Posts by ArcticuKitsu

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    First played it on my Steam Deck, and it was awesome. Now having played more of it on PC it's even more awesome.


    [New] New climate regions: cold and dry regions (including many new biomes, e.g. deserts, savannahs, tundras, taigas etc)

    I found your sub-biomes, though shall seek them out later. Still preferring the upcoming maps to encourage me to go exploring without getting lost, though may brave the waters again going pure south or north. I may go south. Only sub-biomes found.


    [New] Implement caves

    [New] Deep elevations now consist of big caves filled with water
    [New] Added hell (below deep caves)

    May explore this later, though neat when I did see it (on my Steam Deck). Never did go in. Previous show it to be neat. Didn't go deep yet so I haven't seen hell yet.


    [New] New ridable horses (14 different horse variants)

    [New] Added saddle and optional saddle bags

    WOOOO!~ At last! We FINALLY have horses!:party: Now allows me to go further, reaching further. I can happily add bags onto it, which I have.


    [New] New item: toolbelt, which increases the number of available slots in your item hotbar
    [New] New item: weed whacker
    [New] New items: several swords

    Toolbelt became my new necessary, and favourite item. Instant like! :love:

    Grass & weed whacker are my new favourite additions. Finally greened up my locations (mainly on Steam Deck prior to PC use). Absolutely loving the weed whacker.

    I've seen the swords, I'll however have to fiddle with them later. Neat.


    [New] New passive animals: penguin, elephant (2 variants), rhinoceros, zebra (2 variants)
    [New] Bulls, goats, rams and mooses now attack you if you attack them first (also applies to rhino and elephant)
    [New] Wild boars now always attack the player

    Awesome! Have yet to see them, yet awesome!

    Bulls are like bears, they're brutal. Thankfully can drill and spear them too death for their leather. Goats are brutally deadly, don't mess with them! They command respect.


    [New] Aggressive animals play a "warning" animation first before attacking the player

    Love how the bears alert (stand up) before they attack. Always helpful seeing them react to you prior out-right attacking you. Less of a jump scare.


    [New] Heartbeat sound is audible when the player has been detected by an aggressive animal

    I need to pay attention, yet love this QoL addition. This is why I admire RW so much.


    [New] New crafting station: tanning rack
    [New] You can now get pelts and hides from animals and turn them into leather at the tanning rack

    Nice! I started spamming them in my world to make use of leather. As another person noted, it's now fun to go hunting. Hunting for leather, for meat, and even to make animal masks. I died laughing seeing the masks, even using them. Alice in Wonderland.


    [New] Added optional craftable storage for inflatable boat (RIB)

    Instantly made and added onto my RIB.


    [New] Added 2 doors (old wooden door from Java version)

    I may be blind, yet glad we have more variety. Can't go wrong with that.


    [New] Added gift (including several variants)

    Nice! May use this later for when NPCs are more aware of their surroundings, or for when friends desire to play more. Or, for when people who stupidly hate me wise up. Could probably start being kind to people again once people wise up. For now, I'll simply wish and hope for NPCs eventually being aware of their surroundings for when you decide to gift them stuff. :saint:

    Or use as decoration for when December rolls around.


    [New] Added safe object (to store items)

    Happily built one. Nice addition.


    [New] Added gramophone object (including 3 music discs)

    I forgot about this, though shall instantly check it out next session. Can't wait to get my gramophone up and ready again, as I had prior.


    [New] Added several special variants of some animals

    White rabbit, pig with a carrot on a stick, pig with shades 8), and hopefully (later) we can later get an 'Deal with it" pig (view Azur Lane's Prinz Eugen 8) shades.)

    Saw a white-orange fox today, not sure if it was the lighting. Was neat to see. Kon!~


    [New] Added 20 new cacti (also removed the old ones)

    Once I manage to locate a new biome I"ll try to make note of this. The preview showed it to be neat.


    [New] Added several new trees (mesquite, aleppo pines etc)
    [New] Added several new smaller plants
    [New] Added new music tracks
    [New] Added medieval fur coat (clothing piece)

    1) Can't wait to find those new trees. I need more tree varieties, especially for decoration.

    2) Sweet! Hope we can go gardening later (I hedge-garden update may be necessary).

    3) Nice! Shall try to hear out for them.

    4) Using it now. Nice! Just like the JAVA player update times.


    [New] Added new headgear/accessory items (vanity): pilgrim hat, felt hat, wizard hat, fedora, cowboy hat, redcoat hat, boonie, safari hat, sombrero, wooly, cappy, captain hat, chef hat, fez, jester hat, jockey helmet, crown, cylinder, ushanka, unclesam hat, xmas hat, pickelhaube, bear mask, goat mask, pig mask, teddy mask, bunny mask, aviator glasses, sunglasses, groucho mask

    Started collecting them in my cloth building. :monocle:




    I died laughing at the animal ones. This leaves room for more amusements to be had. I hope I can find someone to find more Anime-tized ones instead of being told I should be banned for life and Red51 shouldn't listen to me. More variety always helps.


    [New] Added diving goggles (which remove blurriness underwater)

    Nice! Though can't wait for the full scuba gear to allow for submerged activity.


    [New] Northern lights (aurora borealis) are now visible in snow biomes, depending on weather

    Previews look awesome. Can't wait to see these in actual action once I can locate a snowy biome.


    [New] New weather effect: blizzard (strong snowstorm)

    Can't wait to experience this. Always needed more severe weather, this may be awesome. A heavy rainstorm should return, the one people noted it was hard to see anything. We need more squalls and whiteouts of both rain and snowy variety. Almost like current fog.


    [New] Cutting grass now adds grass blades to your inventory (to replant grass)
    [New] Smoothing wet ground with a rake now randomly spawns earthworms

    Good addition! Makes using weed whacker overly fun.

    Have yet to rake wet ground for earthworms.


    [New] Branches now spawn randomly on the ground (can be picked up to get sticks)

    Just saw it, nice addition! X marks the spot.


    [New] Added setting to change the max resolution for custom images (posters)

    Awesome! Shall make use of this later. This one is down my route.


    [New] Character preview is now visible in inventory screen

    Nice, but wish I could figure out how to rotate.


    [New] Drag clothes on character to wear them (or vice-versa)

    And right-click. Neat!


    [New] Auto-Run setting is now available in controls setting

    I missed this! I need to look back into this! I'll make self-notes for myself.


    [New] Added command "renderplayer" to save a rendered image of the player model on the hard drive

    Handy! This shall be useful later.


    [Change] Updated moving behaviour of animals

    They now get stuck on water edge, yet it's more useful.


    [Change] Elements are now picked up automatically when deconstructing them with a sledgehammer (can be disabled in config file)

    This one caught me by surprise making me wonder what was up. Shame I can't see the pile, yet it's one of those neat QoL features.


    [Change] If a bow or rifle is equipped, the remaining amount of ammo is shown on the right side now

    I'm going to have to test each weapon now. Bows & rifles should be next on my list. Nice QoL addition.


    [Change] Player health is now also shown in inventory (next to character preview field)

    So, that's what that was. Neat!


    [Change] Increased rotate/turn speed of horse

    Glad this is better. Horses are actually very fun, now even more so thanks to this fix. Was almost like driving a boat.


    [New] When picking up saddle bags from a horse, they will now keep the items stored in them

    I wonder how you do this, though shall be awesome to do so. QoL fixes are fun!


    Good stuff! Thanks for this update! As you've noted, I'm now waiting impatiently for your upcoming maps update. I need to rediscover my lost outpost, chart my current ones, and even find the new biomes. I'll go on a blind exploration later.

    Saw another video recommended to me, thought I'd share.

    The Downfall of Minecraft & Mojang... has begun?

    The title may be click-baity, it however isn't wrong. Minecraft can't fix Bedrock edition, even if people prefer Java over bedrock. Everybody proper prefers Java version over Bedrock Mojang. Mojang seems to half-care, yet sadly Microsoft is the one who cares even less than even the half-caring Mojang. It's horrible.

    Minecraft Dev edition allegedly added Fireflies, was leaked, and added it fully to then gaslight the community.

    "Concept art isn't commitment."

    (Most hated video of Mojang.)

    Rising World shall always be my most preferred game, with MineTest now coming in second. I'm having fun rebuilding in Minetest, and even testing out various add-ons of farms, trains, etc, all in survival mode. I love how peaceful and awesome it is to play MineTest on my Steam Deck, something I wish I could do naturally with Rising World. Rising World is sadly still "bloated". My friend played Rising World on his Steam Deck enjoying what he saw, yet sadly being forced to relog into my session every 20 minutes, or so, from chunk loading errors, etc. I can also see why MineTest has Butterflies and fireflies now all thanks to that video. Rising World and MineTest are both awesome.

    Everything needs to go back to the basics.

