Posts by ArcticuKitsu

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    - Handcarts & Horse Drawn Carts:

    I'm aware Red51 noted he was planning to eventually implement carriages attached onto horses, it however is needed for bigger projects. Or maybe to ferry resources from one side to another.

    - Digging out an underground roadway needing to ferry stone & ores to other areas.

    - Hand-pulled carriages from Medieval era.

    Shall be nice to have these later.:nerd:

    The suggestion a group of us had for repairing the mining drill was the ability to forge new drill bits at the anvil and have them get applied like a repair kit that restores the durability of the mining drill. At least until the more advanced repair station gets implemented and even then the drill bits could then just become a required component to building the drill so it wouldn't be a wasted asset to create.

    I was afraid of that, especially seeing as how certain Minecraft Feed The Beast Modpacks handled repairs like that. Sure, if I'm overflowing with resources then I can gladly resort to repairing the drill via parts, new drill bits, and etc.

    Applied like a repair kit? I actually approve of that idea, and new drill bits, and parts. The "wasted asset" has me worried though, but what's mentioned is something I approve of.:thumbup:



    Forgot to note that in the "future" (whenever Red51 is able), I wouldn't mind seeing an NPC repair guy handle tool repairs (among other things), even relating to drills, or whatever you have needing to repair. Place a stall, have them stationed there, and repair the tools. Or go to a nearby settlement to have it repaired by someone over there. Whichever is closest. Or have automation repair your tools. Anything.

    Whatever works.




    [Bugfix] Fixed items not being repairable at the grindstone

    Even with the hotfix, I'm also saddened I can't edit my tool to go do some mindless terraforming. RIP. Still the same error on steel pickaxe.X(


    Edit #3:

    Done as James & I noted, and I'm a happy camper now.

    Done! Now back to digging & terraforming. I missed my drill, and I'm glad I can use it again. o7

    Advanced tools (ie mining drill, etc.) can not be repair yet as the developer has stated that he wants a more advanced / interactive method for repairing the advanced tools.


    Was hoping for a more feature-ready compromise until until such advanced methods were ready.

    there is a setting to disable the durability system [New] Item durability is now fully configurable and can optionally also be disabled (see settings -> miscellaneous)

    I'll do just that. I'll store my tools in a special chest in hopes of having them eventually repaired, even if they're noted as being "worn out" & "broken". Would be a shame to throw these tools out.

    I'll just spawn a new set of tools in, toggle it (as noted in your quote) and move on. Thanks.

    (Hopefully that'll loosen the slack on the ball-&-chain on the leg.)

    This one makes me sad. The flaws with this one makes the game feel like it's missing something, or with the sensation I'm not allowed to do something. Makes me feel like I'm wearing a ball-on-a-chain while roaming around my world.... I feel highly limited in what I can do, and sure, that may be an unintentional cause-and-effect to these updates.

    - Shelving my drill. It's now broken, and I now fear I won't be able to repair it at all.

    - But this.... I can't repair, nor sharpen my tools because it's "too damaged".

    What's the point then? I was warned far too late with the yellow-orange notification, and by then it's actually pointless to "sharpen" the tools. I feel I can't play Rising World with these tools being low in durability, let alone being unable to be fixed properly. I understand there may be a fix coming along, but is there any way we can do a work-around, or have the notification pop up prior to a tool being fully broken?

    This saddens me. Good luck getting these repairs, sharpening, and such tuned. Feels unbalanced to me. Makes Rising World feel unplayable, especially with what projects I have in mind. I guess I have to wait a while longer.:sleeping:

    (Not knocking on Red51, I simply feel the airs taken out of my sails on this one.)

    - I'm happy the Ore Detector is fixed. The display is readable again, and it feels awesome again.

    I'll check back again "soon". Good luck!

    Congrats on going main version, but I was hoping to finally have the drill finally be repairable. Was hoping to go back to at least do some mindless terraforming, or build something. I'm happy for your version update, and the new trailer. Here's to hoping we can eventually see fishing, dungeons, trains, and everything else promised (and desired) on the Java & Unity roadmap.

    Fishing is a nice checkpoint to cross, and that shall be a lot of fun.

    Thanks for getting the ore detector fixed, I needed that previously. Shall slowly ease my way back into Rising World again.

    And most importantly, no insults, that is not acceptable!

    Thank you! Now I don't have to be harassed again over trivial nonsense.

    I genuinely respect Deidre, and also Drakonas who makes awesome ocean liners. If they assumed I didn't, they do, and I have to note that.

    RE: HMHS Britannic

    Respect. /salute


    back to trains.......

    On the bit about "Just play Sim games", I bought Trainz Simulator 2022 and it just isn't good. It feels "old", dated, and weird. Sure, it's neat, it however doesn't hit that itch the way modded Minecraft does with Immersive Railroading, or even (hopefully) Rising World shall. Dovetail game's feel slightly more refined (if broken), and that's saying something when it comes to menus. Maybe the game is fine, and it does have my awesome Canadian National livery train.

    And that's your problem with sims, it just doesn't allow you do what you need to do. Sometimes it's bloated, sometimes it's undercared, or poorly tended to. As I've noted previously, Rising World can easily handle trains well, especially for the reasons I've noted previously........

    - Cargo, something Train sims don't have. Shuttling cargo your way, on your own terms, and properly.

    Currently using boats & horses in Rising World, though the farther something is, the more useful trains shall be. Yes, even underground and connected via bridges. Again, think of the Euro-Tunnel, or linking Japan's Aomori with Hakodate, or how Fukuoka lines need to connect into mainland Japan (linking to Hiroshima).

