Posts by Nova

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.

    Another topic i want to open is the discussion about pbr, Physically Based Rendering. As mentioned in a post i cant remember :D, we will be able to have diffuse, spec, normal, and parallax maps for our textures (maybe Ambient Occlusion too).

    But does that make sense? All the big engines, like cryengine, unreal, and so on will use this new rendering system. And they are even working on it for the jMonkeyEngine (…based-rendering-part-one/)

    What would are the advantages using this render technique?
    PBR, is another way to calculate light interaction with 3d objects. It is a wrapper term, which describes all methods to achieve photorealistism via physical based calculations of light.
    For those, who don't know, lighting controls how you see everything in the game, it affects how every single part of the game looks.
    In the end the goal should be to have realistic looking stuff, without a big cost of ressources.

    In productivity, it is like saying "This is leather, this is steel, this is that..." based on the use of physical values like the refractive index. (
    (I tried to stay simple with the explanation, it is very complicated maths behind this topic and i am not professional.)

    Did you devs have a look at this? Or do you stay at classical lightning solution? What do others think about it?

    Hello everyone, as i got my new texturing tool today i started to experiment on some specular lights. In relation i got a question, will the specular maps be applied in a permanent way or will it be something like a rain map?


    With specular map/lights:

    I know that we would need it for metals and so on, but like on the bricks you see we can create a "wet" look too. It is important to know cause this influences the specular map creation. It's not a suggestion just a question i can live with every implementation ;D.

    Little update, next wood type spruce:

    Smaller planks with nails. Maybe more a floor material.
    And the log wall has iron holders.

    Nice video, it shows the possibilities for using this system. But some things would be perfect in combination with block building i think and more faster. Have you changed the texture for this planks?

    Out of curiosity, how is performance like at this level of detail? You are starting to get a lot of simultaneously rendered objects, but I know lua handles it better than java plus the world is rendered only once.

    Yep performance could be interesting but not with these few items, for testing the limitation we would need thousands of items.
    As i know only LuaJ is used as scipting language, what means that the game it self is not build out of it. And LuaJ is implemented to run in a java environment.
    Beside that the core of the game is the jMonkeyEngine it seems, and this one runs with Java. So at the end you always have javabytecode :D

    Lol ehhhhhm many things :D.

    - Less work more social activities
    - Learn more for university (evergreen)
    - Making my Master at the end of the year
    - Collect my money for new computer hardware
    - Become better texturer
    - Win the lottery

    Good i have not this bad habbit of smoking XD so that was it

    Ps: groß und klein schreibung schlafen schon. Srry bin zu müde dafür jetzt.

    Kein Problem, im Gegensatz zu anderen in diesem Forum versteht man bei dir, um was es überhaupt geht ;). Also ich hätte lieber schöne Landschaften und kann dabei auf realitätsnähe etwas verzichten. Also Landschaften im LOTR-Style sind auch nicht soooo besonders realistisch aber toll anzuschauen. (Gut die Originalfilmlandschaft in Neuseeland macht auch schon was her.)

    Sry for the delay the next update needs some time, i am thinking about conceptual things.
    I thought about one thing and that has todo with logic, so insteed having x different textures, i want some consistency between different materials.

    Ok, for example - i have my raw pine log, it has a bark, some people build old houses with this rawlog so i have a rawlog wall. The next step would be that we have the log without bark a more advanced building block and some people build their houses out of them so we have a rawlog, rawlogwall, log, logwall and the good old planks which are the last step in processing.

    At the end we have 5 textures as base, for 5 wood types we have then 25 textures. Of course this are just guidelines, i was thinking about interior and exterior planks and so on. But to make a plan i like this idea. I will think about a similiar not even logic row too.

    The pine example can look like this:

    (Like every time its work in progress)

    But you see all will have the same colorscheme but different textures.
    And no, other wood types will not just have different color, brigthness, contrast like minecraft. I will make each woodtype unique ;).

    So i hope you like the concept and understand the new road ;).

