Posts by Nova

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.

    No problem man, just look the other thread in this topic i hope it helps you ;). How to create a texture itself is easy you just need a program like gimp and some base textures. The rest is learning ....

    So you saw my other thread where i started creating textures, in this new one i want you to tell how you can change the game textures, gui or something else in the actual state of the game.

    1. What you need first is logic, a good nice texture. That means just a simple diffuse map or any image you like.
    2. Search the game folder, for common you have to look into your steam folder, in my case this one is located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common"
    3. Now go to your RisingWorld - Folder, then data/assets. And here is all you need, the .jar files contains textures and so on. You can open them like any other .zip - File.
    4. Extract the data you want to an custom folder, so you can easily remove bugged things from the .zip Archive.
    5. Now look into the extracted folder and search for the texture you want to replace, e.g.: Textures\Constructions here you can find imagefiles like 1.jpg
    6. IMPORTANT: This texture has a defined resolution and filetype, your custom texture has to provide the same resolution and filetype like the original.
    7. Rename your texture to the same name as in your extracted folder, now simply open the .jar File navigate to the folder and drag and drop your texture in. (Not in the extracted folder, this one is just for better identification and for backup)

    That was the magic, when you start your game the new texture gets applied to the specific blocks.

    Error Handling:
    If the game doesn't start anymore, something is wrong:
    1. The custom texture has not the same resolution as the original.
    2. The custom texture type ist wrong, it must be jpg. And IT IS NOT enough to rename a .png to a .jpg, you have to go into Gimp, or some program like that and export it in the correct format type.

    If you can't identify the error source, you have 2 solutions.
    1. You can replace the custom texture with the original from your backup folder.
    2. Go to Steam and proof the game for errors, it will reload all needed files. (But in this case all your custom textures are gone.)

    So if you have any problems just ask ;), i hope this thread helps some people.

    Again thank you all, for better look in this thread will just edit now the posts and give a little update notification ans answer ;).

    Ein Devlog so monatlich wäre sicherlich schön eventuell reicht dafür aber auch schon die Steam Update-News Funktion, muss ja auch alles geschrieben werden ;D. Und ja die Roadmap ist noch etwas offen, aber das Spiel ist ja noch sehr jung. Trotzdem hast du natürlich recht, die Konzeption von Spielelementen sollte schon vorhanden sein, und eventuell auch zur Diskussion gestellt werden.

    Ich schließe mich der Diskussion mal an, als erstes @Troplay du hast tolle Let'sPlays bin darüber zu diesem Game gekommen danke dafür ;).

    Die Weltengenerierung ist schon ganz nice, wobei ich den MarchingCubes-Algo nicht so optimal finde. Fürs Game ist es einfacher klar aber harte kanten bzw. klippen bekommt man alleine damit nicht aber gut ist ja noch in Entwicklung. So nun denke ich das 2 Sachen unterschieden werden müssen es gibt eine unendliche Welt und eine Szene aus z.B.: Chunks. Die unendlich Welt ist ja nichts anderes als ein Level-Streaming basierend auf dem Startseed, dazu werden wahrscheinlich immer mal wieder neue Chunks "generiert" und wenn sich etwas ändert am Chunk, sprich es wird gebaut wird der Chunk persitent (auf Platte im Worldfile) gespeichert. Kommt man später zum selben Chunk wird dieser wieder geladen.

    Jetzt kann man aber natürlich davon ausgehen das ein Chunk eine bestimmte Größe hat. Zum Beispiel 100x100x100 Blöcke was einer Anzahl von 1.000.000 Blöcken entspricht. Diese sind immer da, da ja auch die Luft im Spiel nichts anderes darstellt. Daher denke ich, dass man durchaus viel Detail in so eine Szene packen kann und auch Wasserfälle theoretisch möglich sind. Das sind eine Menge "If-else", aber es lassen sich ja quasi alle sachen die man sich vorstellen kann adden.

    Dunst, Nebel, Godrays, etc... dafür könnte man einfach ein paar Shader coden, dass würde eine übelst geile Atmossphäre schaffen ja, dass fände ich auch toll hat aber noch Zeit ;). Zur Topic noch @Bilder ja das ist gut so ich buddel ein Loch und das wird im Reallife auch erstgerade indem ich es ausbaue =)

    Das Häusle sieht echt gut ^^ :). Ich mag zwar mehr Mittelalterkram aber da würd ich auch noch einziehen.