    With the steam train Red51 has shown in his Trello, and as I've shared in the first post, it shall indeed streamline everything. Get the right people aware of trains and they'll have fun with trains in Rising World. That is, if people actually care about improving Rising World. I'm having my doubts people want to actively sabotage Rising World. It would be a shame to see RW sabotaged over a genuine feature such as trains.

    - Immersive Railroading - V1.12.

    If, and when Red51 can get to trains properly you will see a nice noticeable switch, and influx of people. No joke.

    That's modded Minecraft. Seeing Rising World tackle this would be interesting. Minecraft & hopefully Rising World shall handle trains properly. Waiting to see what Red51 manages to do.:nerd:

    P.S: Waiting on Red51 to implement a way for drills and chainsaws to be fixed of their durability. I brought it up, still waiting.

    Yeah, many plugins broken, including the Teleporter and the Wisp plugins. Consider all the plugins broken. Hope I can have the Wisp plugin back in time.

    Wenn du mit der Maus über ein Kleidungsstück im Inventar (noch nicht Angezogenes) gest, kommen Information über Schutz, Wärme, Wasser.


    If you died with the mouse over a piece of clothing in your inventory (not Energized), get Information about protection, heat, water.


    I'll check out what my options are. Wish we could have more clothing options.

    Ja, dieses Update hat auch Wärme/Kälte Empfindlichkeit hinzugefügt.
    Wenn du noch Nackt bist kann das so Intensiv sein, je nachdem in welcher Region du bist.


    Yes, this Update has also added heat/cold sensitivity. If you're still Naked, and that can be so Intense, depending on which Region you're in.

    Wearing this. It seems to not be effective in either cold or hot weather. I have to test it out, it however isn't effective during the rain. Shuttling many supplies around.

    Happy we do have the heat/cold additions, and seasons. Steadily checking each, everything out. :D

    Had one crash, though no log was saved. I'm assuming it auto-sent a log to Red51.

    - Ore detector doesn't show text of what ore you're seeking.

    Messing around with the new features currently. Being near a furnace warms you up a heck of a lot, and being in the rain really hurts you. Almost like acid rain. Thankfully now have storage for my sail boat, something I'm happy. Even able to apply decorations on my sail. Nice!

    I was hoping for fishing because someone suggested it on the Steam forum side, and I'm bummed out there's no fishing. I'll however attempt to make use of everything else. I'm admiring the new primitive furniture set though. Slow and steady going through everything.

    I'm thankful I have my chainsaw back, I however noticed I won't be able to repair the drill. It's now under 'worn', and it appears we can't mend those items.

    (I apologize for this being long, going to respond at once.)

    I usually don't like building things just for decorative purpose. The tracks are more like a placeholder for real tram tracks in the future ^^.


    And I hope you get your wish answered. I requested trams, I however do hope you obtain your trams in the future. Tatra trams (I linked in suggestions) would be a good start on that. :D

    Once Red51 allows the "average joe" to be able to mod for Rising World then hopefully I can get my own stab at it, but I do agree with you having the real thing is far better than decorations. Hopefully we can get to that stage.....

    (I sadly wasn't able to share the screenshots from the 2018 era of other stations & custom trains. Maybe another time.)



    Now, where's trains? We need trains in the topic, and how it'll actually help out Rising World. How people have built train stations, trains, or what inspired them to do so.

    Whenever I see Japanese users (or even Europeans) note their trains, I always save images like these to make use of in Rising World. Maybe I can build the way both Europeans and Japanese engineers build in reality into Rising World, something I eventually hope to do in RW survival.


    1) Of course. I always admire what other people have accomplished, even if both vocally and silently. I'm not pushing Red51 to implement trains right this very moment, I'll however wait it out for when it's ready. I'm expecting late 2025, or even 2026. Ready when it's ready.....

    2) I wish we could solve these issues. I really do. Every time I think of Rising World, the forums, and Steam forums, my stomach hurts to the point various loose ends feel like they're intentionally left sabotaged for others to reel in pain. Red51 even painfully questioned me if I desired to refund the game. Maybe I should have, but there's no game like Rising World. I wouldn't have access to posters, the recently added sailing boat, and other awesome current & future planned features. I feel pained by Rising World, and I hope we can mend whatever slights we had done to one another to move onto actual greener pastures. I hope we can, all the while not playing stupid fake mindgames in the process because that's what the current world climate dictates us to do. I want no part of these mainstream witch hunting games encouraging others to hate on one another. I hope we can play Rising World without the stupid mindgames, sabotaging, and childish behaviours in between that process. I've nearly given up on Rising World over other people's behaviours (and I'm sure certain people would have been happy to have kicked me off), it however would have been sad to see Rising World die over other people's negative behaviours, and process. I want to see Rising World's roadmap through, IF Red51 desires to see his project through to the very end. If he cares, I care, and I want to see his project to the end, even if I have to lurk from the sidelines in 2026+ onwards.

