[Plugin] ServerTools v 1.3.0

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • in the main game or server folder there should be a permissions folder

    I have opened literally every single folder in my Rising World game folder, including every subfolder, and can't find anything called permissions. Where would I find it?

    EDIT: I figured it out. I didn't know there was a Rising World Dedicated server that I needed to be able to use this. My apologies. I'm just learning.

  • I have noticed that in the "autogm1list", there is a random Steam ID that is not mine or anyone I have allowed since I have not allowed anyone to be on gm 1. I have had to delete 3 steam id's that are all different from the list. Is there a hack that players are doing to make them able to go into gm 1 mode?

  • @Batta you need to create permission groups via text editor for the specific ranks you want to customize for your server. e.g. kight, king, queen, prisoner etc :) Use Red51's documentation related to permissions here. Slight learning curve but not bad if you read through all of it and use his examples to start creating your own text based permission files (spacing and syntax is very important). When you launch the server it will tell you if the permission groups you added loaded properly in the console and logs. https://forum.rising-world.net…d/3179-permission-system/

    server tools in an excellent 4 plugin in one. Can be used to make your ranks but you 1st need to do what I listed above (create specific rank permission to link server tool autorank to). After you do the above, I suggest reading the documentation in the server tools plugin to properly link your groups and set your rank timers for each.

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • I have noticed that in the "autogm1list", there is a random Steam ID that is not mine or anyone I have allowed since I have not allowed anyone to be on gm 1. I have had to delete 3 steam id's that are all different from the list. Is there a hack that players are doing to make them able to go into gm 1 mode?

    sorry for the late reply I was away on vacation. I am not aware of any bugs in the plugin, have you set the settings correctly?

    Autogm1Mode=on (or off)
    Autogm1DeniedPermGroup=SomePermGroup (gives you the option to deny access to autogm1 on login to one of your permission groups)

    The autogm1 mode is an on/off setting to allow or not allow everyone on the server to use the autogm1 service. If you don't want anyone using it you would have to set it to "off" (I think the default is "on")

    if you want for your admins to have access to the autogm1 plugin then you have to add all your other players to one permission group and write the name of that permission group in the "Autogm1DeniedPermGroup=" setting. There is currently no way to deny autogm1 to multiple permission groups.

  • with the ranking i have a group to pramote after 2400 seconds. the next at say 4800 seconds. now my question is, does that 4800 seconds start after the initial 2400 seconds or is that 4800 total game time?

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