The default game time speed is 1.75 which means that 1 in-game minute takes 1.75 real-life seconds. Night starts at about 2200 and ends at around 0800 i.e. about 10 in-game hours thus about 17.5 real-life minutes.
On the other hand day lasts the remaining 14 hours i.e. 24.5 real-life minutes.
If you don't want night you can use the console, opens with the `/~ key next to 1 and below Esc, and type in "tod 8" (without quotes) to make it 0800 instantly, ofc you can use any number between 0 and 23 to set the time.
Additionally by pressing the L key you can turn on the debug light mode so you can see around you at any time of day.
PS: you pressed Q by accident and dropped your stone axe.