    You're correct, I fully agree. Alienating other people shouldn't be a thing, nor "forever banning", Silencing users, etc. I understand the political climate of the world is forcing us to hate one another, I genuinely desire none of this dramatic nonsense, even if I've shared Youtube, Twitter/X game censorships as warning to Red51 & others to stay true to the course. I didn't want to see Rising World destroyed like other mainstream and indie games. It's a gem, it needs to be protected. I don't want to see Rising World killed off for stupid mainstream reasons, as many AAA games have been killed. Many games were being sabotaged to the point others and myself simply desire cozy games, Rising World included. Rising World is my cozy game, if now a "guilty pleasure" with all the crab menallity sabotaging going on. I'm both happy and pained by Rising World. I shared what I shared to keep Rising World on its proper, uncensored course of proper survival, exploration, and entertainment. Various people pushed my hands so various things were stated when they shouldn't have been....... I want to move on from that, especially from work, hence why a few hijacked threads on Steam were purged over being busy in life. One thread ran its course and I'm actually happy it was finally purged. I accidentally revived it, I'm however glad it was deleted allowing me more time to focus on some Rising World sessions, other game plays, and other curiousities. Sacrifices had to be made, and I'm happy about a more natural perspective. Same with Rising World and various Asian games staying true to what players actually desire. I can't wait to see what we get in this December update. I can't wait to see that banner.

    3) Exactly! Let's enjoy December, and the month of December as a whole. I've attempted to propose this, but I guess it was for naught. :(

    I wonder if I can find more Christmas themed trains, ones we could possibly even have in Rising World.

    Here, have a European Darthmouth (U.K) Christmas train.


    My possible vain attempt at keeping this a train topic:

    I'm at least trying to prep for Red51's future trains, as was noted via Java & Trello roadmap. Even if it may be rough, somewhat sloppy, I'll hopefully find a way to do "something" in survival mode.

    I don't know how much people care about this, I'm however attempting to loosely plan out my railway lines. I don't know how well they'll find into my cramped main city (tons of terra-forming), I however have a path for it to take. White lines is the rail route, the black building with green trim is the train station, and it leads out 2 ways. I'm hoping I can inspire from both 'Osaka Loop' & 'Sapporo' inner & outer loop on the main island. Similar can be done with the Savannah biome I colonized. Both are the same size, take up the whole map resolution, and trains are indeed possible on both islands. Sure, I can horse, and I have been using my horse. I've been building roads, and I may end up building more roads if the December 2024 update nudges me to do so. I need to see what Red51 provides us.

    I've seen too many Asian games (and indie games) actually listen to a proper gaming fanbase, and succeed. It's why I'm constantly sharing suggestions from those fronts in hopes of keeping Rising World alive in this front. Tested and true methods, especially when you listen to those who actually actively enjoy the games they play. People can also state they hate zombies and monsters, there are many more who also haven't seen the survey who actually might admire those. Surveys tend to be skewed, if with some accuracies. It's awesome Red51 does surveys (at least once). It's why I'm also sharing TrainCraft, Immersive Railroading, and etc. I've stated why trains would actually help Rising World, especially with growing failures and frustrations from the Train Sim genre.

    Sure, there's tons of train games in the train sim genre, just nothing people actually desire.

    - 'Derail Valley' is the only good one.

    - 'Sweet Transit' initially started as a charmful game, if sadly turning into a city tycoon game. You either have trains, a city, but not both. Pick one! You're either a train game or a city builder, NOT BOTH! It used to be $20, now it's $40 Canadian, and it had mixed reviews. Frustrating.

    - 'Calm Cove' game / 'Island Trains', both being 2D and top down. It's cozy, just not a proper train game. 'Island Trains' is also a neat cozy game. I'll still play the latter.

    - Dovetail Train Sim Games - It's either too restrictive and linear, bloated, low quality, etc. It does trains correctly, everything else is a ruined mess. It's a poorly managed, serviced, and overly saturated milk-cow genre. It stains the train sim genre in blood.

    - 'Railroad Online' went a decent route, if botching that in certain areas by being too randomized, tycoon style, etc.

    -'Heat Death', but that's also linear. It's a neat concept, it however refuses to be free-roaming. You can customize your train and cars the way you desire, if too limited.

    - 'Train Life' was a great idea, if highly poorly executed. Developers refused to listen to other people's concerns, even self-sabotaging themselves in the process. They removed illegally passing train traffic sharing the same track to eventually add them back in. People, loudly, spoke back against this noting how passing trains need to be on the OPPOSITE side of the parallel track, not the same direction as yours. The game died thanks to developers being too arrogant. I even conversed with them in a DM with how they were concerned over what I was saying, and what I said came true. Granted, they desired to eventually add VR Mode, that is never going to happen thanks to their own errors and flaws. They refused to do what was correct, only doing what they themselves desired.

    - Colony Survival: I may be wrong on this one, I however seen screenshots of this flawed game using minecarts to shuttle stuff around. I hate the game, I however may have to play it for science to see how it's actually implemented. Maybe it'll make me like this game again, even if the developer themselves are as flawed as those who made Train Life, yet worse. Imagine if Red51 constantly updated his life into Rising World news section? That's them. Colony Survival developers desired us to eat bugs, I didn't subscribe for that. I subbed for their game, not their political rantings. They "may" have minecarts.

    Rising World can beat each, and every one of these games hands down, if provided with Steam Trains, and every other proposed/planned trains in the steam, diesel, and electric range. This is no joke, and I mean this 100% seriously. Also speaking from experience from 'Immersive Railroading'. What Rising World has going for it (as noted via modded Minecraft's Immservice Railroading) is open world, co-op multiplayer, and how Red51 implements each feature with weight and functions. Look at the sailing boat, furnaces, etc, and you'll see where this is going. Compare it back to Immersive Railroading and back to Rising World and you can see why I'm hyping this up as much as I am.

