Posts by yahwho

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    @red51 am I right to believe the player rotation and npc rotation are not the same?

    I'm using Vector3f posP = new Vector3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); to calculate player direction with multLocal(posP)

    but I have to use Vector3f posN = new Vector3f(0.0f,0.0f,0.25f); to calculate npc direction with multLocal(posN)

    It's fine, I've got it working using that, just wondering if this will change (I have noted NPC NaN fixes on the console)

    Now you know why I do not play on servers. They are here 1 day and gone the next , or you are griefed to death. I was banned from a server where I spent less then 2 minutes on line and did absolutely nothing but look around.

    When you play on a server you own NOTHING despite what you are told because it can all go poof in 1 second. You have NO rights no matter what you are told.

    Think about that before you go building on someone else's computer.

    That's not entirely true. There are quite a few long standing servers (some have been around for several years). If a server is setup correctly griefing should be neigh impossible with PVE mode and protected areas. Effectively making the griefing "work" in comparison to the "cleanup" work exponentially harder. Someone could spend 12 hours trying to ruin a server and with the correct setup all that "griefing work" can be undone in a matter on minutes. Who then would have the last laugh? :rolleyes:

    I appreciate your frustration though "it can all go poof in 1 second." that's what happened to me when I first played on a multiplayer server. I lost my first ever castle, but we learn and we move on to build better things.

    In the end multiplayer are exactly that - multiplayer. I hope a few bad experiences do not tar your brush forever.

    P.s. you can always make your own blueprints of your builds as your own "backup". ;)

    Is your boat house build complex? Loads of objects (pnbs) in the same chunk and adjacent chunks will use a lot of cpu up and as such will probably cause lag. I would highly doubt the issue would be with the boats as they are effectively just one object each.

    Hi, I'm trying to get the a players world temperature and the saturation level of clothing.


    works great to get a players temperature.

    I would also like to get the environment temperature of the current player as well as the saturation level of their clothing.

    Stuff like:

    would be great! :saint: (or something to the same effect)

    I'll explain why I ask 8) The Medieval Realms plugin is quite graphic intensive - the resource payload is around 1.4 MB (a floppy disks' worth) of graphics. What I would like to do is for the resources to be loaded from a instead of the server (i.e. a different IP and pipe). This would mitigate the ping increases when a new player (who does not have the files cached) connects to the server - especially when several new players connect near-simultaneously.

    Is it possible to create a raycast from a source location other than that of the camera? ?(

    Such as a given angle from a high value y axis?

    Hi all, thought I would share this, it's a super-simple-super-lightweight (9KB) plugin that will shutdown your server at any given time - as configured by an even simpler XML file.

    The plugin will give all online players 1 minute notice via a waning message, accompanied by audio alert.

    Complete XML syntax for setting.xml is as follows. So you just need to edit the two integers to specify your time. Can't be simpler right?

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    You will then need to use Task Scheduler (or your Linux equivalent) to start the server back up approx 2 minutes after the scheduled shutdown time (The actual shutdown event starts 1 minute after the scheduled time).

    Unfortunately startups can't be done with plugins as the JVM they are running in are killed during the process of the shutdown.

    Source code and walk-through is also available on Medieval Realms website (almost all up and hopefully making sense).



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