    Guten Morgen,

    :D blöde Smartphone Autokorrektur XD. Die Wasserhöhe und die Wasservoxel, wenn man davon ausgeht das Wasser auch aus Voxeln besteht. Vielleicht könnte man aber ja trotzdem die ein oder andere Idee von Doktor Who mit übernehmen. "Nur" minecraftähnliches Wasser wäre vielleicht auch ein bisschen Schnöde.

    @Nova I played so much minecraft and was so bored ... i think i start a Minecraft Texture Pack :D
    (textures are too big in the screenshot)

    Yep :) i think it is good to have some different choices for the community. But maybe you wanna make your own thread ;), so we can see the progress.

    Ohne diese Diskussion ausarten zu lassen, ich war nicht derjenige der sich auf die deutsche Sprache berufen hat. Es ist aber nett von dir das du extra einen Fehler gesucht hast ;). Ich wollte verdeutlichen das hier manche Texte fast unlesbar sind. Aber belassen wir es dabei, dass gehört hier nicht herein.

    Am besten man kann die Sprache einfach auswählen. Die default-Sprache sollte trotzdem Englisch sein. Das dürfte doch kein Problem sein.

    Das geht schon sehr weit dein Konzept und auch sehr an Realismus angelegt. Ich finde natürlich auch das Wasser viele interessante Features bietet. Eine Art fließende voxelmaße wäre natürlich schön jedoch ist das auch nicht so einfach, daher wäre ich schon mit einer einfachen Wasserversion zufrieden.

    Die prozedurale Berechnung von Meeren, Seen und Flüssen dürfte aber nicht die größte Hürde sein. Ob man dies mit einer Quelle und den Staumöglichkeiten umsetzen kann wage ich zu bezweifeln. Theoretisch könnte ja im Multiplayer ein Spieler einen riesigen Damm bauen welcher den ganzen Server flutet xD außerdem müsste stetig die Wasservögel neu berechnet werden. :o

    Du musst schon aus der richtigen Errordatei die Fehlermeldung herausnehmen, diese ist im RisingWorld Spielverzeichnis. Was du oben hineingestellt hast, scheint lediglich ein Auszug aus der GameOverlayUI.exe.log zu sein, was für die Behebung deines Fehlers irrelevant sein sollte.

    Von daher mal bitte mehr Informationen bereitstellen, hast du schon probiert die Spieldateien zu reparieren, bzw. das Game nocheinmal komplett neu zu installieren?

    Vielleicht sollten gewisse Leute, die Wert auf deutsche Sprache legen, die Grammatik und Rechtschreibung eben dieser auch in einem gewissen Maß selber pflegen. Für mich ist die englische Synchro sehr wichtig, da ich dass Ganze als zukunftsweißend für das Spiel empfinde, ich würde dem Spiel einen internationalen Erfolg gönnen. Es sollte sicherlich auch kein Problem darstellen, wenn wir uns den Changelog eben selber übersetzen, für Leute die Probleme mit dem Englischen haben. Die Hauptzielgruppe wird sich aber, so denke ich, auch mit einer generellen englischen Version des Changelogs anfreunden können.

    Und mir ist es lieber die Entwickler schreiben 5 Zeilen Code mehr, als 5 Zeilen übersetzten Changelog ;).

    Okay so i give you a very very very very first impression of my work in progress tp now. That's not a final work, may some textures get reworked, may some textures get deleted. Beside new textures i just reworked some of the original textures.

    Installation instruction is included into the readme it should no problem to get it runninng. You will have to search a bit for the new textures, the most should be available to the Stone and Wooden things. To use the shown ivy and fur, there is a poster-folder into the .zip.

    I think for the right terminology in this case we can say serverside = scripting and clientside = modding.
    So which of them you use depends strongly on what you want to do. In the assumption that you say "Hello" to players which join you server, or to allow them to use commands like "/give food" or "/claim here", you should be able to do it all in lua. The modding would be more to add complete gameplaymechanics including the user interface and its logic. But this boundaries blurs out, you could do something like "steamworkshop" where people deploy their mods and a server can use and sync the needed mods with the client once.

    But okay, if you have programming knowledge it should be no problem to start with lua or anyother language. If you are new to programming anyway then i recommend you to get a big cup of coffee. Maybe then you should start with an C/C++ or C# or Java Tutorial series on Youtube. TheNewBoston has good lessons for beginners.