    And I have to share this because it's something Japan needs to be encouraged on, something we're lacking in this gaming market. We need trains in Rising World, and so does Japan in their gaming market. We need actual, proper, 100%, real train games.

    - Running Trains (Indie game)…tatus/1725898017923088725

    This game seems dead, and it makes me sad. They're either working on it, on a hiatus, or it's dead, and I'm sad everything we need is close, if far away.


    MineTest (modded trains):

    Handy, if buggy. One wrong move and you have to rebuild your train from scratch. Needs better interface, accidental destruction protection, etc. I stopped playing this game, it however showed me nice trains.

    - Immersive Railroading (Minecraft - CurseForge)

    Until we get trains in Rising World I have to boast about how awesome trains are in Immersive Railroading. Trains actually handle as they should, something I expect Rising World trains to do. It's an older image, it however notes what I admired in the past, and still do now.

    Now, imagine this Immersive Railroading in Rising World, and bam! Fun!


    And no, I'm not going to get Rising World refunded. I don't want to miss out on each, and every update. Even if I was refunded, I would simply make an alt account and continue playing there. It's however a shame we had to reach this point to where gatekeeping certain people had to be a thing. Stomach pains, headaches, and constant frustrations. No game is like Rising World, and I can't migrate to another game either, no game similar to Rising World. Tis game is a neat gem. Red51 promised features I admire, and I desire those features. *praying emoji*

    I have a problem with the sentences in red! If you don't like that people insult and berate, dont' do it yourself. :angry: Besides, this game is NOT minecraft.

    I'm allowed to defend myself, and I won't let people kick me whether I'm standing or laying on the ground being spat at. I've already been through so much abuse because other people aren't honest. They always admire kicking, berating people because it gives them that weird "rush". I don't like that. I haven't insulted people actively, as others had done. Maybe by mistake, just not intentionally. I had to deal with people even spitting on me when I was depressed, or even tired from work. I even told them to give me a moment, they refused, going on an abusive rampage, especially to the point I had to delete my Rising World private discord group because of their constant hostile behaviour. They didn't care! They have no care in the world. No shame, no respect. Everything was always allegedly my fault, even when it clearly wasn't my fault. People are bullies. There are bad actors in the Rising World community who simply desire to destroy Red51's hard work, gaslighting whatever myself and others have noted, and they would be overjoyed to see Red51's pride-and-joy ripped into pieces. People can shove their duck analogies aside as well, something which also wasn't applied correctly to the context it was noted in, especially when berating people for no valid reasoning. Again, I get it, it's far more hip and cool to berate people, something I much rather wouldn't do. I, instead, simply desire to build my projects in Rising World, and make use of each update's new features, to eventually see trains & NPC Companions, and to have my nice escapism fun. Yes, I do share things (I also stopped because I don't have the time anymore) as a warning in hopes of keeping Rising World alive & healthy, something people intentionally deflect back onto me as if I've done something wrong when I obviously haven't. I'm now sharing trains, but because it's the next best thing. If I can't have NPC companions, nor modding, then Red51's shared trains (stored asset) is the next valuable feature for Rising World. Just because it wasn't uttered by someone who pretends to admire Rising World they always find issues with 100% of the things I've noted. I feel bad they have to be that wound up, even actively sabotaging everything we admire about Rising World. We should be having fun with Rising World, not biting at each other's necks......

    And you're correct! Rising World it's Minecraft, it's better than that. It's modded Minecraft potential, and even more than that. It's a survival-creative-adventure game, as Red51 has noted time and time again. It's a game initially conceptualized to allow you to venture from caveman, Medieval era, and into modern era. Sadly, everything is still WIP, and placeholders, causing Rising World to be a mish-mash of everything. The potential is there, and I do feel trains shall indeed save Rising World because people's interests in trains are universal.

    Check out people's blueprints for trains, or even screenshots in Steam Screenshot section, and how even Train Sim games can't get trains correct. What Red51 had noted in how trains shall behave is what Rising World and the gaming scene really needs, especially when people can't even co-op properly. Rising World allows people to feel at home.

    The more negative interactions I receive the more I'm of the belief people simply desire to sabotage everything, even if Red51 sides with them. I desire to see Rising World through, especially with how no game can seem to match it.

    I digress. I'm here for trains, and I'll wait for trains. If I can't have modding, nor NPC Companions, then I'll settle for Red51's proposed, and promised trains. Diesel, Electric, and Steam trains. I'll have fun starting off with steam trains.



    - Trian Station:

    Brick Train Station

    Railroad Track

    All Aboard- Steam Train

    Tiny Toy Train

    - E- Lokomotive Typ Ce 6/8"

    E-Lokomotive Typ Ce 6/8"

    That last one! That E Lokomotive is something which impressed me, something I expect of Rising World. That high quality nature of Rising World, and this one is from the community. Rising World advertises itself as a quality game, and I'm glad it does. Vanilla, modded, etc. Again, I'm not saying it lightly when I say trains shall save Rising World. You however make it aware to various train nerds and train buffs who admire trains and they'll do whatever they desire, even if it's in creative mode, or in a superflat world, if we even have that option. There's also more I desire to share, they're however time-locked so if I do stumble across them I will share them, if I'm even allowed to do so.

    When people actually 100% care about what they admire it genuinely surprises me. It amazes me. When people are true you can see their true passion.

