Ah, ok thanks
Posts by noci
Ich stehe gerade auf dem Schlauch, vieleicht kann mir hier jemand helfen.
I'm at a loss right now, maybe someone here can help me.
Für die Situation der Blauen Rotation haben wir ja schon den weg gefunden.
We have already found the way to deal with the blue rotation situation.
CodeIch versuche jetzt die Grüne Rotation hin zu bekommen, sie soll sich an der Normale vom Terang ausrichten.
Allerdings finde ich da gerade kein AnsatzIch habe die Normale(Blaue Zylinder) als Vector3f und die Rote Rotarion als Quaternion.
Aktuell Dreht sich der Schräge Würfel um seine Ackse in der Roten Rotation, so das es eine von 360 blichrichtung gibt die PasstI'm now trying to get the green rotation to align with the normal of the Terang.
However, I can't find an approach at the momentI have the normal (blue cylinder) as Vector3f and the red rotarion as quaternion.
Currently the slanted cube rotates around its axis in the red rotation, so that there is one of 360 light directions that fitsCode -
material was created with code
What do you mean?
I had built my own shader in which 15-20% of the texture was output as emissive, which tricked it out poorly.
Could you maybe show me the trick you use? -
Der Link funktioniert leider nicht.
Das ist ein Privater Server der kein Öffendliches Zertifikat besitzt, wenn du gefragt wirst ob du dem Hereausgeber Vertraust, kannst du das Bestätiegen
not yet
I once found this post: https://stackoverflow.com/ques…uaternion-rotate-properly
First I got the Vector3f direction from the dragon to the point by Utils.VectorUtils.getDirection
Vector3f directionRot=Utils.VectorUtils.getDirection(dragon.getLocalPosition(),position.getPosition());
Then I created a multiplier and determined which axes would be used, only Y
Quaternion qFac = new Quaternion( 0, (float) Math.sin(PI/4), 0, (float) Math.cos(PI/4));
Next I get the quaternion direction of the dragon
Quaternion rRot = dragon.getLocalRotation().lookAt(directionRot);
Then the multiplier is multiplied by the quaternion
Quaternion fRot = qFac.multLocal(rRot);
Now the new viewing direction can be added to the dragon by creating a new quaternion, cropping the axes here again to be on the safe side, and normalizing the whole thing
dragon.setLocalRotation( new Quaternion(0, fRot.y, 0, fRot.w).normalizeLocal());
This is just how I calculate the direction for myself.
But I think if you adjust lines 12-18 and 21 it should work -
What exactly do you want to do?
That the dragon always looks at you?
I'll think about it tomorrow, but for now it's just AFK:Heilige: -
the current issue im having is keeping the dragon on the terrain.
Do you know the post? calculate-height-on-z-axis
i know very little about how quaternion's work to get the right rotation.
Actually, I think the with Quaternion works quite well
Your imagination and wishes are very big, they are not bad, just quite complex if you go through them in detail.
It is always easier to build something for exactly one specific purpose, the more purposes something has, the more complex/complicated a project becomes.
For example, making a list is not the problem (2-3 hours of writing), just making a list that remains flexible (for font size, number of entries, events) cost me 6-8W and it's still very simple but it is over 1000 lines that are confused with each other.
It is often underestimated what is actually necessary to display a pair of colorful pixels.
A lot of things have already become standard, although there are more complex things like, almost everyone can drive a car, and almost no one can build an engine (in percentage terms)
It will take some time and then it will get easier, but I don't know whether it will be as easy as you described
sazhm Mach dich nicht kleiner als du bist, es war mein Fehler, zumindesten im Single Player gab es noch Probleme
Im zweifel einmal die *.json Löschen
Bitte berichte ob du es mit der Neuen Version zum Laufen bekommen hast und welche Fragen noch offen sind, nach dem ich nun die Anleitung weiter ausgebaut habe -
but its turning out to be a real pain
You've first managed a "Blend Tree" for Random IDL, which looks pretty good. (that's next for me)
I'm still thinking about how best to tie the timer(s) together
There is no trigger deletion yet, so Booleans work better for e.g. running, not running, which can also handle a double trigger.
I think in 2-3 updates there will be room for wishes again, and until then we can test/think about what we still absolutely need.
I think a unified blend tree control is at the top of my list.
I think Random IDLE Animations is a good approach, then red only had to have one function for a script like this:
We need "caveman-level" modding tools.
What do you mean?
An avatar import tool like VRChat, just for NPCs?
Either you would have to set clear guidelines and only this way and that only works, that would only limit the possibilities again.
Especially with NPCs, you currently have to assemble it in Unity (bones, mesh, animator, Colleider), then you can control the whole thing via the plugin API, from scratch. How, when and where the object moves, what animator status it gets.
And then comes the problem of designing this animator so that everyone is happy.
I'm just trying to do it myself, smaller things can be done but they still have to be tailored precisely.
Maybe later, much later, there will be a more direct way to insert your own NPCs, if you can then fall back on the game's own animators, e.g. trade: if you have a dealer who already shakes his hands a lot and maybe already has things off the shelves If you get a cabinet, you would just have to adjust the bones and the mesh and then control it like all the game's own NPCs later
Simplifications are slowly building up, that's why I have the Project ToolsAPI, this is where all the "tricky" things you could use when developing plugins are created.
Currently I can only offer a GUI variant to generate windows and lists more quickly or a simple button that handles its own event and a timer label that shows you a cownt down and at the end triggers an event that can be stopped, started and reset.
Or placing GameObjects, like with the ModelLoader, can be used by others.
Unfortunately I can't keep up with the documentation, but there is an answer if you ask
yahgiggle Please move the post to Neue Plugin API
Update 0.7.6
- FIX - Bei Scalierund kleiner 1 ist Minimum 0, nicht entsprechend der einstellung z.B. 0.01
- UPDATE - [Numpad0]+[NumpadEnter], Reserve Bestätiegung
- UPGRADE - Cash Management für Bundle im SP
Single Player wird jetzt unterstützt!
Beinhaltet Upddate der ToolsAPI
Update 0.0.6
- FIX - Placer Event ist eindeutig zu Ordnen bar
- UPGRADE - Bundle Cash Managemant, für Single Player, hinzugefügt
Avanar voll ins Schwarze
Ja, ich freue mich schon auf's Update
Kein Stress wenn's mit der nächsten Passt, bin ich wieder unter zugzwang , dann klemmt nur noch das Bundle Management im SP -
Hmm... welches Problem tritt denn genau auf? Wird das Event gar nicht erst getriggert?
Ja, es scheint als würde er garnicht erst Getriggert werden.
CodeDas ist leider ein heikles Thema
Ja gut, dann muss das ebend an die Hand nehmenund selber "Cashen"/eigene Listen nehmen.
Muss ich aber erstmal ProbierenIch kann leider nicht sagen, ob wir dafür bis zum nächsten Update eine Lösung haben...
Kein Stress, Primer Ziel ist ja Server und das Klappt, SP schaue ich mir jetzt mal genauer an
Nein aus Platz gründen ist asset leer und dient nur als Vorlage. (Die Datei ist bereits im JAR und wehre sonst doppelt und das RAR wird unnötig größer)
Im normal Fall würde das Plugin auch die Ordner anlegen und die Dateien erstellen, Theoretisch bräuchte es nut die *.jar
Nur für das Bessere Verständnis habe ich die Ordner mit rein gepackt, damit das einfacher ist zu sehen wo was hin kommt. -
Taucht im Log jetzt soetwas auf?
CodeGibt es eventuell rechte Einstellungen, bei wem Hostest du?