Ahh I think I understand whats happened X/ LOL
It's one of the "land based" huts that someone has destroyed all the walls of and then started building on! I've just looked at another one.
What a idiot!
The half size blocks totally threw me.
Ahh I think I understand whats happened X/ LOL
It's one of the "land based" huts that someone has destroyed all the walls of and then started building on! I've just looked at another one.
What a idiot!
The half size blocks totally threw me.
Am I right to believe that if plugins are enabled on a server to allow server-side plugins this also allows users to use client-side plugins?
I've noticed some half size blocks and items with textures that are not 'standard' on my server, and I'm trying to keep the environment as "standard game-play" as possible.
Sweet! I assume they will act like chests but for weapons?
Hmm I dunno about dropped items. But I agree you should be able to deliberately place items and have them remain. I'm thinking things like sword racks!!!
Nope your action key is 'F'
Have you tried picking the tanning rack up and dropping it back down again? Pick up items by looking at them and holding down the action key.
Does sound like its got into a pickle.
Hi @red51
This method appears to be called twice when a player respawns.
Also, when a player dies from falling, player attack, starvation, or animal attack, the onPlayerDeathEvent method is invoked - as expected.
However, when a player dies from tnt explosion this event is not called.
Ahh fantastic, great looking plugin Yahgiggle!
Will this still work with the new updates in regards to none-unique name? Or will you have to update it?
Am I right to understand that this does not work with MySQL and only works with SQLite?
Look in your steam app folder. I believe it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RisingWorld\Worlds or something very similar. Of course this is only if you're on Windows and Steam.
On Linux try searching for a world name with the extension .db that should find it. Such as "My World.db"
In between the lines I read "raft building"
I would love to see an official area protection / block protection. I'm sure others would too
Are you using steamcmd?
No, most of steam servers are available as anonymous (no account needed). so no need to install steam and give credentials to install them.
Thanks for clarifying botchikii, it is an old article I'm reading.
I did say I was often mistaken
Are you sure the steam dedicated server can be downloaded anonymously? im getting "failed to install app 33910 <no subscription>" I want to try and avoid installing steam on my server if possible as I want all the resources available for the server.
From what I've read (so far) you need a steam account to run a steam server, and the account needs to be different to that of the one you play with otherwise you won't be able to play on your own server. The "server" steam account doesn't need to have any games associated with it though. It doesn't look like the steam server has that much of a footprint on hardware resources. Still reading but I thought I'd share what I understand so far. Please do correct me if I am mistaken! ( I often am )
Edit: it's an old article on hosting a counterstrike source server I'm reading. It does look like there is maybe limit on server slots too. I.e 32 players.
a plugin would be the better idea
Yep I was thinking along those lines too either a prefix or a postfix
P.s. I think we all await your god like plugin skills
Ops skim read too fast (my mistake)! But that still doesn't stop anyone not on the reserve list.
Edit: maybe a plugin is in order Anyways, upshot is I would rather this than a DDOS.
Just a thought, how can we prevent someone impersonating another user?
That's great! I have just started my plugin and was using the username as a unite a unique ID. Updating to getUserID() shouldn't be a problem! And I've had many people ask if you can change username.