    I took Red51's advice and took more time for myself, so I have. More time for work, more time for Asian video gaming, and away from people who have desired me dead, hence why I post certain things in certain wordings. Let's see what others have noted. Fake people always pretend I'm evil, even spreading lies and slander of my own person so I always have to post disclaimers to note their own sins. They hate I actually admire Rising World, and they don't.

    With a new update around the corner I'm curious to see what's new for Rising World.


    but with the size of the islands i dont find them being very useful. and with the distance from some islands to others building bridges wouldn't fit right. dont get me wrong i would love trains. but wonder if something like a garden train with carts would better fit the game

    Ridable miniature railway - Wikipedia

    Trains would actually fit on the main island, and I do have plans to make a loop around my island. If you look at Osaka's 'Osaka Loop' you can see a loose plan. Or maybe Sapporo would be better with an inner and outer loop. I also colonized a Savannah biome just as large as the main island, something which allow for large steam trains to rumble through.

    - Osaka Loop (around an island, or cluster-islands):

    - Sapporo tram loop line (Clockwise & counter-clockwise loops; Purple & Grey):

    (And that's my plan for the islands. Have loop lines. As for connecting islands? Underground, and above-ground bridges appropriately designed to traverse to other islands.)

    Red51 shared the proper scale, and I'm glad he has shared a proper scale. I'm going by what what Red51 had initially shared on the forums, and what he plans for future roadmap additions. If he planned it then it over-rides what people have said, or even suggested.

    Small Locomotive. If you're worried about island scale, and trains to use on those islands, then a secondary island train could be this type. The second issue comes if Red51 desires to have these small freight haulers on his main gauge, or a narrow minecart gauge. He has to come out and say it, or when we reach that train update. I was also eying the Marklin 2890 models from Germany, among others. Search up Sugar Cane trains, and other types, and you'll see smaller train types of the Steam & Diesel variety. Maybe something there may be something Red51 has on his list. Maybe. He did note we're to obtain steam, diesel, and electric, after all...........

    - Sugar Cane train:

    I also do share your concerns for bridging between islands, especially with boats in mind. I have loose ideas on how to build railway bridges, especially crossing "oceans". I do have plans to connect one island with another in an underground (under the ocean) rapid railway networks. Could link it up with outpost railway stations, and etc.

    - German electric freight train:

    (This, going off of Red51's desire of having steam, diesel, and electric; Electric could potentially be run underground, similar to a Euro-tunnel manner, and even Japanese Shinkansen linking Fukuoka to the mainland, and Mainland Japan to Hakodate.)

    I understand the concerns for island size, and it's up to whatever Red51 is willing, able, and how it all functions. Red51 already has Steam trains, as noted in the initial post. It's his image, from his own Trello, and that weighs heavily as an interesting over-ride. Granted, I wouldn't mind having garden/park type trains. U.K actively runs downscaled locomotive replicas for tourists in rural areas.

    In the above video you have both down-scaled steam and diesel trains, something which may be of interest to you, and if Red51 desires to add some comical touches to Rising World.



    Ferries for Trains:

    In Japan, in both Kyoto & Hakodate's Ferry museum it was noted Japan used boats and ferries to shuttle trains around Japan. I'm aware it isn't a concept used solely in Japan, if also used in Europe, North America, and elsewhere. Japan simply made me more aware of it with their scale models, especially in Hakodate's Ferry museum. I forgot to take images, but I will link to an article noting them. It's up to Red51 if he's able to or not, I simply desire trains, and I'm still 100% certain it'll save Rising World. No doubts about that.


    *Disclaimer: I don't expect train ferries, I'm only bringing them up because of what I saw in Kyoto & Hakodate, Japan in their respective museums. That, and how Red51 noted he "may" look into adding barges/boats/vessels for mounts and vehicles. Maybe simply mounts. I only want trains, and I also view it as a genuine saving grace for Rising World. Again, because trains are a universal hobby, one which everybody in the world is aware of, and admires.


    I actually do have an image of Ferry trains from Hakodate, Japan.

    It is very big to add trains! Are we making train sim 6??

    Well if they add trains it must be realistic and then you get a sim

    but it wont be that. It is usefull for modern servers to transport players. Very cool for rp servers

    Red51 is making a realistic, yet fun, sandbox-creative survival game called Rising World, yes. You can play it in either survival or creative mode and you can do whatever you desire, such as Minecraft.

    Yes, it won't be Train Sim 6, it'll be it's own awesome "free-to-play" survival, building, and transportation game. We already have horses, Red51 in the process of making a 'Mount Plugin' to allow us to mount Moose & other animals, and etc. Truthfully, we need to stay miles away from Dovetail games, and to where Red51 desires to keep trains to steam, diesel, electric, two different rail gauges, and a free open world, something Dovetail games can't handle. Red51 can make a better train sim than train sims, and that isn't being said lightly. I mean it.


    Here, have a VIA Rail running through Minecraft scenery, a Canadian themed passenger train.


    I'll stand by what I had initially stated, and recently stated, especially after a certain someone was bullied by award points on the Rising World Steam forums. It appears the trolls are out in full force mocking people for their honest opinions, something I've notified Red51. It's up to him if he desires to see reality or not, I however brought various things to his attention just so he's aware. I'm not pushing for Red51 to push trains in a queue, it's just to not to underestimate the value of certain features, especially trains. Trains are nothing to laugh at. They're a major feature which shall genuinely boost Rising World, if modding can't thanks to self-sabotage in the community.