    Why Is Minecraft So Depressing?

    Why is it depressing? Why is Rising World the same way in singleplayer mode?

    ("But! But! You need join multiplayer mode! You're missing the whole point here.")

    What made Minecraft great was its negative point. A double-edged sword, if you will. The selling point of open worlds is how you're initially alone, eventually gaining companionship as time goes on, or at least via tamed pets. As noted in the video, even echoing my exact thoughts, Minecraft is depressing because we're the only ones there. We're alone. Even with pets we're still depressingly alone, nobody to talk to, share our builds, etc. We randomly spawn in the world, spurred on by the first few days of survival before everything starts to settle down. We're rushing to stay safe from mobs, build farms, etc, all prior to eventually feeling the full effects of "loneliness".

    It's the "settling down" part which gets people thinking "I wish I had someone to play with" which starts kicking in. People wish and desire to play the game with someone (even if it's NPC companions) to join them in this world.

    Various folks made varying levels of NPC companions mobs, the highlight even being the 'LittleMaidsMod'.

    You at least had little helpers helping you out, even interacting with. Having humanoids to properly interact with at least spurred you on further as you pampered them. At least you had someone to care for. Sure, maybe they won't acknowledge your creations and builds, but at least they distracted you enough with cute happy thoughts for long enough.

    Then there is Millenaire mod, something to which you could gravitate towards. The more you would help them out, the more they helped you out in return.

    It helps make things "less lonely", though it does distract long enough you have something to earn, work for, and connect with. You gain attachment to both LittleMaidsMod, and even to the settlers in Millenaire mod. You sadly can't show off your builds to them, though they'll proudly show theirs to you. The more you aid those in Millenaire the more you'll be appreciated by those there, even if it's scripted.

    Because Rising World competes with Minecraft on a sandbox openworld nature it has the same flaws and concerns to worry about as Minecraft.

    How to solve this?

    1 - Friends need to be more friendly.

    2 - NPCs need to evolve to be more aware of their surroundings (View 'Dragon Quest Builder 1' & '2'.). Being able to acknowledge both you and their surroundings would help vastly in the immersion.

    3 - Artifical Girl, Artifical Academy, & any "self-awareness" games with NPCs able to tell what they're looking at, even if staged by scripting & prompts.

    4 - Add in proper humanoid NPC Entities


    1 - Allow NPCs to use imported models, as done via Tower Unite & VRChat SDK.

    2 - The said NPCs need to function in the world they're apart of (view "how to solve this, Part 2", above).

    3 - Would help if NPCs could read pre-determined prompts on signs, body gestures, etc to know what's going on around them (basic conversation & communication).

    4 - Saving, hiring, or befriending an NPC fully should give you their full attention. They should eventually be personalized to your own playstyle with enough trust and etc (or overwritten by external imported models).

    5 - Ignoring NPC companions, simply have Millenaire-styled settlements sparsely dotted in the world. Not obnoxiously, though still fairly rare giving proper rest, refuge, and desired social interaction to a wary traveler. A home away from home.



    Still lonely, yet less lonely. At least you have SOME mental distractions to keep you deflected long enough to simply care for NPCs instead of longing for external companionship. Maybe the weight of an empty world shall be so vast to the point even an NPC's presence will eventually be outweighed by the crushing deep loneliness of seeking social interaction.

    Similar to what I was thinking (even being a natural social outcast; Introvert) I already knew people enjoyed being in fake "social-cliques" preventing others from being in their social circles. Rising World has this, as does every community and social circle. People are still social, yet people still have that desire to share and converse with folks. Even sharing their builds in public spaces. Without social interactions we die as individuals, even resenting the world which falsely denies us the basics; Basic social interaction over fake nonsense and artificial barriers.

    I've felt this loneliness when I hosted a Java-Rising World Christmas celebration in my world. In the spawn city I spent a decent amount of time making gift boxes, placed them in my park's tree decoration, even noting to people we would be celebrating Crhistmas. All but 1 person decided to join leaving my Rising World Java world lonely and empty. People ghosted me. What's the point if people are going to be 'MIA'. Might as well allow me to befriend my own NPC Companions, those of whom I can eventually mold into my own style, doing things I need them to do. Saving them from pirates to befriend them, have them enter combat (general fighting), farm, cut trees, building structures via blue-prints, admiring my builds, etc. Just having a wind-down moment in a cafeteria with them even sitting in the chair of their own accord. That would be glorious. Beats playing in a ghost-like server, especially those which die from lack of interest.

    - Is Minecraft Depressing For Someone Else?
    (I made a fancy build, nobody to admire it.)

    What's the point of making something (in singleplayer) if nobody is going to view it? Even multiplayer, prone to ghosting and lack-of-participation? Both Minecraft & Rising World are the same, and especially with social-clique alienation, solo-playing, etc. No NPCs to even admire your builds , no NPCs to admire your food or creations, no random banter, etc. It's (both Minecraft & Rising World) a lonely, depressing world. There are no entities to interact or feedback with. It's just you, the pets (in Minecraft), or other NPCs/Animals in Rising World. Nothing is intelligent enough in these sandbox games in the manner of Starbound, Dragon's Dogma, Dragon Quest Builder 1 & 2, or Skyrim. Granted, they're different genres of games, though the point stands on their follower-Companion side of things.

    We need "SOME" social interaction to stay healthy, motivated, and to keep pushing ourselves. If you still think - "but join a multiplayer server" - then you're still missing the point. You even missed the point even servers can be ghost realms. Still lonely, scary, and spooky. Think about it, especially on a real-world manner. You're asking someone to reject reality to simply talk to people on the moon (or let's say a next country over), not in their personal vicinity.

    People are social creatures. They need some social interaction, even if it's a fake one in video games. Pets do help, humanoid NPC companions would help even further.

    I'm sorry for how much I pestered Red51 to add them into Rising World, I however request this especially thanks to the void Minecraft initially created. I'm mentioning this because the video popped up on my feed, even echoing my already-noted sentiments. We 100% NEED NPC Companions in both Minecraft AND Rising World. We need social interaction, something to which Red51 unknowingly noted via settlements, factions, and hiring of NPCs. We, sadly, however need more personal additions to stick with a person's side through-and-through. Something deeper, similar to Skyrim's 'Followers', and Dragon Dogma's 'Pawns'. It's not perfect, though it is a solution.

    Yeah, and this explains why people in the Rising World community also voiced their dissatisfaction with Minecraft. It's not Minecraft anymore, it's an RPG game, and not a sandbox as people have known it.

    I already said it, but people also agree that games need more "for fun" features instead of "realism". Granted, Rising World does have realism, but it also has goofy masks, Purple Milka cows, and a rubber duckie for the whole fun of it. Red51 needs to keep this up, or else he'll even lose Rising World in a similar fashion to how Mojang is losing Minecraft.

    The video author noted how nobody asked for cherry blossoms. I had, since 2013, as promised by developers back then. It was promised for 1.8 update - The Update That Changed The World. I was pained not having that update.||


    dyoloh 1 day ago

    I think a big problem withe updates is that mojang is prioritizing realism so fun ideas are not considered or features are scraped because of it and for some reasone everthing needs to have a niche use That most people aren’t gonna use

    Yeah, it's like the whole Creeper situation all over again. If it was suggested now nobody would desire them. I mean, look at what people had done to me on Steam Forums when I requested 'Mounted Moose', even if Asian games (Nier Automata) added them in by having to do a trick. People are too concerned over fake realism they can't even have fun anymore. They resort to trolling, and Mojang even resorts to now ignoring anything similar to Creepers.



    22 hours ago

    Great video, but you were SO close to what I personally feel is wrong with the game rn lol. For me, it’s not that the game had nothing but intrinsic motivators, it’s more like there were very simple basic extrinsic motivators that push players to creatively solve their problems. Building homes, mining, making safe ways to move around, all of it starts as something you need to do, but eventually becomes something you want to do for fun, and even start to get super creative with. It pushed you to engage with the gameplay loop until you were immersed in it and dong it because you wanted to. Now, the gameplay loop has deteriorated as there’s really no need to do anything the game has at all while still being able to build these mega builds, and what’s really the purpose of survival at that point when creative mode is essentially the same thing besides the copy pasted from YouTube resource farms, the strip mining, and the trading halls?

    People lost their creative edge. The game now plays itself to the point players don't feel motivated to build anything on their end. Granted, I've also personally conversed with people who are simply creatively bankrupt they rather play a boring linear game over a creative game. Players had to indeed solve their housing issues, their resource issues, and even make supply lanes. I've done this, people hated me in the RW community for building roads, yet it had to be done.


    THEN BUGGER OFF! I'll do what I want and I'll build roads to safely and correctly move my resources around. It's the smart thing to do!

