It would be great to have some kind of access the games console via the API.
I'm imagining something like this sudocode:
Console c = this.server.getConsole();
c.execute("spawnnpc dummy id " + id);
Why? Well I would like to let people spawn NPCs dummies into their builds, but I want to *limit* this (depending on game time). I don't want to allow a new player, who may just be on the server to cause chaos to go around spawning 100's (if not 1000's) of NPCs (which someone could do with a script if blanket access was allowed).
I would also like to be able to easily write a plugin to spawn NPC animals. I've had a look at the API and I can't see any calls in there that would allow me to do this. The only way round I can see is to directly add new NPCs via the main database. Something I don't like doing hence my own database and own tables for Medieval Realms!
Something like this would be great!
for ( int i = 0 ; i < TOTAL ; i++ ) {
c.execute("spawnnpc cow id " + some_id_number);
P.s. I know this is sudocode; I'm not sure how you can spawn anything with an ID number as I've not looked into it yet, but we'll defo need ID numbers on the spawns if we are to keep track of them