    I saw that "bought" message, I agreed with them. I'm happy for them. A little naïve, yet nice. I also added, in response to their happy response, trains themselves shall both save, and revive Rising World. I'm not joking about this, and I'm 100% serious about this. I'm not joking, though the people on the forums are as vile as they can be. It's a shame, because Rising World could be so much more instead of people being vile for their own ego. This is not a suggestion, but a reminder not to underestimate the value of trains in Rising World.

    - Rising World's future Steam Train, as noted via Trello.

    Trello Page - Steam Train & Trains:…ctivity&u=red5111

    How will this save Rising World?:

    1) Trains are universal in interest. Kids, teens, adults, and elderly all admire trains. There's a universal respect from them, especially from Asian countries, allowing people to unite under one banner to have fun with trains. Interests in trains aren't niche, and the truth is in people desiring to play trains, if unable to do so with how poorly made simulation games tend to be. Everybody loves trains, more people than you realize. People don't realize trains are an off-brand "house-hold" product, just of their own style. There's at least one train-related item in someone's home, as small or big as it is.

    2) Unified Supply Line (Structural): Horses and boats are a nice addition to Rising World, and I do use them whenever able, trains however shall boost things along by speeding supplies up via supply lines. They won't feel various penalties as horses, boats, and other vehicles are effected by, or so noted. Everything is connected and supplied. Connected resources.

    3) Moldable Worthiness: Unlike Train simulators, you can actually mold and flex your trains needs and desires to your own needs, as people initially had done in modded Minecraft. You're not stuck on a boring pre-determined line of track. Your train, and the cars behind it, can go anywhere you desire.

    4) Stagnated Train Sim genre: People who desire trains shall play train sim games? Sure, if briefly. Keyword: Briefly. They'll see how flawed, stagnated, and broken train sims are in the gaming sphere. Derail Valley being the only true game, the rest being cash-cow material with no real care or attention. Minecraft's & Farm Simulator mods picking up the slack and magic the train sims ironically tend to miss in regards of trains.

    5) Customizable Options: If we're looking at sailboats and banners, trains can have similar options for customization. Even via API & Modding POVs.
    6) Server Supply Lines: People on servers can boast, as they do with their boat routes, how they've supplied and delivered goods to other people. There's that pride and joy of spending a lengthy while and effort supplying goods around with various types of mounts and vehicles, this also includes trains. That exact feeling is sadly one missing from train sim games, something which fails to be present in train simulator games. A certain lost magic in train sim games.

    7) Linked settlements feel more satisfying (Emotional safety): Linking settlements, mines, and points of interests feels safer, more reliable, and easier to ship goods around. Instead of having to rely on roads for horses, or awkward winds with sailboats (ignoring RIBS), you can actually shuttle a fair decent amount via trains. Everything simply feels connected, closer, and more reliable. Can't haul things on your person, horse, or boat? Trains have you covered.

    8 ) Multiplayer Players (Rejected players): Rising World can easily appeal to players who desire to play with trains in a co-op/multiplayer environment. They've been constantly denied, rejected by Train Sim forum members, something modded Minecraft allows them to play with. Red51, once able to update Rising World with trains, can also tap into these intentionally abused, rejected, and sideline playerbase allowing people to play with Steam trains, etc. There's a game called 'Railroads Online', it's however wonky and all over the place, something Rising World isn't. Rising World can easily appeal to the playerbase who had desired an open sandbox, co-op experience. Players are willing, and waiting to play a proper train experience in Rising World. Rising World is your "everything game", after all.

    But I get it. I understand! It's so much easier to trash on trains, to be rude on forums, and to stroke your own ego simply because you hate someone for making a genuine observation.

    Rising World can tap into this void, fairly easily, by providing us a simple steam train (as shown above), various cargo/passenger train cars, and the necessary tracks to run them on. Once ready, and when it's finally ready to be released into an update, you can rely on the train's presence to boost Rising World's player count into higher levels. People shall play in both survival and creative, even going out of their way to make train stations, depots, supply lines, and other fun routes with and without friends. Interests towards trains is universal, and shall gain more love once more trains are also implemented. People desire their trains. People admire their trains to the point they had to mod other sandbox-related games to gain that unrestrictive train simulator game, ones the same train sim games failed to provide them.

    View 'Sweet Transit', it was supposed to be a simple game about trains. It was well received, sadly losing the respect to overly convoluted train & city-building themes. You have to choose one (trains) or the other (city building), not both. Dovetail games? Rushed, over-milked, too may sequels, and poor polish. Restrictive, penalizing, and they don't listen. Everything is disconnected and disjointed. There's genuinely no proper, valid train game out there. Everything feels scattered, improper, poorly catered to, something only modded train experiences can provide.

    This is where Rising World can succeed, especially matching Modded Minecraft's train mods, Farm sims, and other games out there with trains. I understand it's easier to scoff and make snarky comments, trains shall indeed keep Rising World breathing as you personalize the trains to your liking. Feeling the cargo as you put it into cars, or how you have to transport cargo around. Making a reliable train route to supply your goods, all the while linking your settlements with one train line and another. Everything stays fresh, and updates to your desires. Everything is more personalized to your own desires.


    Using Minecraft's train mods as a template, and a proper reference, one can see where Rising World's train future shall aim for.

    - TrainCraft:

    - Immersive Railroading:

    (Only download from trusted sites. I'm only sharing this for reference only.)

    - Create Mod:

    You can create anything you desire with Create mod, even submarines and battleships. I'll focus solely on trains, and trains is what I shall hype up.


