an in-game-objekt (elphant, human, tree ...) an height. In next step you measure the block-height of the object to calculate how big a ingame block would in real life.
    I cite now my steam-thread:
    "Height of Blocks and Players/Avatars
    I made some messurements and calculations:
    The Player/Avatar in RW is ~3.2 blocks heigh.
    If you want build in realistic dimensions, you can make this:
    If a man is 1.7 meters high, you know now 3.2 blocks are 1.7 meters high.
    So 1 Block is 0.53 meters high.
    For a 2 meter high construction you must build 3.76 Blocks high. [Or you make it easy: 1 Block = 0.5 meters]

    For what is it usefull?
    If you want build a construction (e.g. pyramids of gizeh) in right hight, you can now calculate, how much blocks you must build high.
    Attention: The height of adult people irl is different (country, age, sex and date). I just take 1.7 meters for an adult man.
    Wikipedia says in medieval adult mans were 1.66 m high. Actual adult mans in germany are 1.78 m high."

  • A block is 0.5m exactly, i.e. doors that are 4 blocks high i.e. 2m for an average 1.7m person to easily go through them.

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