Posts by Minotorious

    Ok could you please turn the debug console on and when it happens again just post the log here.

    To do that you need to open the file with a text editor and change the value "game_debug_console=false" to "true". Then open the game and play as normal. When the game crashes, close it and go to the Logs folder in the RW directory and upload the latest log file here :)

    You propably ran out of memory

    no kidding XD hahaha

    @When does this happen often? i.e. can you reproduce it? if yes please reproduce the crash while having the debug console turned on, then post the log here as an attachment, that will give us more information on when exactly the error occurred and what process caused the memory overload.

    I have either gotten used to it and use it seamlessly or you are doing something more complex than is required :D

    Though with water sometimes it happens that the ground under blocks should be flattened too before adding the water because else there are bumps at the water's surface ;)

    yes that can happen :D You can put more ore in each slot of the furnace if you spam click fast enough when placing them

    happens especially on servers where the lag from you placing the ore to the server getting that the spot has been occupied is larger

    Nein weil das Portal Plugin weißt nicht wer der Spieler ist. Außerdem du könntest das Plugin andern um nur Spieler die in ein Permission Group sind zu teleportieren (oder nicht teleportieren).

    it worked twice sorry minotorious might be a glitch on your part

    what might have been a glitch on my part? I didn't try anything yet only asked for more information, #confused now :D

    Could you please answer me this: When you destroyed the chest the first time (your step 4) with the pickaxe did it disappear from your screen or not? Could you still see your cursor become the chest open icon when hovering in the place where the chest formerly was?

    EDIT: I followed your steps outlined above and made a small video (see below), could you tell me where I get it wrong because I am unable to reproduce the bug you are reporting?

    First of all it is difficult to create 3D models from scratch, if it wasn't everyone would be doing it and 3D modellers wouldn't make any money whatsoever.

    But the point is it is not a matter of difficulty rather than a matter of priorities for the development of the game.

    More features > more items, If the base game works with all its features then yes adding items will be far easier while if the game is lacking features and is full of bugs then there is no point in adding more items because noone will play it.

    Could you please add a couple of screenshots or a short video to show what happened exactly?

    To be honest I don't fully understand what you mean with "built a wall through the chest"

    Also when you destroyed the chest from the front did the chest disappear from your screen or did it remain there?

    ok you are right you have managed to somehow corrupt one (or more) of your player blobs in the database, I deleted your player from the database and the world loads fine. I have sent you a message with a dropbox link for you to download the new .db file.

    In case you don't spawn next to your build use the command "findbase" in the console and it should give you the x and z coordinates for your build, then type "tp PlayerName x y z" (for y use 100 or so but be in fly mode since you will appear mid air) and you should appear next to your build.