    - TrainCraft

    - Immersive Railroading (With Canadian & other themes):

    - Create mod - Create-designed Trains & Station:

    Bonus - Farm Simulator 2022 with trains:


    Look! Red51 teased me with trains, and I admire trains ever since I was little. Same with other normal-minded individual. We have train nerds, bus nerds, boat nerds, and any type of nerds for every type of vehicle. I happen to have a universal interest, and I do admire trains, especially of the Canadian-Japanese-Slovak variety. I simply desire to see them in, and I do see them providing Rising World a healthy content & population boost. I'm not lying, or saying words lightly when I say 'trains is a universal interest', especially with hobby shops, Youtube channels, kids toys, etc. People don't realize how popular trains actually are, especially from a merchandizing point of view. I simply can't wait for when Red51 manages to get to the train update to finally allow people to have further fun, especially by tapping into an unknowing playerbase desiring to play with trains.

    That, and how people simply admire the nitty-gritty train side of things.

    Below - Minecraft's Immersive Railroading with extra modded CN Railway livery:


    (I genuinely desired to play further, longer, especially with how I have a train with CN livery on it. Train carries cargo from far away projects, and I can have whatever fun I desire with it.)

    I wasn't able to get far, it however made things feel far better, far more connected. I left this hanging because I play too many games (spread to thin), though can see this exact feeling and vibe in Rising World working well. I'm 100% certain once people are made aware of trains are both implemented and active they'll flock to Rising World in decent amount of numbers. Obviously, if you give them more to play with the more they'll have fun, but the Steam Train would be a nice start. Diesel trains? Sure. Whatever we're provided we shall have fun with it. Using Minecraft to conceptualize thoughts to imagine how trains could be handled in Rising World is an interesting perspective. Sadly, seeing others not knowing what they're talking about, only hating me because they desire to see me cancelled off the forums, or bullying other people is just disrespectful. Others not seeing value because they're too stiff. I simply hope people shall turn around to see the actual light of Rising World, and trains.

    "If you build it, they shall come."

    Go play Immersive Railroading and come back to me. You'll desire trains in Rising World as well. Don't talk to me otherwise, but let's converse once you're up to speed on proper train etiquette. :monocle:

    Hehe :saint:

    Yes, that's still on our to-do list, but I can't say for sure when it will be ready... we'll have more room for this after the upcoming store page update ^^

    I'm now curious as to when your next update is. I hope you can plan it for a nice festive December 5th, Sinterklaas festivities. Some small Christmas vibes, and your planned updates. Your next update would make a nice present on December 5th. :nerd:

    Red51, you startled me with this Halloween claw hands in the radial menu. I went 'WTF?!'......

    Also, curious when we'll gain the colonial/pirate cannons. Can't wait to have them displayed at my navy museum and Navy base at a secondary settlement. Good luck on your next update.

    I also have to note that hearing wolves at night, howling, is a very spooky situation. They're way far off in the distance, but even then, it's spooky.

    P.S: If you're worried about the health of Rising World then do know that trains shall save your behind. If you desire to save Rising World then consider trains, even if it's one small locomotive, or one small addition. It can even be minecarts related. It doesn't have to be now, it can be whenever it's ready.

    To add to the above:

    - Poster Drag-&-Drop in-game Folders (Making new folders):

    Having the ability to drag and drop one image into an image folder in-game while also having the ability to make folders in this poster menu. Basically having the ability to folder-categorize each image into their respective folder to make sure you don't re-upload images, etc.

    The above image is simply an example. I have VRChat, KanColle, Azur Lane, Minecraft nostalgia images, and various other sorts of images to cautiously sort through. Would love to have the ability to sort through them in-game, even if I could potentially do so outside. Can't preview images outside of the game.

    - Cutting Grass through blocks:

    Have the weedwhacker, lawnmower, or some other tool/object reach under blocks without needing to sledgehammer the blocks up and placing them back down. Grass tends to stick up through blocks, maybe even needing to die from the lack of sunlight. Better to do this via tools to prevent grass from sticking out from blocks and from removing already-placed building objects leaving them in place.

    I've been hyped for the longest while ever since I was able to build, place sectioned pieces, and then sail it from my secondary outpost to my main settlement. Sure, it took ages, I however do admire how much character it however has. These sailing boats add character to a port with their masts standing tall in the scenery. They become a beautiful part of the scenery.

    And yes, I once again became hyped up again with the next Halloween update in Azur Lane providing more sailing ghost ships, more sail boats, and all that fun sailing boat stuff that I can't wait to see back in Rising World. (You can now play that Youtube Ad scam game properly in Azur Lane).



    How can I not be hyped up? This is awesome. When allowed, and when able, I can't wait to see more sailing boat types in Rising World. Same with the Schooner he initially teased us with, and with a Colonial-era cannon for us to mess around with. Azur Lane's Halloween 2024 Tempesta's Call update reminded me Red51 actually planned to initially add this very cannon into the the Java version of the game. I hope we can obtain it in a following update, even if it's a dummy given a proper function at a later date.


    Adding the ability to have sizable sail ships even if only rudimentary in control schemes would make this game explode in users.

    I agree. There was note of considering Papyrus ship types, and other forms. Red51 did tease Schooners. Having varying types of sails on a mast would be interesting as well. Can't wait for sails to be customizable with decals/posters, as Red51 has desired.

