Posts by Funmichi

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Hi red51

    Will it be possible to have different biomes/climate zones in the same (big) land mass. I like islands having different ones, but I still prefer to also find them in the same land mass.

    I hope that they realize different climate zones like on real world to use a compass to find them and no random chaotic distribution of the biomes. So a macro world view and a earth would make sense. And the world borders would also make sense, because the earth is round and you can discover the whole world as a big target of yourself which is motivating and interesting. No 1:1 earh size but maybe 1:1000 and maybe with real contintents, lands and real landmasses like on the real world.

    So you can use the earth in Rising World as requirement to build your own city or even the whole world in a smaller scale.

    Would love to see ducks, geese, and turkeys. Not only can they be found wild, but they are all domesticatable species too. ;) Feathers used for arrows (as I saw someone else say further up), and possible down for bedding or clothes. If they swam too, that would be so cool! (not the turkeys though lol)

    I would be happy if they add small birds which fly, land and jump around on the ground.

    It would add much more feel of life.

    geschmackvoll, vielleicht bau ich welche ein von dir wenn ich mal einen friedhof mache, aber ich hab so viel zu tun, mal schauen.

    A river system just needs the illusion of moving water is absolutly enough and this is how it works in most of the games. Just one interaction is important: If you are in a river, you move with the river and the moving is indicated with some visible effects at the river rim.

    Varying water is really important for the game:

    The river starts at a spring on a mountain, which could comes from a cave or from a small gap in some rocks and starts as small creek and gets bigger and bigger. Water from the river you can drink. The river bed is made of round stones(gravel)

    There could be also greenish ponds in the moderate bioms with reed, water lilies, dragonflies and frogs. You cannot drink from ponds without boiling the water at a fire.

    In the savana are brown water holes. Also boil it before drinking it.

    In the snowy areas are frozen lakes and there could be water below the ice which you can also drink directly.

    ozean water is not drinkable and increases thirst.

    How is the river changing if you terraform? In the same way as water ponds: There is just a particel effect of spray&foam if the movement goes to a death end.

    The steepness of the riverbed changes the speed of the river and the animation of the river movement from slow moving water to a waterfall.

    Die Karte wird leider von ihrer Art und Weise etwas anders ausfallen als in der Java Version... das Spiel hat quasi mehrere Screenshots aus einer Draufsicht erzeugt und zusammengefügt.

    Stattdessen wird die Karte abstrakter sein und quasi nur die Insel selbst repräsentieren.

    Was an Screenshots, die man alle 3, 4 Minuten updatet(oder andere Trigger wie neues Gebiet oder eine Veränderung) prozessorintensiv ist, verstehe ich zwar nicht, aber schade.

    Dann wären halt auch Gebäude mit drinnen und alles was der Spieler an der Welt verändert, so vereinfacht hat es halt ausschließlich eine grobe Orientierungsfunktion.


    Wird in absehbarer Zeit ein Gforce Now Zugang kommen, oder wird das erst kommen wenn das Spiel mehr Inhalt hat?

    maybe some jar and more wood splattering would help? Or maybe the hitting animation in general, also for weapons could be more powerful and dynamic? I dont know, never thought about that but I think maybe it is a good thing to improve it.

    Bitte keine alternativlose 3rd Person Ansicht beim Reiten, fand gerade das Reiten in der Java Version gut wie es war. Natürlich als Option wenn es gewünscht wird ja, aber nicht als einzige Option.

    Generell finde ich die meisten Mechaniken gut wie sie in der Java Version sind, da sollte man gar nicht so viel bei den schon vorhandenen rumexperimentieren. Zum Beispiel die Karte finde ich auch gut wie sie ist mit eigenen Markierungen und Benennungen und vor allem fand ich auch, dass die Points of Interests in eine gute Richtung gingen, es sollte ja noch anderes kommen.


    Ich muss mir nun ein Wolf butteln, um nun erz zu finden.

    naja ein bisschen erkunden bevor man alles bauen kann sollte schon drinnen sein. außerdem kriegst ja nach und nach hilfen wie einen metalldetektor, bessere abbauwerkzeuge und umso tiefer du vordringst, umso seltenere Erze findest du. Hat halt auch was mit Spielfortschritt zu tun.

    Und meine Meinung: Seit es diese Erzklumpen an der Oberfläche gibt, wird einem sowieso das Metallerz hinterher geworfen, also kann man sich da wohl kaum beschweren ;)

    This would make the game more fun because it is a more detailed survival aspect in the survival mode.

    Also water sources like rivers, springs, lakes and ponts with its own plants and animals would make the game so much more interesting and beautiful.

    And please add fishing like in the Java version! BUT you can see the fishes and where they swim that you can fish where fishes are.

    i also share my blueprints (some of them) here on the forum for others. but it is a totally different matter if someone is using them in a commercial way,

    See it a different way: It is a joy for you, me and other players if user created structures are in the game. The possibilities and varity is endless and make the exploring really interesting.

    As example if one or two of your structures are in the game beside many others from other users, there is always something to discover because there are more than enough people who want to implement their structures in a game. The quality would be high because I know many structures from players and the varity also, because Red couldnt create so many different structures because it is very much work.