    I digress. I agree, old Minecraft pushed you out of your comfort zone to build in your own style, not in fake styles. People sadly play in Peaceful mode being unable to build in a neat "supply and demand" manner missing a meat of the game (battle of attrition gameplay), something both Minecraft & Rising World heavily rely on as a game. Nothing wrong with Peaceful, though people miss out on the core of a gameplay then complain a game is empty.

    Survival mode is where the fun and creativity is at. It's what keeps your brain healthy by making you constantly guage what to do next. It's like a strategy game keeping your mind healthily wired while prioritizing your situations, hostile and structure projects.



    1 day ago

    it's also worth mentioning that minecraft nowadays is soooo poorly optimizied. you used to be able to run it on a potato, now you need a decent pc to enjoy it fully.

    That's where MineTest comes in, even if it's a branched off side-experiment going off in an "what-if non-corporation" pathway. Sadly, even Rising World is a bloated game (in terms of software, not gameplay), something you need to keep the Steam Deck tethered to even play Rising World on the go, or risk the device to power off.



    8 hours ago

    Ok I'm gonna be real, games that listen to feedback are way too enjoyable because this applies to youtubers and etc, but Minecraft just forgot what it actually was.

    I agree, Minecraft genuinely forgot what it was, hence why I also made this thread sharing videos noting this. Minecraft genuinely has lost its identity.

    It used to be a sandboxy blocky game, now it's trying to be everything, and the RPG Kitchen sink included into the mix. Dont' get me wrong, I genuinely enjoy Cherry Blossoms, and other fun features, it however lost that appeal to me. It feels like a poorly made AAA game pretending to be an indie game, not an indie game at all.

    Minecraft was supposed to be a place you told YOUR story, not Minecraft's story. It's your canvas, yet they're injecting their perspective over your own. You don't matter.



    16 hours ago

    One thing I have a gripe with is how Minecraft just feels..bloated. I like new content don't get me wrong but after the nether update ( in my opinion) updates felt bloated, uninspired, loaded with filler, removed features people wanted, and made for s pay check, not with passion. I'd even argue that last point has been a constant issue for all updates since the Microsoft acquisition.

    I agree. Minecraft simply feels aimless and lost. It doesn't even do the whole "for fun" feature, though it does add random features for the sake of it. It's not even balanced. It may be somewhat worthwhile, though not what it could be.

    The problem comes down to corporate bloating, forum users punishing genuine POVs (internal sabotage), and simply missing the whole plot of the game. Rising World also seem to suffer this ailment in regards to my various suggesting (mainly mounted Moose & automated instruments) to which people simply forget about the whole "For fun, yet balanced" elements.

    Or when I request Canadians in WW2 naval games, also viewing games like Silent Hunter 3 and IL-2 Sturmovik having Canadians, Slovak, and other "minor nations" simply because they were present. People forgot how to have fun, let alone how to make things accessible. Then you wonder why Asian games (previously from Traditional European avenues) are superior, yet still sabotaged by the overly prudish and monotoned-minded Reddit twats.



    2 hours ago

    1.7.3 was the peak of Minecraft all the updates after that were lacking especially the aquatic and the nether's

    The major update which holds nostalgic vibes to me was 1.7.2, formally 1.8, or so I recall. The updates went through 1.8 twice, this one adding new biomes, mineshafts, jungles, more trees, and was supposed to have Cherry Blossoms in that update, not in the later update (1.20 Java & Bedrock version). It was initially teased to release from 2013, only added a decade later. That's painful, and it hurts. I would have lined my Arcticu City with it.…te_that_Changed_the_World

    (1.7.2, formally known as 1.8 to me, as teased by Notch.)

    Alas, it wasn't meant to be. Maybe Rising World will allow me to play with Cherry Blossoms?

    Maybe 1.7.3 was indeed the final best update for Minecraft before everything simply died off, with special thanks to MIcrosoft's idiocy.

    Once Notch was aliented, bullied, and treated like a villain that's when Minecraft died for me. I tried getting back to it, just wasn't the same. I admired the new changes, and the foxes, it however wasn't done properly. Even other people constantly lost interest. I lost interest, with help from other people.

    Just no fun allowed. Screw our fun........



    5 hours ago (edited)

    I think another reason why Minecraft isn't as fun as before is because of how extremely compact everything is, both in gameplay progression and in structure generations.

    In older versions, everything felt rare and it wasn't common to find a village, nether fortress, or a stronghold. You have to create your base or even a large kindgom for yourself in the older versions. You could choose to be a nomad or a master of the world. Everything had value, and because everything was rare and pretty sparse, you could explore and find beautiful places with interesting loot.
    Nowadays, that isn't really common. If you travel a few hundred blocks or a thousand, you can probably find a village next to a village next to another village. Same goes for shipwrecks, monuments, and more locations.

    As noted previously, everything was done by YOUR hands. You, yourself. You decorated the stage. Even with mods, such as the Mining turtle, extra biomes, Traincraft, etc, everything was still neutral to you. Millenaire mod even kept the game neutral and non-invasive.

    Are you a nomad, or a settler?

    Everything is indeed far too common.


    I'm done. :monocle:

    It's an interesting town. I also can wait for trains and have them already planned in my town. I don't want to tear buildings down later due to bad planning. :D

    Thank you!

    I can't wait to continue fleshing out my city with some planned towers and other builds, while also going back to polish up my pre-existing structures at the very same time. I even desire to rebuild my 'Arcticu Tower' I usually build in every other game. I think I know where to put that (behind the Busou Shinki Tower & Blue tower). Granted, I still may do some "haste builds" during that time.

    Yeah, tearing down buildings is a pain so I may have to make some quick modifications to make it quick-building friendly just to complete only the paper building.

    And yeah, my hype for trains is 100% real, and a nasty itch. Whatever train I'm given I'll make full use out of. Hope we both, and others, can have tons of fun with trains! CHOO!~ CHOO!~

    Also, as noted in my video (near the end) I made note of how I'm switching my perspectives from API modding to simply hyping up trains because of how we can connect with trains more than we do with API. I've butted heads with people so much that there is tension. I desire to ease that nonsense by simply switching back to hyping up trains instead for it's universal appreciation. :monocle:

    Now to see what I should make a video of next. :nerd:

    Rising World - Vathunver Tour & Admiration of RW:

    A 13 minute video showing off the current state of Vathunver while also noting why I admire Rising World. Of course, contains the negatives because one must stay honest and grounded to reality to keep moving forward. Rising World has growing pains, and it shows. Modding, survival, complexities of Rising World, etc. Can't wait to add more structures and elements into my main city, and even have future features compliment Rising World in the future with each and every update. :monocle: I swiftly noted what I desired to do, and where.

    (Disclaimer: I genuinely don't mean any harm, I'm however noting what I've experienced, that's all. Steam forums has a nasty clown award habit needing to be fixed, and ban threats, etc. I simply noted things in neutrality.)

    - Thumbnail for new video.

    (Wasted so many hours rendering the video. Failed 3 times, worked on 5th on newer version.)

    I shall be making more in this format, hopefully in the new delayed update. :monocle:

    I'm already losing tabs so I'm only posting these because relevant to the thread, etc. Sorry if people consider this spam, it's however now noted as relevant thanks to the things discussed in previous postings.

    - Something about a "toxic community", though Reddit itself leans toxic Liberal so it could mean anything.…nts/zt9mjf/bad_community/

    Reddit is a cesspool of filth so it means nothing.…sion_of_dragonfireclient/

    Yeah, to me these are genuinely Non-issues.…rt-developer-on-your-team

    *shrugs*. Has some wise words that people are human, and they have their quirks. People need to learn how to deal with them instead of villainizing everything.

    Appeal to their pride. :saint:

    If you know how to do so properly then appeal to it so you can have them be productive. All people want is validation (people are social creatures) so people need to learn how to validate others and themselves instead of clown-awarding on Steam, etc. Or scaring developers off of Steam Forums (Blockscape Steam forums) to which they solely update on Twitter/X, and other social media platforms, etc. Just be nice and maybe poke respectfully on people's pride. :saint:

    I guess every place has its fair share of nonsense and stupidity so no place is perfect. Every place is a mix-mash of quirks and weirdness making even the alleged "best community" a figment of one's imagination. Lipstick on a pig, as the saying goes.


    The Best Minecraft Feature that Was Removed From the Game (Indev version):

    Various floating islands, Isometric map making (in engine), and some other neat little charms.

    This would be awesome for Rising World, even in a proposed basic manner. Having a floating island realm (a fantasy biome) would be glorious. Red51 desired it, this would be a good way to do it. A fantasy floating island. :nerd:


    MineTest - Wool:

    MineTest does the modded, and maybe Rising World way of getting "wool" via Cotton plants! Nice! I prefer plant based ways of obtaining cotton.

