Posts by yahwho

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Hi all,

    Does anyone know if there is a way to allow the F10 chunk fix in none-creative mode? I've looked through the javadoc but I don't seem to be able to see anything that would mimic this action.

    I would like to allow all players to fix chunks themselves - unless there is a good reason why this is not enabled in none-creative mode?

    Thanks ^^

    Rising World is an amazing game concept. The developers have constructed it really well. I've played other similar games but JIW Games have absolutely nailed the building mechanics - it's so intuitively obvious you can't flaw it. Some of the builds you see on the public servers are owe inspiring. . . and all made "by hand" block by block, plank by plank.

    I have great respect for the game developers, the artistic builders, the survivors, server owners, and plugin developers.

    All said, it's a great game and a great community, for which I'm proud to be part of (my only regret is it took me so long to discover this game!). :D

    The only issue when spawning a new process from within the JVM is that it's treated as a child process. This means if the JVM is closed, all child processes will be killed as well :/ You can add shutdown hooks to the JVM though (and start a new process there), but they're still affected by the death of the JVM (it kinda works on Windows but becomes very awkward on Linux)...

    Thanks for that. I'm by no means knowledgeable about the real ins and outs of java. Still learning! :D


    I guess the easiest way around this is to schedule (via a plugin) a "clean shutdown" at say midnight.

    Then at, say 2 minutes past midnight set a Scheduled Task to run the server.


    That's how I'm going to run a script from Java. 8)

    Are there any? I.e. stuff like onPlayerMount()

    We've had some horse rustlers, and the owners of said rustled horses are not pleased. :saint:

    Hi, I would like to create an automated/controlled server shutdown. Now, firstly, is this already possible? In which case show me the way to Tipperary!

    What I would like to do is something similar to this:

    Step 1, global announcement to players that server is rebooting soon (easily done)
    Step 2, stop any new connections to the server (not sure if this is possible? maybe set max players to 0?)
    Step 3, after x period of time, kick any remaining players that are online (so that there are zero players online)
    Step 4, restart server script (not sure how to automate via java? (which is preferable)

    Hmm well the bit of code I've just tested that's throwing a null pointer is:

    if ( event.getExchangeItem().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("IRONROD")) {
    //bla bla

    So are you saying all my getExchangeItem calls need to be changed to getItem? I wonder because you make it sound like its the other way round?

    Hmm. Well. . . on Medieval Realms you can sell items such as gold ingots to the treasury and iron rods etc to the blacksmith.

    This works via players transferring items from their inventory into large crates within the shops.

    This was all working flawlessly before. We had a server crash a few days ago, and I've just discovered that when players do this action now, the server crashes! <X<X

    Just updated my server (has updated fine and people are logging in), thought I would mention the beginning of the server script warns me that the server is outdated says its when is the latest. I suspect this warning is in error. :P