    I am not an expert at lua, but like in any other programming language it should be possible to request some webservices from script. Then you only have to build up a webserver with the database you wish. Constructing an REST-API should provide enough functionality.

    And yeah i know, not all have internet not all use mp but for some data it would be a solution. :)

    Update here comes some wooden planks:
    1.Ingame Screen

    2. Textures + Spec + Normals + Parallax + Occlusion - Maps:

    UPDATE - 18.12.14:
    Good Morning :), a little update before i have to move to university (omg it's so early in the morning).
    First, thank you all for your amazing feedback! As i continue to create textures i will provide an easy downloadable file which you have only to copy in your game folders. But before i want to have some more textures in it. As i know texture packs are planned, i looked up some jar files and found some references to "texturepack thing" ;). So it will be more easy with later development, i hope.

    Second, for a more ancient style i needed a new old timber texture, maybe i have to work on some offset:

    An additional work i made was for the loading screen, as i run into the forest with my dogs i decided to make some art piece from photo. This will get some -> texturepack info like name on it.

    As third for this morning i dont know how to provide an smaller size of the pics :/ they take a large space in this thread, but i want you to show high resoultion for my images to. Maybe i will change it to a gallery or so.

    UPDATE - 19.12.14:
    So a not so good morning :/, have some headache from the cristmas party. But ok in anticipation of this i had prepared some texture for today :D.
    The first one is a new ground texture, its just placeholding but you can imagine how SNOW could look like. I simple replaced grass with the texture. In my opinion it looks nice with the pines. Some snowy weather effects would be a great addition for atmossphere :).

    The second one is something i really missed, it's a hay block. (Crafted from stones :D but anyway) Hay is such a important building block for medieval houses i just needed it. I made a rope at the seams if you think thats bad i can provide a version without it.

    So, this post becomes larger and larger, i am open to any presentation ideas ;D.

    UPDATE2 - 18.12.14:
    As said i refactored the second woodenplanks, i didn't like the clipping and look of it. So i overhauled it complete:

    Additionally i created a new big brick block, i think it is important to have block of different detail scale. If i build a castle i have strong and large scaled blocks and houses inside the castle have little brickstones. So we can give the world some subscale from texture. Especially, look at the diplacement of the stones, i hope you like! :)

    As i got back into texturing i looked the first texture i created, and now i think it was really bad. I will improve it soon too. I hope with more trained skills to get better and better textures.

    UPDATE - 20.12.14:
    I refactored my first bricktexture, it looked a bit weird the new one looks better in my opinion (Ignore the grass at the bottom is WIP):

    The new blocktexture i want to introduce is the log, i noticed we have no log to build with so i made one:

    Additionally i made a fur with alpha channel, you only have to pick the image and you can place it every wear as wall carpet or on the floor :). I think this way we can add a lot of clutter like hanging shields, swords and so on.

    Best regards to every one!

    I think its the right place to start this thread, i will start to produce some textures for the game so it fits my medieval ambient better :). That doesn't mean i update it frequent or it will be a complete texture pack (what is the longtime goal). You can give me feedback ideas for new block textures. The biggest part of my work will be handcrafted from many other texture ressources.

    So here is my first block, its a stonewall.

    1. Ingame Screen:

    2. Textures + Spec + Normals + Parallax + Occlusion - Maps:

    Okay, i was looking the game structure and found some entries in the configurationfile, which indicated that it is planned to support specular and normal mapping. For me as a amateur texture modder it is very interesting, if its planned for the game or if it's a legay entry from engine or so. I think that would be an awesome addition to the games atmossphere.

    Another connected aspect to this point, is the actual texturing system. I understand the 256x texturesize which lays over 4 blocks so it simulates some random texturing. Is this fix or will it be changed?

    Wow okay, der Thread hat mir geholfen in Bezug auf Bretter und Balken. Ich finde die Kombo super, und mir ist klar das die Blockgröße fix ist, jedoch wäre es auch schön, wenn man Treppen über Kopf bauen könnte, etc...

    Ich schließe mich dem Thread an war bei YouTube die Tage über das Game gestolpert kurz nach dem Steam-Release. Es ist zwar noch sehr früh in der Alpha, aber es macht schon richtig fun. Es läuft außerdem echt gut und stabil, ich habe schon länger ein Minecraft-Like Voxelgame mit besserer Graphik und mehr Möglichkeiten gesucht. Unteranderem habe ich Games wie Blockscape ausprobiert, aber Rising World ist mit Abstand das Beste! Jetzt nur schön weiter updaten, ich hoffe das Game wirdein großer Erfolg!