ahhh jetzt verstehe ich. ja das ist mir auch aufgefallen, man kann die durch die geschlossene klappe hindurch aufheben. hab versehentlich manchmal das fleisch darin aufgehoben wenn ich eigentlich nur die klappe öffnen wollte um nachzugucken ob das fleisch gut ist. wird bestimmt noch geändert
Posts by ffflo1993
The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).
This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
@Daisy wie meinst du das mit dem rippchen? mir ist bisher noch kein problem damit aufgefallen, ausser, dass wenn sie fertig gegrillt waren, sie zu schnell in meinem bauch gelandet sind (wer kann so leckeren rippchen schon wiederstehen)
das mit dem durst stimmt aber -
ich finds update klasse, vor allem der smoker! 0_0 aber das mit dem durst ist ein problem, vielleicht muss mand as noch ein bischen anpassen
look like you have reached hell? you can use f2 to go into flymode and fly back to the surface;)
Finally, after purchasing countless survival games I got this one. Rising World is the game I have been looking for, no story to restrict the player, good graphics, amazing mining and crafting system. Is Rising World a good survival game? Yes, the best I have played. Is it worth it? 1000x YES. This game is truly one of the best survival games I have ever played, only cons is the bugs which will change because it's Alpha!
I agree with you. although some features are still missing, i am confident that this game will be really awesome when it is finished! spent already endless hours in it
by the way, i wanted to watch the video, but your video link does not work for me -
Klasse Arbeit @Diesel und @TutMeistensNix !!
I really like monsters but I think that it is the best to have them only in dungeons. that should make both groups happy, the people who want monsters, and the people who don't want monsters
Oh mann... ihr baut alle so geile sachen... da komm ich mir richtig schäbig vor mit den bruchbuden die ich zustande bringe
Sieht richtig richtig klasse aus!! -
OH MEIN GOTT!! das ist einfach
tollbeeindruckendklasseimposantE P I S C H
Respekt!!!! -
For those who don't use my texture pack:
The new stone type:
The new medieval asphalt:
Awesome work! looks great! -
I had never problems with fullscreen, but a friend of mine, and the nightly seems to have fixed it
Quake is the first time I've seen it used. Although I didn't know it was because of the glitch which helps ya move a bit faster haha. But yeah since then pretty much every game which has buttons for moving sideways without turning, has called it strafing.
Which strategy games you play most there supershanks?
The games before quake also called it "strafe", so it seems to be not related to quake -
awesome!! this gives some great opportunities
Super Guide, finde ich sehr hilfreich!
you need to set the gametype with console command, insert "setgametype 1" to enable creative mode
wasn't there a similar question in the past?