    It is only a win win situation, for the creators, the players and the developers. Especially the new players would like the varity of the points of interest to discover. If the game gets bigger, it is also better for the developer and this is better for us, the players.

    Also it is very motivating to build good buildings that the votes in the forum gets high. Maybe every two weeks new structures are implemented with the best voting or just Reds opinion. Not size matters, it only should create a varity. As example only some pillars and bricks could make the difference. Or an small artifical cave. Or a small abandonend camp with a fire pit and some food you can find there. Or a old ruin, parts of a stone wall, some megaliths. a.s.o. But also a huge manson and fortress can be interesting to find and explore.

    There are quite some legal questions to be considered, don´t underestimate that.

    No, only buildings, ruins and other structures which are posted by one's own choise to implement it for free in the game.

    Wouldn´t it be more than fair to give a payment to the one who made it?

    No, there are people who build for their own and are just happy that their buildings get visible to other players to spark joy and interest in exploring.

    These players who want money for what they do are not adressed with this suggestion.

    As example I know many users who show their buildings and these users are also happy if their buildings are in the game. Otherwise these structures would be only on their disc for no one else, which is a pity.


    Do you think of something like that?

    Some of your stones are not in the game yet

    This is exactly the stuff I mean. It looks nice and it increases the pleasure of discovering the world

    Your screenshot is exactly one ruin I imagined when I think about what could be in the world.

    If these ruins pillars, megalithic bricks and stone walls and old buildings are very rare but many different ones, this could be really interesting.

    There could be beautiful unique nature sights like:

    -ponts with brown/greenish water, water lilies, reed at the shore and frogs&dragonflies. (dont drink it before boiling)

    in every biom should be water sources with its own unique characteristicas:

    in the savana brown water holes, (if you drink it not boiled, it makes you sick.)

    In the desert oases with palm trees and bushes

    In the tundra and other snowy areas frozen lakes

    So these water sources are there to drink from it directly or after boiling it on fire to make it consumable.

    Water from he ocean is salty and even increases the thirst.

    Beside these water ponts&lakes with reed should be also rivers, which start at a spring and flows into the ocean. Inside the rivers are round stones different sizes called riverbed. You can also drink from rivers without boiling it.

    Nur ein Vorschlag, weil vielleicht wollt ihr ja alles selbst machen was ich auch verstehen würde:

    Red holt euch doch wenigstens bei den Gebäudestrukturen, den Dungeons und Points of interest etwas Hilfe bei der Community. Es gibt so einen schönen Creative Editor in Kombination mit einer kreativen Community. Was man da alles auf Steam zu sehen bekommt an tollen Bauten, Landschaften und anderen Dingen die gebaut wurden. Wäre doch schade, wenn einige davon nicht zugänglich für alle ins Spiel kommen würden...

    In the java version was also shacks, ruins and also pyramids which were buildings, so I see no problem to add buildings which the community created and liked the most. It would be a great varity, quanity and quality. If the community like these buildings, the new players will also like them.

    Thx for the update!:thumbup:

    Also many improvements I hoped for!

    I have one question and one thing I realized:

    I realized that in the savanna is also one kind of very wet looking soil in some places which is common in the taiga or temperate forest. Maybe it should be more dry looking? (more into a grey pale not that much color tone). Variation is nice but it looks too wet for a savanna biom.

    Will it it be like in the Java Version where certain resources will be in different depths below the earth? This was nice because you need to dig or find a deep cave to get special materials and not at the surface accesable at the beginning of the game. So you need to make progress before getting certain materials.

    if we could build our own (insert evil setting) and have a feature to spawn and leash our own npc`s to that area

    The suggestion was made to make a request for Rising World players to post their ruins, dungeons, pillars, stone structures and smaller buildings and megalithic remains. In a thread some very promising screenshots where posted. Many players do know what most of the people like and want to have in the world.

    Nothing speaks against it to add the best voted structures in the game. So you would have a huge varity, the best you can get and no addional work for Red. And players have fun and incitement to do their best.

    Maybe this kind of implementation can be made also with other stuff like nature areas, cave systems and items.

    It creates content and quality.

    Leider gibts bisher noch keinen Weg, die Java Version komplett zu entfernen :/ Du kannst die Daten der Java Version zwar manuell löschen, aber Steam wird sie bei Gelegenheit vmtl. wieder herunterladen...

    Die Java Version wird man erst los, wenn die neue Version die offizielle Hauptversion wird. Mit diesem Update sind wir leider noch nicht ganz an dem Punkt, aber nach einem langen, steinigen Weg nähern wir uns dem endlich - eines der kommenden Updates wird diesen Schritt endlich vollziehen ;) Das werden wir dann auf jeden Fall deutlich kommunizieren ^^

    Der Upload dauert irgendwie recht lange... ist größer geworden als gedacht (knapp 40 GB für alle Plattformen) :saint: Ist aber gleich fertig. Sollte in den nächsten 30 Min verfügbar sein

    Eine Zwischenfrage: Wird die Java Version bei Release der Unity Version bestehen bleiben? Wäre doch schade um die Entwicklungsaufwand, den ihr da reingesteckt habt. Halt als Option zum Installieren irgendwo unaufdringlich versteckt.