    What would really make this game explode? Trains. Trains, rails, and varying types of trains. If we can customize trains with CN Rail and other liveries (or add custom liveries onto trains) you'll see a major boom. If Red51 is ever worried about his game he should consider trains in the near future. I'm not joking when I say trains shall keep his game afloat, pun intended.

    Whenever Red51 sees a rebound he could always add Roman-era row-ships, Greek vessels, Chinese, Japanese, and all sorts of Ancient-era row boats, sail boats, and Viking types, among numerous others. I'm sure if he adds in the proper features he'll see a nice return in his investment. He has to choose the right features to see a proper demand once he supplies the proper features. Proper boats, proper trains, and even awesome modding support. From there, everything shall be even more glorious. Maybe if Red51 can squeeze in a wooden rail train, or something of that sort sooner than later then we can eventually see a gradually growing demand to play Rising World more and more. Maybe he could sooner tend to highly requested features with more features added. Here's to hoping.

    I'm really happy with the small sailing boats. That said, I would like to be able to add a different kind of sail to improve performance. The square sail only works on a broad reach, and the boom can't turn past 90 degrees so it's pretty much impossible to tack when you want to sail into the wind. Would love another medieval rig (maybe lateen) that can sail closer to the wind, maybe at the cost of being more complicated to operate or costly to build.

    As it goes, I love sailing around the islands of the Medieval Realms server and trading with my neighbours

    As above, agreed. Adding different types of sails would be interesting. Triangular, and other forms. Being able to pop one mast type for another (varying sail types) would be a nice feature. I would welcome it. Granted, I could always build a new boat with different types of sails and poster/decals on them, once we get to that point.

    I had my fair share of frustrations when I could only go at 50% speed, or less. It made everything far too painful making things far too agitating. I desired to go back to the RIB. I prefer the sailboat though.... The travel back to my main settlement was far too time-consuming it took a few hours, when instead it should have been 30 min, or even an hour. Painful times.

    I agree with you. Sadly, I have to keep to my own self in singleplayer with how people have been sabotaging me, posting about me on Reddit to cancel me, and pretending I'm a "duck", but I do approve of your happy multiplayer feelings. Keep it up! :nerd: I hope we can eventually get NPC Settlements so I can feel the awesome joy and rewarding satisfaction as you feel when trading with other folks. I want to feel that in my own world, and without the harassment from others. I can wish...... I have to wait a long time until Red51 is able to bridge varying gaps in his highly ambitious game.

    I'm curious as to when & where we should obtain the Schooner, Cannon, and other forms of navy stuff. I hope we can have varying types of decorative anchors to place around the world.

    Another Spooky Month, another fun Azur Lane event to admire while thinking back to Rising World. These games can briefly connect with one another, and I'm happy for when it does. Maybe not directly, they however do connect in the form of boats, or sailing boats. Makes me happy in anticipation for when we can acquire the upcoming planned Schooner vessels. I'm aware it'll be a long while yet, I'm however itching for that Schooner, or for the sailing ship we have currently to have banners, etc.

    Tempesta's Call:

    (Genuinely surprised Numi sung this music track for this year's Halloween event.)

    A video relating to Colonial-Era sailing ships from the pirate era. Plundering, looting, etc, all turned into ghostly shipgirls. Spooky. Nice music accompanies it. Rising World with sea shanties would be awesome. If we ever get a Jukebox plugin again for Unity side that's what I'm doing, and I hope we can make each and every jukebox regional. One area plays one BGM, another plays another BGM. Would be amusing.

    Fancy, a ghost ship born from the Abyss, and from the imaginary. Overly powerful, creepy, yet somehow admirable. Comments respect.

    And, of course, I can soon add her 2D portrait into Rising World once I allocate time to do so. I've already done so with Azur Lane's HMS Formidable, KanColle's Suzutsuki, and Azur Lane's Kasumi. Can't wait to properly import others, and more of these shipgirls into Rising World. The below two images are experimentations, I however shall be placing them in more scenic places at a later date. Having something so simple has me hyped up so much to the point it brightened the whole mood up. A ray of sunshine in a world full of doom-and-gloom, and tons of gaslighting. Having proper escapism makes one happy, even if it's as simple as importing simple Azur Lane & KanColle shipgirls into the game.:nerd:


    (The displays make note of my 7+ years in Azur Lane via medals & UI Portraits obtained for chat, etc. I finally have a mini museum, something I'll further explain at a later date in an appropriate Rising World screenshot thread.)


    Also, I've been holding onto a German Navy Tweet/Post for a lengthy period of time in hopes of finally sharing it for this sort of thread. A post relating to Germany, and how Japanese navy enthusiasts admire anything military, navy, and anything properly German, just as long as it doesn't relate to fake political drivel. It makes me happy when I see real people actually admiring this, paying proper respect, and acknowledging the real-world history, even of Germany's own heritage/history. It's all thanks to Japan admiring anything Navy related that we're able to be more aware of what's hidden in Europe, and even in the world.

    It always makes historians happy when people can pay proper respect, acknowledging the past so we can learn, and move into a proper future.


    Happy Halloween! :)

    Seeing these sort of screenshots in Azur Lane (once again) has me itching for more boat types in Rising World. Perfect time for sea shanties, especially being spooky month, etc. I mean, you can also play that scam game from Youtube ads safely in Azur Lane, if briefly. Win-win.

    I'll ask this in another thread, but I wonder when we'll gain access to the colonial-era cannons. Red51 teased one for RW Java, can't wait to see it in Rising World Unity. I would happily build numerous types of those, especially one for my navy museum. :nerd: