Posts by yahwho
I'm using NetBeans (I used to use Eclipse so NetBeans is all new to me)
The jar file does contain the api folders and classes too
I'll try to grab a screenshot or directory tree to illustrate
Yeah looking inside my jar file I can also see the api jar files, which I'm sure is not right!
To get my code to compile (using NetBeans) I right clicked on my project name, selected properties, went to the libraries option and added the PluginAPI jar with the add JAR/folder option.
Which allow me to compile, as without it moans about the imports not working (i.e. net.risingworld.api.... )
To create my jar I right clicked on my project and selected "build"
It's been a while since I wrote any code, and I'm new to NetBeans (old Eclipse guy here).
This is my attempt at almost a "hello world" plugin.
The "plugin" is simply:
CodeWith of course the yml file
code i
Hmm there isn't a line 99. Just 47 lines. I suspect it is the way I've compiled the package with the api
Hi Guys,
I'm trying to write my first plugin, It's literally just a framework at the moment. I added my jar file to a created directory "plugins" in the server root and then typed in reloadplugins into the in-game console.
I got a message saying that it had failed (or something along those lines) and then on the server log I got tons of errors (as in repeatedly until I restarted the server).
Codeat$HeadContext.channelRead($ that can anyone see what I was doing wrong? I Appreciate you may need more info!
Okay so I've had some free time to take a look a the database. I really wanted to undo my decision on blocking certain Npc's and dungeons.
I've now managed to retrospectively add both dungeons and Npcs without regenerating the world.
If anyone wants to know how to unblock or block certain Npcs / Dungeons *after* the world is created, open up the games database and check out the table WorldInfo, in there you will find two fields (amongst others): DisableNPCs, and DisabledDungeons, these VARCHARS contain the Strings with the blocked Npcs and Dungeon types.
Simply edit these strings, save changes, and then restart the MySQL service.
I have not 100% tested but I did go into my world and went into a newly generated chunk and I did indeed find a Polar Bear! Which previously was blocked.Update: All tested and working as expected in regards to animals, found some land based dungeons, but nothing subterranean yet. . . I'll keep looking (and updating).
Next will be to retrospectively add caves.
UPDATED: Caves working too!
Many thanks to @Minotorious for the idea!
Will do Red - I have not seen the error since.
Just a thought, the vps would also allow you to run multiple servers. . . that's if you wanted to.
Hosted game servers are more public-friendly. For example you don't need to know what ssh is to "own" one.
A plus for virtual machine servers is you don't ever need to worry about hardware upgrades as the host will do all this (or at least should).
And of course there is always the cost of electricity (my server sucks up about £10 worth of the stuff every month).
Also a virtual server should also have some sort of AV software and backup system (probably to an FTP site).
Aahh the yahgiggle god powers
That's a very good idea!!!
I will wait to see what Red says.
P.s. I still haven't worked out how to give likes, but that reply Min definitely deserves one!
Thanks chaps. Yeah that's what I have been doing to date, I was just hoping I could automate the spawns for people who decide to go off into the world on their own. Oh well there's still ground-based huts for them to find
Retrospectively adding dungeons - is it possible? I would like to add them but they were not there when the map was seeded?
Hi, I got a disconnect message that said something on the lines of "Family sharing is not supported by the game".
Does this mean someone else has logged in with my account??
Bump for updates (PvP suggestion).
Sorry for my late response!
Unfortunately there i no API available for the stats. But if you only want to get certain server information, you can query the particular server directly (through the http port, i.e. serverport-1)
If you want to get a list of all servers, you can use this link:
Hmm... well, I wouldn't explicitly encourage somebody to do that, but it isn't a problem at all. If there are information you could grab by scraping the page, just do it, I'm fine with that
Thanks @red51 - and a Happy New Year to you!
Hey @red51 do you have a website API for server stats?
Also what is your opinion on web scraping? There's information I would like to grab and I could do it by just scraping the page - but clearly if you don't want people doing this I would respect that!
Have you tried using a different web browser or cleared your cache and cookies? I've seen this problem with other users at work (with different websites). The usual cause is your browser's internet cache and cookies.
I have used a bigger one, I was wondering max aspect ratio really, size wise, any PNG can be compressed pretty well.