i built a chest and put rocks in it with a sign pasted to it i then built a wall through the chest
when i was in a hurry i destroyed it with my pick after emptying it and guess what hapend
i destroyed it from the front like opening it and then went behind the wall and low and behold its
still there and when i destroyed it again... it exploded with all the stuff i had in it right before
i destroyed it. this could be a bad cheat for ppl please fix it......

a bad glitch cheat
- mrorgonian
- Closed
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
i built a chest and put rocks in it with a sign pasted to it i then built a wall through the chest
when i was in a hurry i destroyed it with my pick after emptying it and guess what hapend
i destroyed it from the front like opening it and then went behind the wall and low and behold its
still there and when i destroyed it again... it exploded with all the stuff i had in it right before
i destroyed it. this could be a bad cheat for ppl please fix it......i moved your post here because its more of a bug than a Suggestion
Are you able to repeat this bug ?
Could you please add a couple of screenshots or a short video to show what happened exactly?
To be honest I don't fully understand what you mean with "built a wall through the chest"
Also when you destroyed the chest from the front did the chest disappear from your screen or did it remain there?
Could you please add a couple of screenshots or a short video to show what happened exactly?
To be honest I don't fully understand what you mean with "built a wall through the chest"
Also when you destroyed the chest from the front did the chest disappear from your screen or did it remain there?
i think he means he placed a line of blocks Thu the chest and made a wall oO
anyway i tested this and could not get the same results
Some screenshots would indeed help
Perhaps hit did the first hit/s from the front and the fatal hit/s from the back. I assume chests still have a certain number of hits required to kill it...
this is what i did
1. first build trunk
2. fill trunk
3. build brick wall with or without sign
you need to save or sleep and remove objects
4. go to front of sign break with pick ax
5. move cursor around and see whats available to pick up
and then go to the rear of box and do sameI broke back of box sticking out as well, effects unknown
it worked twice sorry minotorious might be a glitch on your part -
it worked twice sorry minotorious might be a glitch on your part
what might have been a glitch on my part? I didn't try anything yet only asked for more information, #confused now
Could you please answer me this: When you destroyed the chest the first time (your step 4) with the pickaxe did it disappear from your screen or not? Could you still see your cursor become the chest open icon when hovering in the place where the chest formerly was?
EDIT: I followed your steps outlined above and made a small video (see below), could you tell me where I get it wrong because I am unable to reproduce the bug you are reporting?
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