Posts by Minotorious

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    ok telnet gives a blank screen which I think means it connected.

    Not a new router but I haven't connected to RW before with it.

    I opened all 4 ports for UDP and TCP on the router (port forwarding) and still cannot connect :?

    This annoys me...

    So to keep it short and to the point: I moved to my other house and I cannot connect to any MP RW server.

    Screen gets stuck at "connecting..." never shows 0% and so on just gives an error after a while "Cannot connect to serverIP"

    I can ping the server through windows cmd without a problem and tracert also gives the IP bounce path correctly.

    Connection Info: ADSL 1Mbps upload 10Mbps Download. Ping to servers is between 30-120.

    Router has no firewall.

    I am using the same laptop.

    I have attached the console log in case you @red51 can see something that can help in it.

    PS: If I use my phone as a wifi hotspot and connect my laptop I can connect to any server I like. So the problem must be network related.


    • 1492354019.log

      (17.15 kB, downloaded 223 times, last: )

    Ok, I know this comment is over 2 months old, but keep in mind that this game has electric lights in it, so guns should be a thing if there is electric lighting.

    I am sorry but I don't really see the connection between electricity and modern weapons (not talking about AA guns or missile silos yes those need electricity to work). I highly doubt any of them use electricity to shoot but rather mechanical parts with springs etc. It would make more sense to me to connect electricity with a tesla gun or something similar but that would be wayyy too futuristic for RW.
    As @zfoxfire said I would love to see some proper flintlock rifles or muskets but I would think an assault rifle could only come as a mod to this game. Also note that if you would hunt animals with a gun like an assault rifle that would need multiple bullets to kill the animal then a penalty should be introduced to the hide you are gathering since bullet-holes are not that fancy on a leather jacket and thus part of the leather would have to be thrown away XD

    @Miwarre I think the point is that we (users of your plugin) don't care so much about the number of changes per day as to how long these weather events will actually last (having bad weather is not a problem so long as it lasts 1/5 the time of good weather or something similar. If you could reconfigure the plugin with a second table like your existing one for weather events with a structure like:

    Event typeMinimum time lengthmaximum time length

    and so on for all events (which table we will be able to custom edit). And then after the weather event is chosen by your other probability table a second uniformly distributed random number between 0 and 1 would be chosen with 0 signifying minimum duration and 1 maximum duration (and scale in between by mintimelength +rand*(maxtimelength-mintimelength)). I would think you can easily implement a second table like this since you have already done that harder job creating the base plugin.

    you can always type "setweather clear 1" in the console every time you want to change the weather back to clear i.e. good weather without any clouds

    @Deirdre I will start writing a standalone program to edit .blueprint files. I cannot promise it will be coded in java since I have no experience with it (it will either by python or c++, I haven't decided yet) but I will try to make it as simple as possible for everyone.

    For now my only advice would be to look at the file and try to understand it with red's instructions, took me a few hours with simple test case blueprints (like 1 block, or 1 plank, or a series of a few blocks) but after I understood the file structure it took me a couple of minutes to change the textures. When you do it by hand you just need to be careful not to change any of the position or rotation bytes by accident.

    I answered my 2nd question by myself by trial and error, so it seems that in the .blueprint files the construction element textures have a 21 number difference to the numbers in the game. i.e. stone 21 is 0, green plaster 200 is 179 and so on. Thanks again @red51 for the information I can now enjoy my yellow beer that turned green with only a few replacements :D


    ok @red51 thank you very much for all this information. A few questions now again if you don't mind :)

    1) The byte format of the decompressed .blueprint files is hexadecimal correct?

    2) If the answer to the above was yes then I am getting different texture numbers for construction elements (beams, planks, logs) in the files than the numbers in the game. The block texture numbers on the other hand are correct in the decompressed files. I will post an example test blueprint I created to explain and maybe you can help me out if I am calculating something wrong. So this blueprint is of one plank with texture number 21 (i.e. the simple stone texture). Just in case it matters I decompressed the .blueprint file using the Ubuntu 16.04 shell by "gunzip < name.blueprint > out.txt" then I am reading it with the HxD hex editor. I have omitted the preview image bytes

    03 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 01 5B 5E 89 9C 2B 00 00 00 0C 77 6F 6F 64 70 6C 61 6E 6B 20 32 31 00 00 00 0B 4D 69 6E 6F 74 6F 72 69 6F 75 73 00 00 00 0E 41 72 74 69 73 61 6E 73 20 52 65 61 6C 6D FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 00 64 00 05 00 00 00

    According to the information you gave above I should translate this into:

    and here is the example of a blueprint of 1 block with texture 21.

    3) What is the format of the 8 timestamp bytes? I couldn't find a way to translate them to human date format no matter how I tried to position dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd. ?(

    I too am open for discussion in every topic and I will say it as well that RW is one of my favourite games at the moment. I will give an example where I would like to change the texture for a functional reason rather than an aesthetic one.

    I want to build something that I want to be made completely out of black plaster planks/beams, when I try to position one black plaster element on the other elements I cannot really see where I am placing it because they are all fully black (I have tried and even with the debug light on it is really hard to see them). In this case I would like to build my construction out of some other texture that I can clearly see the features of and position things easier and then go to the .blueprint file and change the texture to the black plaster one to obtain the result I wanted. This way I can do it faster than tying to position one black element on the other black elements and spend hours misplacing/removing and repositioning them.

    Back to the aesthetic reasons:

    I don't know if you have seen it but I recently posted a blueprint of a beer glass bar, it is not the most complicated construction I have created but I would like to have a copy of it in green and black plaster textures and rebuilding the whole thing would take me a few hours. On the other hand writing a short python or bash script that would change the texture (once I know how to decode the bytes in the .blueprint file) would take me a few minutes. It is just a matter of my time being spent creating new things rather than recreating old ones that I decided I wanted to change a few textures in.

    At least this is the way I see it, if I have created the thing once why not be able to reproduce similar but not same copies of it. If this can be achieved without Red or any other member of the developing team spending extra time or effort I don't see why not have the feature and whoever wants it they can use it.

    Another thing I just though of is if I download a blueprint from this forum and I don't like one texture the owner has chosen for some part of it and I don't know exactly how he/she placed the specific construction element at that position it is much safer to go find the element in the .blueprint file and change it rather than knock it out and try to replace it by myself.

    From my understanding of the development process the developers want to keep this game as realistic as possible. Having said that there exist unreleased versions of a spider, a rat, and a snake (they don't function correctly for now but you can spawn them in your game) and another player said he found files for a gargoyle and an orc npc in the game files again not yet released. That is about as much as I know in terms of monsters.

    • Why is someone interested in changing a blueprint format?
    • If someone would change my house into another model by changing a few bytes I would not appreciate that very much.
    • If you would change something like that why with blueprints?

    And why opening a blueprint file to change things and not build a new model?

    Or trying to put parts together into half data size? A program with such a feature would be very much appreciated. ;)

    1) Say I build a house and I want to have multiple copies of the same house but with different floor textures, roof textures etc. so instead of building the same house again I would go in the blueprint and change the things that I want to change. Maybe not for a simple house but for something more complicated that takes a lot of time to rebuild I would prefer to have that option.

    2) I understand and I would be annoyed too, but by uploading a blueprint on the web it technically becomes public property, there is no copyright law that covers items created in games as far as I am aware of in most countries in Europe. I would be annoyed too if someone changed a bit my blueprint and passed it on as their own but they can do that eitherway by downloading it and changing it in game (the byte changing process would make it easier yes I agree with you on that). It all comes down to the other person's character. Further to that when I upload a blueprint here I hope that someone will take it and either use it as it is or make some changes to personalise it and then use it so long as they don't say they made it from scratch.

    3) I don't have a good answer for that I could as easily blueprint the house once then make the changes and blueprint it again so that I have the two versions as two separate blueprints to place.

    Eitherway Red said he was willing to provide us with a way to read the bytes in blueprints so I personally would like to know how to do that.

    why would you ask for a dlc in a game still in pre-alpha? :/ These features could be part of the full game when it gets officially released.

    Eitherway the devs have said that when the game reaches version 1.0.0 (i.e. Beta phase) survival will be a viable playstyle. At the moment this is a creative building game not a survival game.

    yes item oredetector X 0 (where X the number of ore detectors you want to spawn), 0 corresponds to the item variation (it is not necessary in this case since there is only 1 item variation for the ore detector)

    I would also be very interested in this....and another question once we decompress and open the .Blueprint file can we change the texture of the individual construction elements by adjusting some of the bytes?

    Quote from Miwarre

    As there are 15 WP's + Home and the GUI is circular, a WP is at most 8 clicks away (if one has used all the slots up) + plus one on the "Go to" button. It isn't so long...

    that is 8 clicks more than necessary for a computational engineer XD but I understand that most people would find the GUI way easier to use. I was just asking if we can have both options, either use the GUI or use the command /gps goto X (which I am sure existed until a few versions ago of your plugin)

    a small question/comment, why when I try to use "/gps goto X" (where X an integer for the waypoint I want to use) the GUI pops up instead of me being teleported to the waypoint I selected? I find that a bit annoying since I don't want to have to click 100 buttons to get somewhere, typing a single line is much faster. Do you intend it to work that way and if yes would you consider changing it so that when I type "/gps" alone the GUI pops up but when I type "/gps goto X" I get teleported without the GUI popping up?

    yes you should have posted in the client help section of the forum, but despite that, you can rotate them by holding "Right Shift" and using the arrow keys (or numpad whatever is more convenient for you).