Posts by zfoxfire

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Just noticed something... when chopping down a young birch tree it dropped branches. I pick them up and it shows up as "missing image" in my inventory.

    also, i had a thought.. when crafting something, on the right, just above the "crafting station requirement" text and horizontal line, there's enough space to display "total inventory" of the particular item you're crafting.

    also on the bottom area next to "count:" it would be nice to have some buttons for quick count values like 4, 8, 16, and 32. maybe a double or half button as well. this would be more convenient than using the + and - buttons.

    a final thought... when using the rake or sledgehammer to level ground, would be nice if the grid was visible. i find this the easiest way to tell if ground is truly level or not. i usually switch to a block in inventory just to get the grid to show.

    i also noticed when placing window frames in a building of normal blocks, the frame does not always snap to the grid properly on the edge of the block, my window opening are 6 by 6 blocks leaving a space of 4 by 4 inside. windows are 2 by 2. most of the time it snaps properly and i can center 4 window frames in the opening. even modular mode doesnt work. it only sometimes happens when i'm on a wall that requires me to rotate the window frame 90 degrees before placing it. If i pick up one of the offending blocks and place it down again, it usually fixes the problem.

    when animal breeding becomes available, could we get a barge/raft type craft which we could lure animals to and transport them to where we need to? i'm currently stationed on a small island which fortunately has most animals I need. no sheep however. id rather not just spawn them in. should be possible to ferry some about.

    just some suggestions... this really is a great update :)


    Brand new world. And I can't reproduce the error. I originally had the furnace on a gravel beach but then i moved to an island and placed it down again and it worked fine since. I don't know how many hotfixes occurred between those events but its working fine now.

    Thankyou Red.

    This is beginning to look exactly like the final version which I pictured in my mind several years ago when i first discovered this game. The new biomes look fantastic and I could spend a lot of time walking the rocky beaches. I look forward to more sandy beaches in the future. There seems to be only an occasional sandy beach. Overall the landscape is diverse and the transitions are smooth. Sadly no caves yet but implementing those as well as (i hope still) underground biomes will be a pleasurable experience to explore.

    The pseudo-dynamic water seems good so far. I dug straight down in the ocean and dug out a little cave and it handled the water additions very well.

    Hmm... is there maybe a log file? It should be in /home/username/.config/unity3d/JIW-Games/Rising World/

    I found the problem. The free driver that's bundled with Linux for nvidia is not the best. Fedora has a better nvidia drivers in its non-free repository. I just grabbed it and rebooted and i'm up and running with high draw distance and 60 fps :)

    sudo dnf update -y
    sudo dnf install akmod-nvidia
    sudo dnf install xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-cuda

    The new biomes are really going to be nice. The older biome images on Trello look fantastic. But this latest forest picture just really invites me in. I'm going to be happy to get back into the game and expore the world after the world generator hits.

    Wow! the workbench proximity approach is similar to like in Terraria. I really really like thisapproach! maybe in the future uncraftable recipes will be hidden in this new unified crafting menu. I like this a lot! I still hope that like with the furnace we retain the feel of other more "interacting" workstations like for making thread or grinding stone. those are really nice still.

    Also... I found a typo under graphics settings under quality, shadow quality reads "schadow quality"

    I also dont know how but i triggered something where I now walk very very slow. If I go into the menu then return then the walk speed returns to normal

    Also when crafting lumber from logs, I click "max" and it defaults to 99 which exceeds what i can with the resources on hand.

    Also, i think when crafting lumber the max i could craft was based on the first stack of hickory logs found in my inventory, not the full amount. there was a second stack in my inventory at the time.

    BTW I love the heat up and glowing of the ores in the furnace followed by the cooldown effect. It adds to the immersion. Little details like this are what make Rising World so fun to get into. :)

    Wow! Deirdre posted some nice looking builds. I guess we'll see how far the real builders in this game can push this new stystem

    red51 The scroll bar still works fine on the material screen. Regarding the creative mode painting issue, I was specifically putting grass material down. I'm paying closer attention now.

    Ok, this is weird, i just reproduced the issue then exited the game and restarted and could not.

    Correct behavior: selection shows selected material, click or hold LMB or RMB, material stays selected while mouse button down

    Yesterday's observed bug: grass material selected, click RMB to place grass. Grass is placed then material changes after releasing mouse button

    Today's observed bug: selection shows dirt material, click or hold LMB or RMB, material switches back to (i forget which one) while mouse button held down. Release mouse button and material returns to grass

    After restart: Unable to reproduce above behavior

    I guess it's a linux thing.

    This looks very very nice. I see that by setting rotation precision to 90 degrees I can get the same effect of rotating blocks. I'm not ready to move on to "planks and beams" which I guess don't exist anymore. I see however that you can save preset rotation and size configurations. May I suggest adding a default preset for the default plank and beam shape just for us simple builders? I'd also suggest additional block shapes like a half slab and 1/4 size block just for those of us who are rarely going to dig into the advanced mechanics of the game like in the Java version.

    I noticed one bug.. When I enter creative mode and try to paint the ground, I select my material with the scroll wheel (despite it showing F1 in the material window). Left-clicking once places the material then resets the material back to the initial setting. It seems like it should stay set to what I selected.

    Also I noticed in the material selection screen, the scroll wheel causes the screen to flash as its redreawn and scrolls incredibly slow. Basically one pixel per up or down movement of the scroll wheel.