    I didn't have time for anything lately, though may play more MineTest when I feel too stressed out for anything else. I"ve been on edge lately so I'll see about relaxing to more fun MineTest amusements, and that is genuinely all I care about. I wonder what else is hiding in the vanilla side of things. It may not be a game (MineTest), I will however treat it as such.

    I have to do something while waiting for two indie games to update, one being Rising World, and another being Roshutsu, a R18 game. Indie games are fun. :nerd:.

    I genuinely didn't want to post, it however turned out that way with things popping up in my feed this way needing to be shared to those who are curious. I'll try to be more "hush-hush" now. Can't promise anything, but I'll try. *shrugs*.

    Addition - in the latest versions (5.x.x) this is V, F6 is now a debug menu. There is also a config file where you can define custom key, it should be also available in the GUI. You also need permissions to use it, not all games provide it by default. The command for permission is /grantme all


    There are many examples of delayed games that were bad after release - Cube World, Blockscape, 7DtD and so on. There are also many examples of games that were released fast and they became legends, like Minecraft itself (only a week between dev start and first public demo)

    I'll let you have this. Going to add a few bits to this.

    Prior to me joining Rising World and Blockscape I was debating (comparing the two) which one would allow me to have NPC companions over the other. Rising World's initial appearance (Java) was intimidating. I was afraid to be here, yet eventually wiggled my way in here. Got yelled at by Red51 for accidentally making 2 manhole cover reports. I eventually playtested Blockscape fiding it neat, if obviously lacking.

    1) For Cube World the assumption is the developer desired to hastily tie up some loose ends. That's my assumption, and mine only.

    2) Blockscape was "decent" when I last tried it, the developer however chickened out. They became far too scared of their Steam forums community they kept themselves holed up. A few Rising World members on the Steam forum side went over to try and comfort the developer, even telling them it's perfectly fine to post on their Steam forum. Every update (at the time) was posted via Twitter, and only on Twitter. I'm hoping and praying Red51 doesn't make the same mistakes as the Blockscape developer when it comes to fear and intimidation. I hope he implements features naturally, or even via, and other avenues.

    3) 7 Days 2 Die is anti-player & anti-base making. You're not allowed to make bases to defend yourself. I agree, this game is trash once the 7th day appears and and goes on to be even more corrupted and moronic. The initial idea is great, the execution and anti-player updates upon updates ruins everything. I agree with the tip to turn off the 7 day hoards to simply play with survival attrition on its own.

    As for any other games having been delayed more or less helped, though sadly not with recent Pokemon games. They sadly fell victim to political corruption, as seen with Violet and Scarlet. Japanese players were LIVID.

    Yeah, I'll let you have this one.

    There is a huge difference between company with almost infinity budget and with two-dev indie studio with one game. When you are a company you can afford fails, when you are indie - not. Companies like Bethesda can make 3-4 "Starfield-like" games at once and stay fine, while any mistake for indie dev will result with game death. Look what happened to Stellar Overload - wrong decisions just finished with bankrupt company. Red and the team just can't allow themselves to make mistakes in development, or at least not major mistakes

    Indie games thrive on being unique and "breaking the mold". They even thrive on being actually genuinely playable, feature-rich, and with their own fun gimmicks. Sure, they aren't perfect but at least they are supported for whatever features they implement. Scanner Sombre is one of them having added a tacked on VR Mode, yet people LOVE it.

    Subnautica developers made a whiny and idiotic excuse (or excuses; plural) how they can't add in co-op mode (even though they initially desired it), or cowardly chickened out on co-op mode. Players desire both yet the developers became giant cowards by throwing their consumers under the bus. Find someone who knows how to work with VR mode then, and with co-op. Hire modders who'll do it for you. Modders would be more than happy to help out. They would be proud and glad.

    If there is a will, there is always a way.

    I genuinely understand funding and support though. I get it, you only have so much fund to allocate to various areas, but making excuses as to why something can't be done (even through an essay, or a novel) just doesn't work. I genuinely admire (or maybe admired) how Japanese indie game developers simply added features just because they could, and when they couldn't they openly said it. None of this round-about around the bush manner.

    If it's fun, and if it's balanced, it'll find its way into a game.

    AAA games make trashy games (able to afford it) and then people simply play indie games. Granted, there are those who are also lazy playing mainstream games because they intentionally lowered themselves down to that standard.

    Yeah, indie developers do win when they make certain proper mistakes though.

    I'm watching Marcomeatball freaking out people won't take gaming music seriously, even though I myself am aware of how awesome it is. Same with Anime music. I can tell you for a fact Ottawa's music & arts intentionally refuse to cover it because they're 100% aware it'll out-do anything they have locally. It's jealousy and envy related. Westerners hate anything Japanese and Asian, just look at all the media related to them.

    "Good! Asians are dying!" type of comments. It's disgusting. Art needs to be properly respected.

    I digress.

    Gaming and Anime music needs to genuinely be taken more seriously. Granted, various Gatcha games have their own concerts now, if stuck regionally. If you really love music then you'll enjoy talking to Marco Meatball. Just imagining Waveshapr talking to Marco would be awesome, if at least behind the scenes.

    Games that uses more assets and require more operations to work will use more energy than simple games. If you will run Tetris I think that you can play it for several days without any issues. That's not very good argument for the game to be good or not. Advanced games require more resources, that's a consequences of being advanced game.

    Not sure what you're going on about here, the main concern is Microsoft (and Mojang) screwed up while finding Minetest awesome as a neat alternative. Having various alternatives is a good alternative. It keeps everything properly healthy and fresh allowing people to have what they want without being punished too severely in one camp. Other people shared it [MineTest] and I found it neat. It's always good to have alternatives. Now that I'm' aware of it I'm' happily playing it "for scientific purposes" as well as entertainment. Escapism is a must.

    I'll happily make use of Tetris now, if I can find a good version to have on my Steam Deck.

    I'm not trying to win anyting here, or have some weird "argument", I simply noted Microsoft sucks and Minecraft is dying in various manners. The soul of the game is being sapped out while other games are adding a "soul" into their game. Well, mainly Asian ones.

    MineTest works great for the neat nostalgia and simplicity factor. It can be customized however you desire.

    I had to listen to my "host" (roommates) vent about how Microsoft is ruining everything, including a forced e-mail scan about "consistency". People just want ot do their own thing without being told they amount to nothing.

    While searching for something else I came across this. I didn't give it a read (I'm too exhausted):

    I'll read it over, yet people agree Miencraft is dying.

    Looks like you never looked into their Discord server (especially into not main channels, even in the last two days one was banned when he tried to tell that another admin was trolling him, another one was banned when he mentioned his opinion about LGBT stuff (negative)), or into their Reddit (well, most of such posts were deleted), into their GitHub tracker (especially into some closed issues), or their forum (such posts actually are also frequently deleted, like in Reddit). That behaviour was also noticed in topics related to MT, for example in game jam (in 2021 there were 26 games, in 2023 only 12), the drop is related to "aggressive" critique from admins side.

    I have no need to look into their Discord. I simply desire to escape while also feeling stressed and burnt out on many things. I'm even seeing people having issues with me so if I do care everything will have to wait for another time when I finally feel "whole" again.

    I have no place (currently) to say who is allegedly "right" or "wrong", I'm simply here to "play games for science", and to also escape at the very same time. I had fun with MineTest, and I desire to have more fun. The terrain is both nostalgic, and different at the very same time. It runs well for my Steam Deck and I'll continue using it.

    The only thing I can comment is this LGBT nonsense is what gets you banned on Steam (without fail) while games like 'Samurai Maiden' failed. Steam Support sides with those folks. People yelled and shouted in the Steam forums for that game to "do better" to only end up banned (myself included) as a result. Our shouting and protests happily managed to fix the translations, and even belatedly obtained a Steam Deck version support to the game. We had a few fixes, though the damage was sadly done. It's a "mixed" review game for being a "Western Corrupted" game. Sadly, the game is still trash and I don't want to play it. If I do, I'm giving that game a negative review. LGBT stuff is also curse (a cult), and shouldn't have existed in the first place, nor found its way into your example of MineTest. I've seen what it has done in VRChat, locally, and etc. People appear as if they came out of a sewer while spewing genuine hateful things like lemmings. It's disturbing. It has no place in gaming, Anime, or anything at all. To the few who are genuine I do feel bad for them, but everything is just a mess.

    (Google up the localizer to AI mess with localizers caught in the act now having to pay for their horrendous sabotaging sins. Everything is going AI now thanks to various cultists around the world damaging source material for their own means.)


    I don't care, nor does anybody else. All we care about is playing games, watching movies, and simply escaping into whatever game we're playing. These folks even tried hijacking Anime, even crying when one Anime was canceled for lack of support. We don't care about fake stuff. Everything has to represent this or that, and I can see why (from assumptions) as to why people got banned; As you've noted of "LGBT (Negative)". Steam supports this, even the lower-quality of games ending up on Steam and it's irritating everybody, including me.

