Posts by ArcticuKitsu

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    I'm amused a few folks actually managed to find this thread. Some (or maybe one) even helping me gain access to various new models. I genuinely actually forgotten about this thread assuming it had never happened at all. Had I known it was something I had initially desired I would have copy-and-pasted this to the Unity side of things while also deleting this Java thread. Maybe I should, or start absolutely fresh for Unity side noting what I desire from it. I should let this thread die and re-do the thread as a Unity one.

    As for the apology for Busou Shinki World I'm aware that users can be anal and rude on every bit of forums. I'm used to it, but I still do fight back. It's honestly a shame when people ignore you over trivial nonsense though. Childish. People have egos in ways they try to compensate for something they lack, but it be nice if we could talk like friends. People have forgotten how to talk to one another as humans. It was refreshing talking to other hobby folks in Japan. That was awesome! That's beside the point.

    I've already contacted (actually, been contacted BY them) the one person (or have for a long while now). I'm oblivious to the obvious. They provided me with Shinki Benio, Kohiru, Sharatang, and others. Awesome! I've also heard Red51 noting we'll get NPC Dummies for Unity version (upcoming update) so I can probably fiddle with something basic on the NPC Dummy end. If the NPCs can be resized then I can do something about that. At least a basic Samurai outfit and sword. I would have them wander around the recently built 'Busou Shinki HQ' (based on Konami's Kobe 1990's building) to contain all my Busou Shinki goodies. Once I figure out how to use any 'Model Loader' or 'object loader' I'll import them into my Unity world, including the linked Busou Shinki models. Granted, I also have to piece together archaic models together to even be used in both VRChat & Rising World. Everything is a hassle.

    I was shown how to use the texture renderer last night, though had to stop thanks to constant brain farts. We had a bit of a laugh, though shall figure how to use it out later. They know, I don't. I have to learn this stuff.

    Thanks, and I hope so as well. I guess it's time to kill this thread and revive it for Unity version. This thread isn't themed well for Unity. It needs to be re-done.

    Merry Tsugaru Christmas! I was also gifted a fully rigged Tsugaru model. Nice! A little late for Christmas, but at least she arrived late. Maybe I can have fun with Tsugaru next Christmas in both VRChat AND Rising World.

    So, I have Tsugaru, Sharatang, Kohiru, and Benio. Sadly, I have to fight to have them built up like models. Piece them together to then have them useable in both Rising World and VRChat. That's going to be a chore and a half. I simply desire to have someone knowledgeable to do this for me (Tsugaru is already molded & rigged).

    Just give me a properly detailed Rising World Mod Kit and I'll do everything on my own. :nerd:

    Oh? Desired to stay silent, but I guess I can't now. :silenced:

    Yeah, in theory you can make an object dance, or do some static stuff. As for if it'll stop or loop is something I have yet to find out. I desired to finally import some Azur Lane or KanColle stuff with some dancing animations to help Rising World, but even that is a chore. I'm going to have to wait until I either A) get a proper Rising World Modding Tool to simplifiy things, or B) Have someone to help me. If I had some simplified tools I would do everything on my own; I wouldn't have to rely on people. I would apply dancing myself. But with the way things are going I'm considered a "terrorist" by people and Steam support so everything is made needlessly harder than it should be. Maybe someone can manage to fill in the void while I'm here floundering like a fish out of water:dizzy:.

    I mean, look at VRChat's SDK (people are familiar with it) where you can attach animations, weapons, clothing, and other fun stuff with a few additions. Sure, it does hiccup, but you figure it out in the end via Youtube videos and tutorials. It's a bit clunky, but eventually even a caveman could make use of it (if taught and guided in a copy-paste manner).

    Then there's Tower Unite with NPC and custom objects with how you're able to import characters, objects, and posters with ease. Go to a modding store to pick up these 'void' furniture blocks, place them in your condo and you can then apply workshop models on them. You then have the ability to use the ingame tool to apply the character, objects, posters, or whatever you desire. You can then apply default animations, expressions, pose, what to say, and how to say stuff. It's awesome. The game is held back by clunkiness, but at least you can do it. (Rising World needs this sort of tool)

    I was going to mention something else but then I had a brainfart. In the place of a brainfart someone made a Wisp to follow you around. Just imagine a Busou Shinki following you around in that manner (using simplified tools a caveman could use). You shared me Benio in another thread. Yeah, imagine a Benio following you around. That would be awesome. Sure, she won't do much, but at least she'll be there to give you a smile. :D I currently have a Wisp to float around with the aura of Kasumi from Azur Lane. The same person who made the Wisp also showcased various dragons in various Animated states. They can't do much, yet they're there. I'm happy for them, yet wish that could carry over to everything else, especially for Rising World's benefits and Anime gains.

    As for your Krieg, that be awesome as well. I still need to make my platform though. I would happily make another sci-fi styled platform to have a Krieg dancing in my growing city. I still have yet to make a concert hall so if performances are a thing I would happily switch between models that dance to have things going. But alas, we're not allowed. Everything is still outside of my skill grade. :dizzy: Maybe once we get a properly working API/modding tool (similar to VRChat & Tower Unite) I'll be able to manage something.


    You mention Rising WOrld is going to die? I just found out about this game I hope not. congrat son your Japan trip. Can't wait to see your finished platform even if no dancers provided to you

    I mean, Rising World is basically a teeter-totter, and on the middle line of it currently. It's both alive and dead at the very same time, though can be very much alive if certain tools can be provided to keep it alive. If we can get specific mods in play then you can for sure expect Rising World to be great. You would see so much hype and interest. I currently have someone helping me with Busou Shinki models from Battle Rondo so "soon" would be a good time to take advantage of this prior to their leaving. I was given access to my favoruite Busou Shinki, I simply need to convert them into both Rising World & VRChat use.

    (Kohiru, Sharatang, Benio; Tsugaru is a bonus)

    If I can just figure out how to use an object/item mod loader I can then start waving stuff around. Sure, they'll be purely static as a statue, but at least they'll be there for me to wave around. With how much people hate me I probably won't get animations applied to models (I may have to contact Red51), otherwise I was given the green light to use certain models in Rising World (making sure they work).

    Once things are ready, they're ready. I'll get to my platform eventually. I still have some backlog builds to work on, such as my Busou Shinki HQ I'm 70% completed building. It has 9 floors, now needs its special 10th floor, roof attachment, and even to start postering with Busou Shinki images. It may not do well carrying over to an eventual online server (may need to log what posters are where), it shall however be awesome to eventually showcase imported Busou Shinki models someone decided to help me with. :nerd:

    (Sorry for the wall of text. I simply don't desire to post over and over again.)

    I genuinely desired to be silent ever since Red51 noted he's still alive and kicking (had a good Merry Christmas), and that we're soon to obtain an update in January 2024. Whenever that shall be. Hopefully he actually manages to release it this time, and 3x the content.

    That's not why I'm here though.

    While building away at my Rising World build I had a strong desire for a certain type of train, and I'm unsure if Red51 is able to allow us to have it.


    - Hanging Monorail:

    Japan has this hanging Monorail system, something which would be good in Rising World, especially for what I desire to build. Sure, cable cars would work as well, though mainly leaning on Monorail system here. Maybe you want it to go above your road-way, or water without issue, something which would be handy in Rising World terms. Cable cars would also be neat, it's however up to Red51. Having more control over your trains would be wise here.

    I could have easily visited this hanging monorail in Kamakura, Japan, and I have the chance to do so properly this time around.


    The focus for a potential Hanging Monorail.

    - The main trains can be on the "ground floor" while the hanging mono-rail could be attached to a higher location. The arrow dips down a bit to make note of a boat that is down below to shuttle myself across to a farm on the other side.

    - Closer to the edge noting how (once a building is constructed) the potential proposed monorail would depart the station to cross to the other side of the cove, or whatever you call this inlet area. Just something to be able to cross over the water to reach the other side.

    (The area you see below (under the drill) is where I intend trains to go around while attaching an "level crossing" in that area to reach boats, ferries, etc.)

    If not, I'll have to make due with horses, trains, and vehicles to go around. Or even a fast ferry boat, or whatever we're provided.

    I'll eventually build a proper bridge once we gain actual trains and bigger boats. Whatever Red51 allows us to have (and is able to implement), I'll make use of it. Same goes with modding and plugins. If people falsely hate me then I won't use anything, but if they're kind then I'll use whatever they provide me. If people desire to treat me as a terrorist then I won't be able to advertise the game in the manner that it is needed to be...

    Either way, I'm hyping up trains heavily. I hope Red51 is able to sanely (without issue) manage to complete stuff on his own roadmap to allow us to do what we can in this game. :monocle:

    Also, I'm not joking. I'm:nerd:serious when I say once Red51 implements trains (on the level of TrainCraft, and maybe Minecraft Create) you'll see Rising World being highly popular. Yes, even making a noticable dent in sales while attracting various and numerous train enthusiasts, such as myself. I can't wait for the teased train. Again, no rush, I however am itching while noting it'll be one of Rising World's "soft-power", similar to how Anime is for Japan. Treat it well and respectfully! :monocle:

    When adding custom mounts, they either have to support the same animations, or alternatively they need to have the same skeleton structure. Once custom assets are possible through the API, we'll add a smooth way to add custom mounts as well ^^

    Moose riding shall be a thing! WOOOOOOO!~

    Rising World is delayed till January 2024.


    The Update isn't fully ready yet, but I still hope to get it ready within the next few days. If that doesn't work, it will be ready early January. I'm sorry for the long wait, but at least the update will contain more content than originally planned. ;)

    I finally have an answer (if indirectly), but at least we now are aware of the situation. Just a few more days, or weeks, until Rising World shall update with not one, not two, but three times the initial content. I mean, Red51 himself had to delay it so many times so we're getting more than we initially planned for. Nice! This is more than stupid Mojang (tied with evil Microsoft) does with Minecraft. All the more respect to Red51, and less so to Minecraft/Mojang/Microsoft (MC's Modding scene deserves respect).

    This is why I love Rising World.

    Genuine "Good Luck" and "best wishes" to Red51.

    I'm sorry, but I've also been heavily itching for trains. I hope that doesn't derail anything on Red51's side. He'll still do everything he desires, but that itch is so bad I need to play-test Minecraft via 'Minecraft Create' mod to have fun with Rising World styled trains. See you when you update the game. People also noted I'm a burden so I guess I'll be quiet for the next few days (until the update releases, or when I see something of interest). You also need to focus on the update (after the festivities, of course) so good luck and smooth sailing on that front. :monocle:

    December 25, 2023 - Merry Christmas! WOOOOOO!~ :party:

    My final round of festive cheer to one and all. Merry Christmas everybody! I know this is late, I've been all over the place myself. Rising World still hasn't updated, nor has my other indie game I'm following (it'll release in 2024). It's been a nice awesome Christmas (in certain ways).

    I had a lovely Azur Lane Christmas! WOOO!~ :party::party:

    Friend (roommmate/host) gifted me Azur Lane cards for Christmas. Small stuff because I've been struggling lately in building model kits. Too busy, not enough time, also focusing on other projects (Japan related). The other gifted me a winter jacket for my upcoming Japan 2024 Sapporo winter festival trip.

    - My Azur Lane gifts. Boosters in blue, trial deck in red. Yes, it's themed to Ironblood, meaning German WW2 shipgirls. ;)

    Yes, it has Bismarck and Tirpitz, as well as other lovely German shipgirls.

    - So satisfying opening up booster cards.

    - A third of my card collection now. Simply focusing on foils (the shiny cards).


    Their cat was stepping on my cards to which I had to shoo her away. She was rolling around, investigating, etc. She was high on catnip. You could probably see a bit of her in the two above images on the top of the pictures.

    - I proudly have an shiny foil HMS Fortune. Nice!

    - Anime tourists were making needlessly big fuss about Kashino. I also proudly have her as a shiny foil. ;)

    And with the $50 Steam gift card I managed to buy two games. I strongly desired them.

    1) Yakuza - Like a Dragon

    2) Fate Samurai Remnant

    Shall happily play this on my Steam Deck, as with other games. Can't wait to get back to Rising World though.



    To those who took the time to note their best wishes in this thread, I thank you greatly and highly. You guys shall have great karma going into 2024. As for those who are childish, even intentionally/purposely avoiding my threads, expect bad karma going your way for thinking vile thoughts. Karma shall catch up to you sooner or later. You throw people under the bus then expect bad things in return, it's common sense. For 2024 I expect people to return to their own sane ways; Actual genuine positive ways, not fake 1950's positive ways. It's for the best and the benefit of your own health and everybody else to be genuinely positive, not fake positive. :D

    I also see this thread and it makes me facepalm. Makes me happy people are festive, though people need to hold less grudges.…ns/0/4034726264102265093/

    Seriously. Hold less grudges and be more productive in society. Be kinder, be nicer. Stop throwing people under a bus over stupid egos. We just had Christmas, now going into New Years. Stop being bitter. I know I"m saying what I'm seeing, be more jolly and honest. Simple. People had a whole month and they instead chose to throw people under a bus. Shame. Bad karma indeed.

    I genuinely and honestly wish Red51 and team my honest and best wishes. Hope Red51 & team had a great Christmas. I wish them the fullest best of luck, as I always had been doing since 2015. I hope the next update, and those following, shall be released and well released in a healthy state. Red51 has an awesome game, hence why I'm here. I hope Red51 shall finally stop hitting various horrible hurdles and that we'll finally have our awesome updates, in due time. Also hoping Red51 had their well deserved Christmas vacation. :monocle::party:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    (This thread has now seen its use. It served its full purpose. It also showed me who has was genuine and who was fake.)

    December 24, 2023 - Merry Christmas Eve!

    Merry Christmas Eve! :party:

    It's a shame we don't have a Rising World update, nor an indie game update I was looking forward to. Two games postponed till New Year's day, or beyond. Technical difficulties, etc.

    Had semi-fun in VRChat, even if I was lonely. It isn't what it used to be. VRChat is lonelier now more than ever with friends gone off doing their thing, and people simply being political and not neutral. Nobody knows how to have fun anymore, nor do they reach out. That's people's problem, they don't reach out. They shell up and hole up in their social bubble. It had me explore solo. Loneliness is one of the worst feelings you can have, especially seeing how we're social creatures. We need to talk or else we simply end things brutally. People are more cruel than they ever were. Good thing there is Anime to distract you long enough to feel a drug-like happiness.



    Christmas in KanColle, a game overtaken by Azur Lane.


    - Admiral!Happy Christmas!今日は飲みましょう。乾杯!いいわね、こんな日も。

    (Admiral! Happy Christmas! Let’s have a drink today. Cheers! Today is a lovely day too.)

    Nothing on the Azur Lane side. Just festive outfits, that's all.

    One more day and then this thread shall have seen its use. Thanks for putting up with this thread, even if I'm constantly needlessly thrown under the bus day in and day out. I simply desired to be festive, especially trying to eargly wait for two indie games (this and a +18 game's update), neither of which saw the light of day. Maybe later. I guess we shall be ending the year on a negative note, even if it was my Rabbit year allowing me to have visited Japan for 35-ish days. Good start, bad burn, and horrible crashing of the year (People in general need to be more positive and less of a debbie-downers). Maybe.

    Merry Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas! :party:

    December 23, 2023 - Counting down to Christmas:

    I'm now getting bored of Bing AI image creator desiring something more proper. Maybe actual Christmas celebrations, actual Canadian content, or more genuine perspectives. Everything has to be so fake and mind numbing it all becomes troublesome (I'm not talking about AI). Trying to have fun where able though. Bing AI decided to lock me out for 8 attempts it blew the steam out of my enthusiasm. Microsoft sucks on everything, including Minecraft, Flight SImulator, and AI prompts. Screw off........ So corrupted, and bloated.



    And the best for last.

    Two more days to go, then I'm done with this thread. I simply desire the upcoming Rising World update with horses (and biomes) so I can continue having fun in that game. I then desire to see fishing and hopefully trains and boats after that. I'm genuinely itching for trains so badly...

    I'm also more on the tired-depressed side again because of how people behave. I need a proper dose of positivity and kindness from people (again), though am aware people enjoy being stubborn in both IRL and virtual manners. I'm genuinely however fed up of people telling me everything is my fault when they themselves need to look in the mirror. It's December, let's have proper fun.

    (I initially desired to share this Azur Lane Guam screencapture in this thread, not the alternate one elsewhere relating to Rising World. It summarizes my reaction on most fake things happening everywhere; Forums, Twitter/X, Steam Censorship [Bans], Discord, etc. Yeah, realy..... Holy shit......)

    I'll need to eventually find actual helpful people in the near future to help me with my side-projects and Rising World creativity.


    Merry Christmas!:party:

    We're almost there, though Red51 seems to be suffering a lot (or hopefully having fun during Christmas). We may not have a Rising World update for 2023, I however do have another indie game which shall update tomorrow, or Monday (24, or 25th). Indie games are fun. Maybe Rising World shall be covertly dropped as a surprise for Christmas, or it may actually be last minute 2023 drop. Or even 2024, as others have pessimistically suspected.

    This is all for scientific purposes. TrainCraft being one, Minecraft's Transit Railway mod is another.

    Getting Started - Minecraft Transit Railway Tutorials Episode 1

    Whenever I have time I'll fiddle with this, but I love seeing the Japanese train I've been on personally, among others. Seeing this though, I would still prefer the Rising World take on trains. Imagining this for Rising World has be highly hyped. Makes me wonder how Red51 shall have us create railways, trains, etc; How realistic it shall be. What materials to use to create everything. How trains shall run, how capable they shall be. The mod notes automated trains on schedules, how will Rising World compare to that?

    Fun stuff. I need to look into this more. (Maybe on, or after Christmas) :nerd:



    Trains add a nice atmospheric touch to real life and games. Can't wait to see them in Rising World as well (as noted at the end in the below video passing a mountain).

    Let's just say that what I heard of trains for Rising World makes me want to hype it more than any other train game I was made aware. Even so, I still have to make note of the failings of Mojang and MIcrosoft for being idiotic, political, and tardy. Everybody hates Mojang more and more for simply teasing and adding only ONE feature at a time for Minecraft. They fail to improve other elements of the game. Imagine if Red51 added one single feature to the game every 3-6 months. You'd be livid. I would be livid.

    They still have yet to add Pumpkin pie (placable like cake), were purposely tardy on storage boats (boats with storage chests), and refuse to improve their minecarts in the game. The minecart post/tweet is why I'm posting this post on this forum right now. So tardy, yet we'll know Red51 shall implement his trains properly. :nerd:

    The best implementation of trains had to be through the modding community. The mod is called 'TrainCraft', and has to be one of the best train experiences I've had.

    The way I view Traincraft is what I'm expecting out of Rising World's implementation of trains. Of course, everything is "subject to change", though the general idea is there of being able to use any train (steam, diesel, electric) while being able to go to-and-from various areas on a whim. Trains actually improve the quality of life on everything, and I can't wait to have them. I'm sorry I keep repeating myself, but it's no joke when I say Rising World's trains shall be one of the best things to happen to Red51. It'll be something you could seriously dangle in front of someone to have fun with, as long as it's taken and treated as seriously as described by Red51.

    When Red51 implements trains it'll definitely be one of the best selling points of Rising World for people to have fun with. No joke! I'm 100% serious. Once Red51 implements trains, and proper boats/ships Rising World shall even make a fun dent on train sims, as TrainCraft has done for Minecraft. Imagine playing Rising World just for trains! I'd be fine with that. As noted by Red51 you could potentially auto-pilot your train at lower speeds, among other fun stuff. Rising World to have basic, yet detailed trains is indeed a respectable soft-power for this game. Take good care of it! :party:

    (Sidenote: There are people who desire me not to point out Mojang's and Microsoft's flaws because they desire fake politics to ruin everything. People believe their corporate corruption, I don't. I simply desire a proper game that is also fun as it is detailed and a nice side of quality. I don't want fake crap. I simply say it how it is, and I want things in its perfect quality, as a stereotypical German themselves desires. Quality over quantity. We Canadians tried to make proper vehicles in a quality state (Avro Arrow, Scot Truck, Knight XV, and a few others) , we sadly were sabotaged by our southern neighbors. Point is, more true Red51 is the better this game shall sell.)

    Just know that once we're officially given properly working trains I will hype the heck out of it. I'll make a proper train yard, a proper train network, and even FINALLY share videos of it, other than taking pictures constantly. I genuinely desired to make videos in Rising World, I however have to build things up before that. Rising World's trains shall be a soft-power we genuinely need to take advantage of, seeing as how people are wary and shy on API and modding scene. Rising World's trains shall be nothing to sneeze at. :love::party:

    Part 2 to the above because it be messy to edit it into the above.


    A compromise would be to leave gold spawning along rivers, or certain sub-biomes connected to land and water. Done! (Red51 willing).

    Fantasy? Magic?

    Red51 themselves desired to have a fantasy biome, it however was lost to time in the 2014-2015 timeframe. Can't source it anymore, he however desired it. He'll get the final say, though the proper way to do it is the following.

    1) Have it be hidden away, like the Mushroom biome once was for Minecraft. It's now a more common thing to which you can view #4.

    2) Have a dungeon lead you to a fantasy biome, as noted by Red51.

    3) Obtain fantasy items only from said dungeons & biome, as noted by Red51.

    4) Have the fantasy biome also be a parallel universe/realm, as noted by 'Twilight Forest' mod for Minecraft.

    For Magic itself:

    1) Have basic magic applied to the Plugin API to have us inject it into our game or not.

    1.2) Have basic magic available via '' to help seed the potentials for more potentials. (Have other mini-mods and examples hosted there to give people ideas. Even the allegedly hated 'zombie mod'.)

    2) Magic should be basic for simplicity sake. Fire, water, earth, healing, and flying. Simple stuff, not complex RPG stuff. Beginner-level magic.

    2.1) More complex spells should be left for modding/API stuff.

    Everything other than this would needlessly complicate things for Red51. Suggesting otherwise would ruin the flow of things, and those who work on games know to keep things as tidy as possible.

    For the note on Aircraft, and computers, should make note of the following.

    - Aircraft: Twin Otter, Helicopter, balloons, and airships. Anything other would ruin the game.

    - Submarines: Bubble and singular occupancy types (view Subnautica's 'Seamoth' as an example).

    - Computers: This can go more wild, thankfully.

    As for modding/API Plugin itself - Rising World Modding Kit:

    - Have a proper modding kit to allow for importing of 3D Entities.

    - Apply standard Rising World (or custom) animations onto those entities via the modding kit.

    - Import various models (Humanoids, furniture, food, etc) via this same tool. (Can edit values both inside and outside of the tool to give various objects and materials various values.

    - If allowed, even go further by importing vehicles by giving them vehicle-related values. (Example would be importing a tug-boat. Give it values of that of a tug-boat, and where the player would be positioned, if allowed to have various "attachments"[Customizations], etc).

    (Via VRChat's Unity SDK, Tower Unite's NPC & object importers, Valheim's & Craftopia's VRoid injection.)

    (Side-note: The more wary one is of NOT adding an 'Rising World Modding tool kit' would further hurt Rising World's chances of long-term survival. Being able to have a RW Modding Kit would boost the longevity and creativity in ways that has kept VRChat, Craftopia, and maybe even Tower Unite alive till now. The more hesitent and reluctant one is would only show Rising World is destined to perish. I'm not speaking of arrogance, but out of respect and high-concern over Rising World's healthy. Making serious note of having a RW Modding Kit would go a long way in both customization and keeping Rising World alive. Sure, rely on API, Mod.IO, but you still need a helpful user-friendly RW Modding kit to further bridge the gap. The more one resists the more harm it does to Rising World. Choose wisely.)

    An expansion would be interesting, though Red51 desired against it. Maybe he'll vote in favour of it for later for more complex "future-modern" stuff. Who knows. Maybe inject fantasy & Magic into that as well for further funding of the game. If you want magic then pay an additional $5-15, though people obviously wouldn't support multiplayer servers. They would rather wield pitch-forks and fire blaming everything on the "weaker" person, alleging "antagonizing" insults, etc.

    Everything is up for Red51, though what I listed would help Rising World, as experienced and learned in other indie and modding scenes.

    I'm still banned on Steam because of Steam Support Censorship, unable to comment where I would desire to. I attempted to send another ticket, they gave me help which I can't do while banned. They basically told me to go "F*#@ myself". Morons. I'm still lurking on Steam, but I do see what people say. I'm still disappointed in some people in how they keep passing over certain information Red51 himself noted time and again, still confused on many topics and features.

    (This above image from Azur Lane sums up my reaction to Steam Support's nonsense, and some Rising World's weird drama.)

    Why the confusion on Rising World? Red51 had a JAVA roadmap noting he desired to have us "progress throughout the ages", yet people can't seem to comprehend that. Can't comprehend simple progression and 'placeholder' logic. They note things like 'IKEA', or some weird nonsense. Everything is a placeholder, and Red51 clearly said this on numerous occasions. it's baffling to me as to why people can't comprehend something as simple as "age progression".

    1) Red51 is still making the game.

    2) Everything is a place holder. (Not everything is final)

    3) We're allegedly supposed to progress from Caveman>Medieval era>Modern>2000 Modern

    (Maybe not double modern [1900 into 2000's], though it be interesting to do it as such).

    4) Everything is supposed to tech up in the way you would in games like 'Rise of Nations', or even 'Civilization' games.

    Why the rubber duckies? You're allowed Eastereggs and some fun. That's why Anime and Asian games (Japanese, and now Chinese) games do so well. They know how to have fun. Such as riding a Moose in Nier: Automata, even though it's difficult.

    People need to stop being debbie downers while also needing to learn how to have fun.

    Yes, you can stupidly make your way to the "end game", it's however stupid noting that when Rising World is an open-world game still being rebuilt from the ground up.

    "Don't mind Arcticu, he's being cranky".

    Gee, I wonder why. Not allowed to have fun anymore. Everything always has to be my fault, yet people keep failing to look at common information. Red51 himself clearly stated many times he desired to have the game progress from one age to the next. I mean, look at this follow-up response.

    1) Bronze and Bronze tools is something he genuinely desires to take into consideration, yet is on the wary side.

    2) Red51 would have given us bronze (like in Java), yet fears we may have rioted because we're always so mouthy.

    (I would have stockpiled on copper and tin knowing it would have gained uses in the future. I'm doing that with iron for future railway projects.)

    3) Red51 desires proper progression via tools and recipes, even if we keep complaining while the game is in Early Access/being remade into Unity.

    3.1) Allegedly the more you use a certain tool the more you'll be able to unlock a future tool, item, or similar?

    4) All the recipes have been reworked, even put into its own unlocking conditions to be progressed with. Won't be available in this coming update, more in the later updates.

    5) Branches shall spawn more frequently in the wild, though will still be somewhat difficult. Primitive axe being debated on being removed from player (re)spawning.

    6) Ore spawn rates shall be eventually reduced once caves are a thing (as noted previously).

    7) Gems are on Red51's to-do list. He'll also implement them once Merchants become a thing.

    8) Adding diamonds to drill recipies is on his to-do list.

    8.1) People are mixed on more complicated recipies while equally loving the realistic complexities. It's a double edged sword.


    In short:

    Search up 'Rise of Nations', or even 'Civilization' games in how you tech up there. You start off as a caveman type person, then you progress into Medieval, Colonial, 1920-40 tech, and then into various stages of modern tech. Red51 may simplify this into a few stages, though he also desired to allow us to lock ourselves into Medieval Era, and even into Modern era technology. Maybe even a sub-era.

    Bronze, bronze tools, and tin are a thing, Red51 is however wary. He should add them in regardless, whenever he's able to. The more he gives into the rioting mob the more they'll feel like they can get away with doing harm to his game.

    I'm sure people shall ignore this, especially seeing as how it's coming from me because everything always has to be my fault in this community. *sighs*

    December 22, 2023 - Counting down to Christmas:

    Going to share something more generic because I've noticed the community being boring and antsy, as per usual. Downer-debbies. Shame. All this stressed Red51 out. I've sent out another angry support ticket to Steam support expecting to be rejected, yet yelling at them for being hypocritical weirdoes.

    Some more attempted festive AI art images containing Canadian and German warships from WW2 era, with a touch of Christmas vibes. I believe my shipgirl prompts provided better results. :monocle:




    Even though I'm happy with Rising World, it genuinely makes me depressed reading the forums of Rising World. Maybe I should stop, as a certain someone has as well. It's simply too depressing reading people's pessimistic postings, gaslighting, or other weirdness. Everybody is so needlessly pessimistic.

    Still patiently waiting for the Rising World update wishing Red51 every bit of positivity we both can imagine. Good luck, Red51. I know I keep saying this, but seriously. Good luck. You seriously need it this time around with how rapidly we're nearing December 25th and 31st.

    I agree with Avanar on this one. Just be festive, be happy, and let's have fun going forward. Let's just simply have fun with Rising World and do what we can for the game. It needs all our help, and we need to help it out instead of constantly being pessimistic.

    Maybe I really should share one proper image I genuinely desire. It has a neat new vehicle I wouldn't mind toying around with for concept purposes, especially for Christmas vibes. Maybe even for RPG Maker purposes, something I still need to get around to working on.

    December 21, 2023 - Counting down to Christmas:

    Still waiting on Rising World to update, eh? We're really getting fairly close to the finish line at this point without really reaching it. I'm not blaming Red51, I'm just worried, that's all. Concerned. December 21st of December 31st. Also barely keeping up with my own promises of daily posting thanks to how chaotic my workplace is and how stupid people can be in the real world. Over work, under-paid. Madness. Fatigue. I thankfully have Azur Lane keeping me company for times Rising World is unable to. New event released with Guam, and others. You guys can go Google it up.

    As per usual, more AI art to spread the festive Christmas charms, something we're not allowed to have in this day and age. We're supposed to be happy and festive. Let's be happy. :party:

    Experimenting with new prompts. Yes, I made sure the AI would know we're celebrating Christmas.




    Merry Christmas! :party:

    P.S: And I genuinely am worried for Rising World now, even knowing full well Red51 desires to update to the last minute. I don't want to pressure Red51, just concerned.

    December 20, 2023 - Counting down to Christmas:

    Still smiling over how someone else (other than myself) desired to see HMCS Haida in a naval game (Azur Lane). For Christmas I wish for game developers (in general) to wise up for 2024 to simply add things just because they can and not make up lame excuses as to not to anything. Some developer somewhere (with Red51) needs to continue to help break the mold to do what others haven't done, especially since 2006 with Silent Hunter 3. Nobody wants to replicate the proper formula's to make game awesome. Everybody always takes the safe copy-paste route. Everybody is a coward.

    I also saw Twitter/X was down for 1-2 hours. I watched Anime so I was fine (mostly).


    Even though I'm censorship banned by Steam (banned for sneezing; Retrobanned, etc) I still had some great fun with games. Rising World is one of my top games, VRChat being second, and everything else following behind that. Rising World, VRChat, and Hololive games are my top games. For mobile games it's Azur Lane & Blue Archive, hence these AI images of Canadian shipgirls.

    I tried for simple Medieval theme. Make of it what you will.



    Merry Christmas! :party:

    December 19, 2023 - Counting down to Christmas:

    I know people would tell me not to do daily posts, but we're almost at December 25th. We're almost at Christmas, so 5 more days (or 6, from this post). Been held back by my happy Japan blog post thoughts, and even playing Pokemon Violet on the side with DLC1, not DLC2. Happily caught Vulpix aiming for a shiny version. Google what I mean if you're unsure.

    As for today's festive AI Pictures I inserted German flags into the mix. Sadly, that took away the maple leaf of on the cape. I'm well aware Germans are told to be timid and covert people when it comes to their national pride, but there is nothing wrong about that. I should know, I'm Canadian and we're constantly being gaslit into "self-deletion". We should be proud of who we are; Not some walking drones. Let's be festive and happy.




    (I love it when sailing ships appear in the AI art. I however wish Maple Leafs appeared on the cape. On one, but not on the rest.)

    I'm also happy I'm not the only one desiring to see HMCS Haida in the game called Azur Lane (also applies for KanColle). It makes me happy when we can be true to ourselves, even connecting to our birthplaces, and homes. We should be happy, grateful, and thankful for what we have, where we are, and even seeking positives in life.

    Red51 is well aware of how much I desire to connect with my Canadians (I shared him 3 models of Canadian vessels). It can wait till when is ready, or whenever everything allows it to happen. No pressure to Red51, though I hope I can eventually connect with my fellow Canadians in Azur Lane, KanColle, or even Rising World in a patriotic way (festive way), and not a brainless political way throwing me under the bus each and every time treating me like some circus show or an outcast. Throw the politics out the door and stop accusing me of their own sins (as people had done on other forums). It honestly made me proud and happy I could talk with people on a human level in the Japanese realm. No politics, just happy Japanese thoughts of my travel back in April. That's how everything should be, yet people won't allow it. I had a happy time conversing with the Japanese and it was the best thing ever. Especially how they're patriotically proud of their own nation.

    Can't wait to go back to "complete" my Seasonal park. I need more new items to spruce it up, such as Maple trees, cherry trees, and whatever is colourful in that non-green manner. More seasonal items. I'll even expand that "park" later when we obtain new goodies.

    And I keep noting it, Red51 shall push this to the final date seeing as how we're on the December 20th, not December 18th. I saw it coming. Rest of us did as well. I wish I could have played with the new update sooner so I had more time to prepare for seasonal festivities. I'll do something quickly on Friday, or something.

    Merry Christmas! :party:


    [Side-note: Because I missed a day there shall be another festive post tonight.]

    December 18, 2023 - Counting down to Christmas:

    Belated start, and a belated finish for the night trying to get everything I could done before my time ran out. WIP images here, completed images shall be found in the server presentation thread later. (And on Steam once my abusive censorship ban runs out at the end of December 31st, 2023).

    - Golden Ninja Stars for helping a Steam user on Cyberpunk 2077 forums. I was gifted one Golden Ninja Star.

    - WIP rooms (9 floors). Shall furnish later.

    - "Blue Tower", at night. (Name tentative).

    - Merry Christmas!

    - Building a park to hold seasonal events.

    - What I finished with for the night. I ran out.

    (I'll polish everything up later. I was trying to rush before all my time ran out.)

    Merry Christmas from Rising World.

    While building away I had a lot of time to think about how abusive people have been, how fake people have been, and how Steam is too bloated to the point they censor and ban people for not towing the corrupted line. Certain users who accused me of being allegedly "whiny" are too innocent, and I had more than enough time to process all the accusations pinned on me. With Rising World facing financial issues it be nice if people could pull their weight, as much as I keep trying to fill in the gaps in other areas.

    Once my backlogs loosen up I'll try to do what I can. If I'm provided tools (modding tools) I'll do everything myself. If not, I can't help Rising World.

    And I figured Red51 would release his update at the very last minute of December. We're now on December 19, even if my post says December 18. I'm lagging behind a tad bit thanks to my various projects (IRL & gaming).


    Need to stay festive, and festive I've been trying to stay.

    The one time I find the Rising World to be genuinely wholesome is in this thread, and this thread alone.…ns/0/4029096934198917780/

    The one and only time someone (including Red51) has gone full on comical and wholesome. :wow:

    - Merry Christmas! :party:

    December 17, 2023 - Counting down to Christmas:

    Still sleepy tired, yet almost at the Rising World playing mark (Monday & Tuesday). Shall see if, and what I manage.




    My favourite from the batch? This one.

    Look at the cape. It reminds me of Slovakia, the more traditional side of Slovakia. It's like a mix between Canada & Slovakia and I love it. I love how I can connect with stuff even if it's generic AI art. :nerd:

    Merry Christmas! :party: