Cannot connect to any MP server

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  • So to keep it short and to the point: I moved to my other house and I cannot connect to any MP RW server.

    Screen gets stuck at "connecting..." never shows 0% and so on just gives an error after a while "Cannot connect to serverIP"

    I can ping the server through windows cmd without a problem and tracert also gives the IP bounce path correctly.

    Connection Info: ADSL 1Mbps upload 10Mbps Download. Ping to servers is between 30-120.

    Router has no firewall.

    I am using the same laptop.

    I have attached the console log in case you @red51 can see something that can help in it.

    PS: If I use my phone as a wifi hotspot and connect my laptop I can connect to any server I like. So the problem must be network related.

  • could you try telnetting to a particular server? I'm suspecting that traffic on particular port numbers are being blocked by your new ISP. Use mine as an example. I'm connecting to port 4255 of my server IP and it shows connnected. If you get some kind of error or it hangs then you know its a problem.

    $ telnet 4255
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.

    A ping or tracert command doesnt really tell you anything because those commands send packages on port 1 (ICMP) which should never be blocked except possibly on a server level but never by an ISP. So If I wanted to block ICMP, I could and you wouldn't be able to ping my server but you'd still be able to connect to the game itself

  • Hmm... I think it's probably related to the ISP (as suspected by @zfoxfire), or maybe some configuration in the router (did you get a new router?)... According to the log, the game was unable to fully establish a connection to all ports. Apparently the problem is caused by the UDP ports: While the game gets a response from the TCP sockets and established successful TCP connections, it gets no response from the UDP ports, so maybe the ISP blocks UDP ports in general? ?(

  • ok telnet gives a blank screen which I think means it connected.

    Not a new router but I haven't connected to RW before with it.

    I opened all 4 ports for UDP and TCP on the router (port forwarding) and still cannot connect :?

    This annoys me...

  • Not a new router but I haven't connected to RW before with it.

    What router model is it exactly?

    I opened all 4 ports for UDP and TCP on the router (port forwarding) and still cannot connect :?

    Usually port forwarding isn't necessary unless you want to host a server on your own machine. According to the log, the game is even able to establish a TCP connection, but apparently it can't establish a UDP connection. Possibly the ISP blocks UDP traffic (although this is just an assumption), at least Google provides some results of users suffering from this issue (not related to RW) :|

  • router is a Technicolor TD5130, eitherway I will call the provider after the public holidays end on Tuesday to see if they are responsible for any of this but any help from your end would be appreciated :)

  • How about opening window command (as admin) and type in netsh winsock reset, That will clear the network settings if something is stuck.

    Are you using Norton's or other antivirus that what you to "Add" network places so you can play? If you are using Norton Stand on one leg spit into the westerly winds as you add the exception and it may may let you in :D:D
    How about doing a hard reset on router??

    You can dump the java in control.


  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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