    People are tuned into reality, not into other people's fantasies. We don't have to lower our standards to other people's grand delusions. These two folks basically ruined VRChat for various people while the best parts of VRChat are from the Asian and Japanese communities. Seeing as how you noted "Drama" I immediately have to assume fake politics is in play and I want nothing to do with that. I've seen what it has done in the Rising World community, and I want to separate myself as far as possible from these delusional people.

    To me, I need to see more "evidence" but at the same time I genuinely don't care. Yes, I do make note of things but then majority of time I simply go "meh, it's not worth it". I make note of things people say, even keeping copies of it.

    Everything always drops back down to the basic:

    - Is it fun?

    - Does it run well?

    - Can I escape without outside interference?


    Then it evolves into the following.

    - Can I mod it?

    - Can I get other friends into the game?

    - Can I get a helper NPC? A companion, a miner, or something?

    - Trains? Boats? Etc.

    - What can I do to further personalize this to "me", and not the outside world.

    Everything has to feel like a dream. I simply desire to escape in any game I play, and we're not allowed to do that. I'm happy Rising World is the way it is (currently).

    (This quote probably deviated to your quoting, I however felt it was necessary to note some side stuff about simply desiring to escape all this nonsense. I'm not even allowed to play VRChat anymore with how fake people are, and slowly with Rising World. When I'm able to focus I'll make note of the other places, if it's worthy of attention. I currently desire to escape, and I'm struggling to do so. I simply desire to escape in a dream-like state in games.)

    It is F6 on the PS, probably you can somehow execute its binding on the Steam Deck

    This is one of the more fruitful responses so I thank you kindly for this! If, and when I play next I'll bind it to this. I genuinely 100% thank you on this part. :thumbup:

    You should not think that Mojang will read/listen to single person or tweet (only if you will be their CEO). They can listen only the major part of the community (major part, not any part). Cargo boats were announced as a part of biome enhancements (swamps), and were added same as other swamp-related content during world update.

    They had every ability to fix thing, or even acknowledge something.

    "Oh! Sorry! We screwed up so we'll look into adding Cargo boats shortly. Thanks for your input", should have been their response.

    Yes, they're bloated, and all that lovely jazz. As for your note about 'biome enchancements (swamps)' was still a case of "little too late" deal. Yes, it's helpful but Rising World and other Minecraft/Minetest mods has shown Mojang how to do it correctly. I'll leave it at that.

    I never saw any such bans at all, only people complaining that "I can be banned". Since that feature is disabled on server with single config line then you probably should just use normal servers.

    I recall this clearly because of how my friend yelled at me in Revelstoke about showing him how people can get banned in Minecraft. He yelled and yelled at me to properly seek out love and not to focus on gaming stuff to which I felt like deleting myself from existence that day (July 2022). I was *this* close to taking my own life because everything always has to be my fault. This is relevant because of how negative memories tend to stick with you more deeply noting how people shared examples on various gaming sites how they were actually banned.

    If I find some actual bans I'll humour both of us if anyone has actually been banned.

    It is not comparable to vanilla, Millenaire is a colony sim, vanilla is a village sim. They are completely different in their core and mechanics. And, to be hinest, vanilla approach fits much better into the game then Millenaire.

    If you want to do something correctly then you must have the proper features and elements. Doing things the half-assed lazy way always gets you flack.

    I'm sure you've seen numerous quotes relating to how a prematurely released game results in forever garbage and a delayed game stays forever good. There is alternations, but the point is how I view Millenaire more highly than I do with Minecraft's villager feature.

    Red51 loosely & indirectly noted he desired to go the Millenaire route.

    My original statement was "they created new games since they not to be afraid of experimenting", while Mojang on its own were stagnating. Yes, not all these games are good, but also they are not all bad. Enhanced fighting mechanics combined with MC aesthetics formed a nice diabloid game, while combining it with RTS resulted as a speculative one.

    Exactly, on the part "one shouldn't be afraid of experimenting".

    If it's fun, and if it's balanced then it's all fun and games. Red51 is allowed to have fun, as are other developers. They however constantly show signs of being fearful and afraid, or simply refuse all together to then have their games die off into nothingness.

    Once again, I'm happy with Minecraft Dungeons. They need to do more of that and less micro-transations, it's what killed off Legends, as shown in the Steam stats above.


    I'm now going to end up worrying about being punished about my LGBT comment above because it always devolves into a stupid mess. Oh my god. I had to say it, and people always stir up a mess, and now I'm going to see who does what with that comment. The point of everything is how people simply desire to escape into escapism, yet they're simply not allowed to over stupid nonsense. I'll eventually dig deeper, though currently I have to take care of my own sanity. Maybe I'll take more time to respond to your next reply. Maybe. Or maybe not. Maybe I won't be allowed here anymore. We'll see.

    Vathunver - (Part 2 to the above):

    Felt under the weather for January 1st, 2024, with what felt like a Cold, or even a heavy dose of fatigue. Even nearly fell asleep at one point also. Even so, I forced myself to push as much as I could to complete the building the best I could, or get it to a complete state. I'm proud of what I managed to accomplish today. Both in Part 1 & Part 2. WOOT! :party:

    - Busou Shinki HQ:

    This building is based on Konami's Kobe City building in Japan. I used this design for its "simplified" design to be used for the eventual showcase of Busou Shinki models after having used the posters to share various content relating to Busou Shinki. All the fine-tuning and polish shall happen in another session, though I added more stairs, banisters, and even structurally completed the building. I sadly forgot to add the stairway windows found on the pop-out portions of the building.

    (I even fixed my error of turning the pointy sharp corner into a rounded corner, as shown in below images.)




    It's "mostly" completed, however missing the finer detailing. I forgot to add the stairway windows, as seen in the original Konami Kobe building image. Once elevators are a solid addition into the game I shall remove my stairway for actual elevators. Until then, my stairways are crudely inserted into the building. I'm however proud of my new Busou Shinki HQ addition in the game.

    - Vathunver Storage - Port Promenade:

    I was annoyed seeing my boat simply floating next to the stone-filled shoreline, forced to build a mini-port in response to seeing a sad sight. This port is important to supply food from the other side, hopefully eventually becoming a vital part of my city & port. Port Pilipec (on the other side) is treated as rural, while Vathunver is more urban. Port Pilipec handles farms, more "primitive tech" and more low-tech fishing vibe. Rural-outskirt stuff. I needed to have a place for my boats to dock while feeding into and out of my Vathunevr storage area, and the eventual addition of trains at a later date. Note the gap between the building and promenade to eventually allow trains to rumble by.

    If we get ferry boat types you'll see me trying to use them in this area as well.


    - Trees making note of where I eventually desire to see my train station to connect the area with the rest of the island, and maybe the rest of the map. Maybe I'll have underwater trains, or tunnels. Or rely on hybrid trains & boat combination.

    For now, this shall simply be my tree farm before moving it more to the outskirts with more and more features hopefully being added into Rising World. If, and when, we get trains you'll see me proudly boast about my new train addition, routes, and station. I will genuinely be loud about my trains, if I'm allowed to have them. :nerd:


    Loving my new additions. It's a shame I feel sick and under the weather, even having dreamed people became vile to me to the point of spamming pictures back at me, or accusing me of typos to the point Red51 had to lock one (or numerous threads). Nasty impression left on my subconcious. Either way, I'm happy another project has been completed, hence why I'm sharing it. Maybe in a dazed state, yet still proudly sharing it.

    Honestly sucks feeling under the weather. I genuinely forced myself to complete the Busou Shinki HQ building all in one session, even up to the final time-limit of 1 AM. I hope to fix errors I sadly missed out on in the next session. :dizzy:

    - Vathunver:

    The main hub of my settlement obtained 3 new completed buildings, or as completed as I could get them.

    (Third one shall be shown in a follow-up posting. It relates to Busou Shinki, by Konami Japan.)

    - Vathunver Storage & Hotel building:

    A multi-purpose building containing crafting and storage on the first floor. It eventually feeds into the planned train station on the side, and being a hub for both portions of Vathunver. It's in the middle of the city serving as a critical supply and transportation route having a road running through it.

    Second floor shall be a resting and eating place. Mainly a cafeteria, though more may be added into this place.

    3rd floor (the black part) is the hotel portion of place allowing any guests to rest there, players or NPCs. One friend already "owns" (occupies) one room.


    - "Blue Building" (Maybe an office building.

    Desired to build something "blue" after seeing another type of "blue" skyscraper with this having come out of it. It allowed me to FINALLY display and share a verbal award gifted to me by a forum user on Cyberpunk 2077's Steam Deck thread allowing them to find their awkwardly placed screenshot folder from the game.

    Trying to figure out a use for this building. May simply become decorative showcasing my trophies, real world and in-game.

    (Ignore that other structure, I stalled out on it.)



    Cyberpunk 2077's Gold Ninja Star Trophy (x2). :party:

    I love it when people are nice. :wow:

    - Vathunver Park (Name is placeholder):

    Desired a festive park to host festive decorations. Planning to place Cherry Blossoms, Cherry trees, and/or Maple trees here. Anything which allows it to be unique and special. I also plan to add a basic hut to hold and store supplies. With more land being cleared out I'll attempt to replicate my park I had in Java world, one where people alienated me and didn't celebrate Christmas, even if I went out of my way to gift people. Shame. Maybe NPCs shall learn how to have fun in the future. :thumbup:


    Yeah, I can't wait to get more specialized trees. Even festive types. Shrubs, gardens, flower, etc. I'll indeed expand my park to contain more fancy ground work.

    - Vathunver City's Growing Skyline (Survival mode):

    I'm happy I'm seeing more and more buildings popping up, even of my own creation, and those from inspired/nearly-replicated from real world. Looking good!


    Thanks for viewing. There's more to come! 8)

    I forgot! I forgot! Damn it.


    - Boats & Mounts (Multi-passenger):

    I forgot to note this a few weeks ago in how boats and mounts should be able to carry one other passenger, or more. I tried guiding a friend from spawn to my construction project to find he had to run a long way around instead of being able to ride in a row-boat. Maybe it works on the rubber boat. I hope for horses one other person can tag along.

    These images don't show the exact moment, though it shows me going from spawn to my two connected settlements from the entrance of the waterway. My friend couldn't join me on the boat. Second image showed how much we had to dig and level out. It was brutal.


    Third showing us working together. I'm certain sharing a picture of a boat with a person next to it would have been a better example.

    The point is: I hope for future updates we can gain multi-passenger vehicles, boats, and even proper storage points (rubber boat).

    My current concern is how well does it run. Is it fun?

    [If my last post seems weird then let it be noted I had 2 beers of Sapporo trying to celebrate New Years last night with VRChat choking here and there. Shal be doing some minor implied corrections here and there.]

    The answer seems to both be "yes", and I even noted how it even runs nicely on my Steam Deck. I'm certain if I started adding mods and other stuff it'll become a bigger chunkier game, and that's something that goes without saying. Sure, that's awesome. As for all the nitty gritty stuff? Neat. Noted, though not currently concerned about that. Maybe later, just not right now. Thanks for going out of your way to note it though.

    Games like HoloCure, HoloParade, or Titan Quest managed to drain the batteries of my Steam Deck in a couple hours (or less); Mintest managed to keep running from roughly 8 pm till 11:30 PM until I was eventually forced to jump onto VRChat for New Years. MineTest was able to provide more gameplay time than any other game. Even then, I wasn't allowed to have fun, even thinking maybe I should have stayed on Minetest instead of dealing with VRChat's weirdness. Servers choked, people struggled to have fun, and even refused to acknowledge my presence (as they always do). I would have regrets either way, but yeah. Minetest was more addicting to me. It provided more fun for me, though it'll be awhile before I share images of it. Thinking Minetest would do well for my flight to and from Japan allowing me the basic joys of other games which only allows 1 hr & 30 min gameplay, or som. 5 hours and 10 hours.

    Rising World goes without saying is a beast of a game. Yes, I can run Rising World and I will play it whenever I do have the chance to. I've played it in a hotel before, though have to keep tethering my Steam Deck. Now, with plugins, it makes it harder to carry over my saves (and even posters) needing an eventual server to connect to. If I can carry stuff over in a better manner then Rising World would be more appealing with QoL save & backup issues.


    Minetest is not a game anymore (since 0.4.0), it is a game engine now.

    Maybe Minetest isn't a "game" anymore, it still is a game regardless in that I was building a home and a road, as I normally would in both Minecraft and Rising World. I had basic "fun" rediscovering something which was now lost in time. The magic of "rediscovery".

    After you noted about "developer arrogance" I tried loosely seeking anything about it instead finding why people prefer Minetest instead. People have only good things to say about it, or so I can find at a glance.


    , now user should select game manually.

    Yeah, I'm still trying to sort my way through this trying to figure out how to obtain the mini-map radar display, among other stuff. I found tram mods, and other stuff, though haven't really fiddled with it until I felt satisfied I had enough resources to invest into various mods. The selling point of Minetest was how you could drop in and out of mods with ease, though I have yet to fiddle with "how".

    It's nice to note the nitty gritty stuff, and it's nice to know. Even learning how Red51 had to struggle with Rising World (with water) was also a nice learning experience. I've had my fair share of development pain to which I even struggled to get games far enough, or even in a released state. Games, mods. Simple stuff. Even then my concerns always drop back down to the basics of - "is this game fun?".

    If something stresses me out heavily I simply seek out the basics in the end. If a developer is moronic it's fine to note it, and I'm happy you're doing that, but then you burn yourself out and play simple games. :dizzy: I eventually find myself playtesting some random game I never initially desired eventually finding them fun on a basic 'Nintendo gameplay' manner.


    Like any capitalist Microsoft is earning money, and looks like they are good at that. Actually without Microsoft MC will probably just become stagnating in 2012-2014 and slowly die (that was an update crysis when MC hit the bottom of its popularity since 2011).

    Money over gameplay.

    Probably. Minecraft did die out on me because of other people and other games coming and going. The gaming industry was also on life-support as well with people constantly (and seriously) noting "games are dying". AAA and Indie developers were struggling to make good games (or even intentionally refusing to) causing many players to vent in frustration. I saw 'MarcoMeatball' make note of "games are dying", not realizing how empty the gaming pool was forcing players to migrate over to Asian-made games. He didn't realize the full context. He laughed, mocking the Youtube videos after indie game developers and Japanese game developers mended the situation, somewhat. We're lucky things have been mended, just not fully recovered yet.

    Gaming scene was genuinely messed up, no doubt about that.

    Also didn't help you had (and still have) arrogant game developers even intentionally being tardy and lazy, gaslighting various situations. They would end up writing up novels about how and why they can't make VR games, co-op, nor add specific features. In the end it was laziness from various developers. Maybe some were honest, the rest (noted via Reddit) were lazy as f***.

    But yeah, circling back to Minecraft it genuinely stagnated on various levels, even on a personal level for me. Infighting with people, and the gaming industry failing to be as honest as it was back in 2006, or so. I keep noting Silent Hunter 3 as being the best example of a proper "passion project".

    Yes, the game lost most of its original identity, but it also get many new things to work with.

    I can't deny that. I do agree with that and was happily thinking about how awesome it was to have horses, campfires, certain block types, and etc. Most of the new features are awesome, while others were more of an "WTF?!" moment. I genuinely admire the features, and tried playing it long-term for people to simply stagnate out of the game. Nobody desired to play long-term causing the game to constantly die. Every server I tried hosting people would just "lose interest". Even on other people's Feed the Beast servers as well. It has its charms, people have short attention spans.

    - Horses's hooves were changed for no reason, other than "change". Why?

    - Beacons - was cooler in the snapshot than it was in the final release. The community revolted, yet was still kept the same boring way. If we could revert to its initial snapshot appearance it would be cooler.

    - Pumpkin pie still isn't placable as cake, or so I'm aware.

    - Cargo Boats took YEARS to be added into the game. I'm 100% Mojang saw my Tweets, they still ignored me. They added it via voting, and even a belated addition into the game.

    - Foxes are cute. I'm happy they're there, they take items, I'm however sad I can't befriend them. I wish I could have one as a pet. (This is the same for Rising World).

    - Mojang/Microsoft now bans you upon being blackmailed (similar to Steam Support). You basically sneeze and get banned.

    - Minecarts need a heavy revamp in Minecraft. I've seen posts on X even noting how Minecraft's suffers greatly in this regard. If it replicated even HALF of TrainCraft mod then it'll be a better addition to the game. (Red51 promised and teased various train types, and how they would run. I'm now expecting proper trains from Red51 than I do any other game from what he noted trains would be and how they would behave.)

    There are tons of mixed feelings. Minecraft is both "Good" and "bad" at the very same time. Minetest simply brings things back to its basic and simplest core.

    Yes, we don't have simplified villagers that can only walk and open a randomized trade menu, now we have complete village mechanics with jobs, necessary beds and houses, complex trading, village sieges, wandering traders and so on.

    Millenaire mod

    I have yet to play it seriously, though the times I genuinely played had a far better implementation than the vanilla side. Sure, I mass-produced paper and even sold zombie flesh to vanilla villagers for Emeralds, things were far better in Millenaire mod.

    We also get many other things that were originally promised by Noth, but not implemented at all - cave biomes, ocean content, advanced End boss fight, complex customizable worldgen, advanced rendering system, multithreading and many others. And Mojang finally clarified their EULA (which was not clear since 2013), now all rules about user-made content are finally clear.

    Yup! Good and bad stuff at the very same time. I was genuinely happy seeing more Mushroom biomes, and even the overly belated Cherry Blossoms. I'm genuinely happy there when I played with friends. Good times. It's fine, it however gets dragged down by a corporate feel. If, and when Rising World has Cherry Blossoms I shall be happy lining my roads with them. Hope we'll obtain Cherry Blossoms in the future!

    I still have that world waiting for me if I ever decide to go back. Shall wait and see if we ever do.

    Additionally Microsoft expanded Minecraft universe, now we have Minecraft Story Mode, Minecraft Dungeons, Minecraft Earth, Minecraft Legends. Yes, not all these games are good, but without Microsoft Mojang will never experiment with creation of something except Minecraft. Minecraft Dungeons actually looks like a Minecraft that we all want to see - with nice graphics, animations, textures, models, story and combat. It also has much better environment than original game. Without Microsoft that will be just impossible

    I'm amused you had to disclaimer "not all these games are good".

    Minecraft indeed expanded on the lore, and that's fine. Everything simply goes back on how Mojang and Microsoft are corrupted. It sucks.

    I'll admit I had fun with the main game, had nice moments in Dungeons, and even considered Legends. If I had to defend a game, it would be Dungeons. I would genuinely defend Dungeons as a nice spin-off game. It's a shame Mojang/Microsoft dropped the ball with Legends.


    Legends died off immediately while Rising World is still hanging on, if barely. We genuinely need the next few updates to keep Rising World alive. We need more updates. If we had fishing, more API plugins, and eventually trains then you'll see an awesome rebound. I'm 100% even trains alone, if realistically added, would genuinely save Rising World from stagnation hell. You have a nice amount of train enthusiasts out there who would play Rising World solely for trains. If Red51 adds trains, and if the community plays with trains, we genuinely need to treat that feature with the utmost care and attention. Trains shall be Rising World's "soft-power" feature. I say this also because of what and how Red51 noted about trains. :nerd:

    Yeah, you have the good and the bad at the very same time in regards to Minecraft.

    You're entitled to your opinion so that's fine.


    That still don't make Minetest great game. Minetest engine is very weak in terms of performance (if you are interested why I can explain that in details), very limited in terms of graphics, and suffering from specific development vector when opened pull requests are not reviewed during years, same for issues or suggestions. As a result there are no really good developers in its community - most of them left during early development stages due to aggressive behaviour or ignorance from core dev side.

    It ran smoothly on my Steam Deck allowing me to play "hours" on the device. I had such great fun while not hearing the fan going it was great playing it this morning and this evening while waiting for the New Year to come.

    Maybe you're correct, maybe you're not, I can't say on the alleged "aggressive behaviours" relating to devs.


    They don't have such things in the game (that's true), but they have that thing in the community and on forums. And yes - you can be banned if you don't agree with moderator position or if your opinion don't fit their ideals. Personally I was not banned, but I saw how several people were (even people who were active contributors to the game).

    Mojang constantly preached about "political" nonsense it was insane, even pushing for it. They snuck it in the title text under the Minecraft title, and Microsoft themselves push it so heavily you have to echo it, or be banned. People just get banned just because, and when other users blackmailed other users on the Minecraft side. It was silly. It's why I enjoy Rising World because it's (currently) neutral, yet always subject to change into something better or worse. I hope Rising World stays neutral through-and-through. I keep seeing people pushing it on these forums (mainly Steam and Discord fan group) to which they gaslight you if you don't agree.

    I gained so many - "what" - because the person couldn't respond properly. It was silly, and I'm happy Rising World is still neutral.

    As for Steam again, they just ban because its a mood based thing, not a rational or logical one. It's like Reddit moderators. They ban because they desire to stay in a fictional nonsense.


    This is more about Hytale, for me situation looks like Mojang tries to add as little content as possible to simulate development (or they just can't, after all if you have ~5 java coders in ~800 employe company that is possible). And also looks like most decisions are directly forced by Microsoft (and like any capitalist Microsoft want to earn money with less effort, which means slow development, and protect itself from lawsuits, which is why banes were introduced)

    Yes, everything does come down to Microsoft, and then Mojang after that. Mojang isn't innocent, seeing as how they threw Notch under the bus on numerous occasions. They doubled down on numerous occasions. And yes, the videos I linked (or maybe I forgot one) noted how Microsoft is ruining everything they touch, and I fully agree with that. They ruined Flight Sim, and everything else. They're one of the reasons I keep being nonsense banned on Steam.


    There is much more important thing in games than fun - game balance.

    I clearly noted balance, and it is also noted in the video.

    >>>If it adds fun and entertainment, while still being properly balanced, then by all means add it into the game. <<<


    Basically Minetest is a sort of "Minecraft at home". It has same problems, just in smaller scale. Not from large megacorporation, but from its developers. At this moment 12 years of development made Minetest close to early alpha Minecraft. There are people that will like that approach (for same reasons as people play in Legacy Minecraft and make mods for it)

    Accidentally skipped this part, though the appeal is the whole nostalgia factor prior to Microsoft hijacking it and ruining everything. Learning the game over again, having to wiki everything, and having things be simplified. People love things for the, now lost, identity that was once Minecraft. :thumbup:

    Maybe the developer is corrupt, maybe not. I have yet to find that out. What matters is how well it runs on a very basic level while adding the very basic core fun and entertainment to the table.


    Baldur's Gate can't community can't agree with you. Each game genre is popular,

    That may be the exception to the newly instated rule. Every time you ask someone to play RTS, Minecraft, or Rising World people always say it isn't their sort of game. Too sandboxy, too logical, etc. People need to be led around, and maybe that's what Baldur's Gate does via hype and internet followings. :thinking:


    If you will ask Need for Speed players about Minecraft they most likely will say "no, I don't like that game", while if you ask the same in Terraria or Core Keeper community than you will get "yes, definitely, best game of my childhood".

    Even then I always get a "no, I won't install that game", but they'll play any other game. People desire Tik Tok related quick satisfaction, or so I've encountered on my end. I"m just saying, and was noting with things I've seen and been experiencing.

    Happy New Years btw.

    Back in 2015-2018 there were tons of people who noted they preferred Rising World over Minecraft, to which I have to agree with this sentiment more and more each year. Ever since Mojang threw Notch under the bus over fake political garbage, and sold their soul to a corporate devil (Microsoft) it took a slight nose up, yet steep decline. Many people feel Minecraft to be trash, empty, boring, etc. I agree. Even my friends refuse to play it anymore. The "Golden Age" is over with Rising World taking over, or even other better variants of Minecraft. Sure, Minecraft may still hold #1 thanks to brainless kids not knowing any better, though to those in the Rising World community shall know how much better RW is over Minecraft.

    Why am I making this thread? Don't worry, it's not "Spam", as weird people like to note. It's genuinely relevant. Look at this these videos.

    - This is not Minecraft? (Minetest)

    The jist of Minetest is to make a game similar to Minecraft, yet done so in its own creative and fun manner; Not tied to corporate nonsense. It fixes all the Quality of life stuff while purging any political garbage found in the game, such as singleplayer banning, etc. Minetest is what you desire from Minecraft (the olden-day vibes), while simply being a proper escapism. Pushing Minecraft into modded Minecraft territory. Open source code, updating things in real time (menu wise), and all the lovely jazz.

    - Minecraft has lost its identity:

    The above video is EXACTLY why I'm making this thread. It may go on deaf ears, it however is the reason why people have had enough of Minecraft while favouring Rising World more and more as days, weeks, months, and years go by. It notes how modern Mojang is afraid of everything, maybe also because of over-protective Microsoft ruining everything in the process (and having me get yelled at by friend in Revelstoke, B.C because I shared how people were getting banned on Minecraft). Mojang is playing it too safe making the very mistakes they initially intended to avoid. Old Minecraft is nostalgic and mysterious, while new Minecraft is similar, yet with a splatter of paint to make it more RPG-like. Less sandboxy, more kid-based story awkwardness.

    Mojang doesn't make features just because they find it fun anymore. Everything has to be strangely "logical" taking the fun out of everything. The soul of features was taken away. I mean, look at how people responded to how I desired ridable mounted Moose, even though it was vaguely a part of our history, and even a part of Nier Automata. There is a reason why J-RPGs, and even Asian games tend to be highly more desired than corrupted Western games. Even gaslighting me into playing Asian games over Rising World is overly moronic. I admire Rising World, I don't want to throw it away just because trolls desire to gaslight me every step of the way. I genuinely admire Rising World, it's a step in the right direction. It would do well taking proper notes from the Asian gaming scene! Sadly, Rising World is being intentionally sabotaged like everything else out there. People even attacking me because they know I'm genuine (on Steam Forums) attacking everything they feel is the "weakest link". The Rising World community allows it, which in turn also harms Rising World. Shame. People are stupid, even labeling me as a villain, yet we can clearly see Minecraft floundering in the gaming scene because it forgot what actual fun and entertainment was. Rising World would do well learning serious gaming lessons while shunning each and every troll on this and Steam forums desiring to stir the pot, sabotage, or false-flag attack under false pretenses. Sure, Minecraft has a massive playerbase, but that is all it has in regards to the main game. The meat of Minecraft is in its modding, something Rising World should eventually grasp onto. Minecraft has a lemming fanbase (vanilla wise, and with kids). Rising World has a loyal fanbase, now corrupted by politically corrupted weirdoes hellbent on sabotaging everything around it, including me, because it's still genuine. Everything has to have its soul ripped apart. The more popular something is the more trolls you tend to attract.......

    - Nier Automata (Can be found on Steam) with 2B riding a Moose after using an item. Can't ride it otherwise. It either attacks you or runs away.

    Mojang wrongly threw Notch under the bus over fake political garbage and nonsense. Keep politics out of gaming; Games are escapism. Mojang wrongly threw Notch under the bus, and bad karma is still bad karma when you disrespect the original creator of a creation. They sold their soul to the devil and now they're paying the price for it. You never EVER sell your soul. EVER! It's your precious identity.

    The iconic Creeper wouldn't be there now if they were to be added into Minecraft in this era for the first thing.

    Mojang is afraid of many things, though that also may be because of the Microsoft overlords. They always take the "safe way" refusing to add proper necessary features such as cargo boats, proper railway, proper gliders, etc. People desired many things to only go on deaf ears. Everything feels too safe and bubbled up. Red51 can also learn from this warning because I've also seen Red51 (on numerous occasions) making similar errors as Mojang. Red51 appears too afraid to add features because he listens to the community a tad bit too much when some members have been known to intentionally sabotage the community around them. If you give people an inch, they'll take a mile (and more) to which you'll have a trash show. Yes, you can have a poll, but even those can be sabotaged when coordinated. Look at X Community notes. Have enough people and that can easily be hijacked, something which has been proven a lot. People aren't honest with themselves. Red51 has to stay strong and add things he assumes would be fun and entertaining. I'm happy he added various community requested features, even making features work in Rising World, ones which refused to work in Minecraft, making Rising World all that more appealing.

    If it adds fun and entertainment, while still being properly balanced, then by all means add it into the game. That's what the Japanese do! That's what Europeans USED to do (view Silent Hunter 3, or other war games with minor nations) before the modern Western nonsense corrupted everybody to be lazy and tardy. Nobody desires to add Canadians, Slovaks, or any other minor nations, as they has in Silent Hunter 3, or Slovakia in sports games, etc. Sure, maybe they're still there in SOME games, but people are even whining and moaning you see Russians and Chinese in Azur Lane, or 'Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts'. There is some good and bad with Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnought because the developers are Ukranians, and they appear fishy. They added the Chinese as a faction, which is neat, but everything else was messed up. Modern game developers are tardy. IL-2 Sturmovik allowed you to play as the Czech Republic, as the Slovakians, and any other noteworthy nation at the time, yet current modern games refuse that same philosophy in gaming. Everything has to be a moronic copy-and-paste cookie cutter nonsense. Nobody desires to be unique, or barely anybody. Everything has to be bland and boring, something which Mojang is adopting accidentally, and Rising World runs the risk of doing.

    I, once again, wish Red51 to be true to his vision. If he desires to add a feature, then add it. Don't be afraid by hiding behind a sofa with a knife in hand. If you're afraid of adding some feature then consider, an example plugin hosted on this site, or other alternatives. The more fearful you are the more it will find a way to hound you in the future. Best to deal with something sooner than later, and face it head-on than have it hound you in the way Mojang is finding out the hard way. :nerd:

    Mojang screwed up, especially on a political note and a "selling of the soul" note. They need to find a way to redeem themselves while also finding a way to apologize to Notch and the fanbase. Like with KanColle with Japan, Mojang needs to apologize to their fanbase for being so stubborn and stiff.


    On a sidenote:

    RTS, various RPGs and other various "thinking" games have been on a decline thanks to lower attention span in people. It's being blamed on the 'Tik Tok' generation, and those I've seen yelling at me to do something in Minecraft while also telling me they dislike both Minecraft and Rising World. They prefer to be ironically political while telling me not to be. Hypocrites. People would much prefer to play games that are quick and simple, not long and tedious, yet still as rewarding. Sure, people and work and school, and that is fine. Everything else has been on a decline to which lazy game developers can get away with not making VR mode, co-op mode, or QoL fixes, among other stuff. Nobody desires RTS games anymore. The Golden age of gaming may have come and gone with the last few saving graces being Rising World and other games before they perish to a potato-brained generation.

    We shall see how things shall go in the future.

    Animals keep getting stuck in blocks, holes, windows, and everything else. When you mind up terrain they appear to be attracted to the new changes, similar to Minecraft mobs.

    - Animals all piled up in a hole while I was terraforming. Chickens done this in another spot forcing me to kill them all to continue with construction.

    - Rabbit stuck in a window frame. They also get stuck in blocks, and every other structure.


    I wish I took a picture of when chickens were stuck in the hole and when pigs and every other animal were stuck in my shipyard/drydock stairway.

    I also have to dig out a level enough terrain for sheep and cows to flee from altered terrain. They still get stuck, but if it's flat enough they eventually find their way.

    (I kept forgetting to share this. Now that it's shared I'm now relieved I don't have to worry about noting this issue anymore.)

    Hmm.... It appears I'm now talking to ghosts, or people who genuinely desire to see harm to me having now blocked me; Invisible posts:dizzy:. I'm certain there was a post and it's now deleted, hence why I deleted a reply thread. I probably was placed on a few block lists, but that probably explains how rude people have been. Shame. Deleted a reply to a post that was there, and now gone. Weird.

    Moving on......


    Azur Lane & KanColle are indeed up there. Sadly, I gave up on KanColle, even if I recently obtained some new shipgirls. I wish I could carry over some of KanColle's charms into Rising World. Sadly, everything is out of my range so I still have to rely on someone, as stupid as that makes me feel. I'm overwhelmed with everything being highly spread thing on things I genuinely desire to do. I'm sorry I keep saying this over and over again, but if I can just have a helpful VRChat-SDK-esque modding tool/kit then I should more or less do everything myself in one manner or another.

    Victory Belles was a crap show. I don't want to see or be anywhere near it. Being treated like a circus animal in their Discord was insane. Everything always HAS to be my fault and I'm annoyed with people for that. They're always a bunch of hypocritical Saints. Rude. It makes Busou Shinki World look like angels:saint:.

    I digress....

    I'll happily show more Renge, IF I can find a way to have her imported into Rising World. I would happily make statues, monuments, and hopefully even as a followable 15 cm tall interactable partner. That is IF we can get the same styled tools as both VRChat & Tower Unite. I have my messy Renge model, I however have to sadly pick her out of the now-messy Unity files like a needle and a haystack manner. Pluck her out with a tweezer. I'll happily show Renge, but for VRChat side of things currently. [The point of this thread though is to have 2D image stuck in the API tool).

    As for Benio, I can most likely recreate her as a Rising World Dummy NPC version using default samurai armor and samurai sword. Hopefully we can resize her in the upcoming update to fit her 15 cm tall nature. As noted in another thread I'd place her in in my 'Busou Shinki HQ'. Once NPCs become interactive with everything around them (smarter NPCs) I can't wait ot see my Busou Shinkis roam around doing their thing. :wow:

    (If, and when we get a modding tool I'll happily try importing Benio (and others) as an NPC of her own with Rising World Animations, etc.)


    Seeing as how things got derailed let me digress twice over.


    I would happily desire to have the expedition window prompt for names and images, something to which you could feed the image into the in-game window. Maybe even prior to loading of the game (into the relevant folder) noting what portrait image goes where. I would find all relevant Busou Shinki images to (as with the shared Benio image above) to then have them seek out resources that could be dumped in front of you, or even later into a chest. Even if it's just a 2D image in a window it'll still be interactive enough.

    I was provided access to some Busou Shinki Battle Rondo image assets I could potentially make use of for this requested plugin, if it ever sees the light of day. I can use Renge, Benio, and other lovely girls, and anything other that's not Busou Shinki related.

    I'll wait and see. I need to bookmark these threads, or start new ones for a certain one. :monocle:

    I'm curious to see if these plugins shall see the light of day, especially with the help of other released updates for Rising World. The game genuinely needs these plugins. But as others have noted the game probably needs to update a few times over prior to seeing this plugin in the wild. :thumbup:

    (Happy Busou Shinki endeavors to any and all Busou Shinki fans :D)