Posts by ArcticuKitsu

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)

    The first three images of the lumber mill. I'm loving. Nice. All around awesomeness with how it's also reminding me nicely of Skyrim. Awesome all around. :thumbup:

    I believe it would be accepted to use magic in a fantasy biome. The only magic we could use should only be used there, more so in mods. To welcome mods I believe this would be a perfect way of doing such by having the biome 'energize' the player's body to then fire basic spells. Mod can take over from there. Basically light healing spells, fireballs, and ice spells.

    I'm sure everybody heard of this by now, but damn, does it have insane amounts of potential. It offers so much fun, so much features, and great fun in early access that it's worth looking into. I hope Lego & TT Games both put all their necessary spare funds into this to take proper responsibility of their new new-born child. They need to take full responsibility, especially with all the challenges they implied to be setting for themselves.

    - Steam Page:

    You're basically placed with in the Lego world to do as you desire by either building or collecting, or both. You create a world of your choosing, jump in, and roam around freely with no leash or collar. You're let loose to bump into friendly NPCs to gain their style of customization; attacking the hostiles to unlock their customization options. You're free to do whatever you want while collecting the in-game's currency of 'studs' to unlock what you've discovered fully. You can drive cars, pilot planes and helicopters, while even being allowed to set sail. It's fun seeing your little mini-figure being able to ride vehicles, climb terrain, and even mess around with the environment. It has a long way to go, just a great base point to build off of.

    My hopes is to see Star Wars & Indiana Jones set out in the wild on their very own. Multiplayer is confirmed by years' end so no fear or worries about it. Three sets I hope to find within the game in time....

    What I hope shall be added after to expand into space:

    So much great potential that I wonder if this is the route Rising World is going with vehicles. Hoping for so much fun while even waiting to see if they're intelligent by adding a free-roam into space using the space sets & Star Wars sets in a Space Engineers manner. They have the resources & funding.

    (I ask that if you are going to post to keep any Minecraft comparisons to a minimum. Let's be civil and polite about this.)

    Apologies for spamming/double-posting....Just wanted to expand my thoughts a bit....

    Peeing & Pooing: Now that I've look at Skyrim mods & Ark: Survival Evolved I can see this being a thing now 100%. You could activate the toilet to relieve yourself of all the liquids you drank with a little notification placed somewhere. Toilets and/or urinals being more appropriate for the liquid part, and I guess the same for pooing. You should be allowed to collect poo to place into farms to increase yield, quality, and etc.

    Filtering Urine: I guess you could bottle up urine (done off-screen; Implied) by running it through filters & machines to make it drinking water, or to later be implemented as some NPC gift when encountering 'lost travelers' needing rations. I hope it's used for both by keeping alive and by keeping, even befriending 'stray' travelers to be your comrades (ration giving).

    Again, I still stand by my ramblings hoping we can overlook it being a NSFW thing. *shrugs*

    Sweet on the new workbenches and such. Also loving the wooden torch bit. Would love to fiddle with them, or see an image. Can't wait to play.

    [New] When using a chest, double click on an item to move it directly into the chest (and vice versa) <-- This! This is a major feature that I'm overly happy to hear about. I'm so glad this was added after experiencing these similar frustrations with Minecraft being stubborn with these features. Features like these makes digital survival life so much easier. You simply dump in a chest and go back out on your adventure :thumbsup:

    Trailers being a big part of grabbing people's attention, yes. Having a catchy main theme music also goes a long way, not just trailer music. If Rising World can have an epic main theme then that should be awesome. Ya, I would expect another trailer to pop up only after the biome. Would be something to look into once again, just not in a rush.

    No rush. But I did think that it's about time to show the BQQ & smelting stuff. Same with the biomes. Something after the biomes would be a neat opportunity.

    Game itself (Blockscape) is (was) outbreak in Minecraft clone games. So nice landscape, large number of different blocks, materials... almost perfect.. Only problem game has, is one develpoer whos not communicating with the community. Game was not more than a year updated. Moreover, developer announced complete turnover in game look (more blocky, minecraft look, because he cant solve some problems and bugs in current smooth world), which was not well accepted by the game community. You can look at its Steam page.... On the other hand, RW is done by German programmers, and considering that I am working with Germans, and I know how persistent they are, I am sure that game will be a release in the future, and not half finished and abandoned :)

    Then we have nothing to worry about because Red knows whats up. Those clones are simply poor clones. I'm also trying to recommend things that make sense and it's always up to Red in the end to decide what he wants. I guess I may be highly obnoxious about it, but I'm only trying to help suggest things that 'might' be helpful in the end. And you have high praises for the Germans so there's also nothing to fear. We both know the Germans are to be well respected and to praise. It's the Americans I always have to fear, and even my fellow Canadians (Ubisoft) who also enjoys copying USA almost to the letter. They can't really create their own goodies because we're too docile of a nation. Red proudly showing that he actually cares about his game so right now there's little to no fear. I always get bitten hard by Americans that I have a strong dislike for them and when I see progress I always tend to praise the Japanese & Europeans the most, thus me having faith in Red from the results he is showing.

    And again, I have high hopes for when Red does eventually jump into the ocean, lakes, and water side of things. No rush, no pressure. I'll take his updates as it comes while enjoying how much attention to detail each item gains. As long as he keeps open with his team while pushing for a great game to the very end then it's all in the green.

    Lastly, I was made aware of a game called "From The Depths" with me leaning strongly on Red's idea of having vehicles being pre-built, yet customizable. It makes the most sense. I dislike what I'm seeing in that game, even if it does hit up on my favourite game genre (naval) in a Minecraft style of building. Neat idea, just too damn bulky. Do love the warfare in there, and the weapons. Just no..... I want to see what Red has planned to then nudge it elsewhere.

    Oh? I wonder if this is in Red's master plan to add skills. I wouldn't mind trying to grow my skill level in Rising World to gain boosts in how well cooked food tastes. This farming would end up affecting how you cook with better ingredients. For some that be heavenly, for others that might be a chore. I'd welcome it as a nice challenge.

    I'm now imagining how one poutine would be more filling over another. Same with how one soup would be more filling than the other. Doubt appearances would change...Red wants to make things gorgeous, yet still somehow simplistic.

    I approve, yet worried Red may want to simplify it.

    I`ve crossed from Blockscape to Rising World. Thats why I am very cautious whith suggestions... Everybody who knows what Blockscape is, knows what I am talking about...

    Ah, I see. Feel free to fill me in with the horrors of Blockscape horrors. No sarcasm, I'm actually curious.

    - Pissing: Making use of the toilet by going all Skyrim's 'Private Needs' with you needing to occassionally 'letting it go'. Nature calls! I'm sure there'll be picky parents who won't want this for kids being retarded with it. We can't have 'nice things' because kids shall ruin it. Would be nice to enable a 'sfw' version in a Sims manner though.

    - Sleep: Now that you brought it up, this also should be added. Makes sense from a hunger, environmental diseases, and survival stand-point. Should have the character fade out (not die) by simply fainting....What happens next? Singleplayer should warp the time with hunger & thirst penalty. Mutliplayer? Similar, yet with a chance of being carried by another player to a medical bed to ward off penalties.

    - Economy: You want a way to set up an economy eh? Those can fail so easily so things should be kept to bartering. Trade items for others being what seems to work best all around. NPC Traders seem to be the closest you can get to that with what's planned, and thankfully he listens so you just might gain some form of 'basic currency' for server purposes. Would be neat if server admits could give NPC privledges to the player so they can manage their NPC's patterns, inventory, and what they say. I vote against using currency, though that won't stop players so having a coin system would be interesting.....

    - More Furniture: This is a given. I hope Red and his buddies are ready to add in more over time, especially festive types. Fridge should be switched over to storing food with food spoiling elsewhere. Giving furniture their intended use would go a nice realistic long way in adding the little fun by adding onto the whole picture.


    Nice suggestions though, and apologies for the ramblings in the spoiler tag.

    Holy hell, that's awesome! This is what I'm now going to expect any proud Rising World fan to build in this kind of quality. I'd love to visit that villa. Awesome stuff! :thumbsup:

    A 'Hollow Earth' would be sweet. And I don't see Hell here being an 'after thought' with Red actually knowing what to do with it...or so it seems. Classified information about mobs.

    I would welcome feathery dinosaurs, and only them. Same with dragons, moleman, crazy magical powers, and etc. If I may, I'd also like to recommend that any darkness should have the power to kill down there, as with a Minecraft mod. Would be appropriate to carry that over into this with any prolonged exposure causing hallucinations, gradual health damage (from insanity, the atmosphere, the silence of the noise, and etc). Needing armour, or a suit, should should go a long way into keeping you save.....

    Ya, I agree Foobar on this. I love his wording more than what I'm wording mine. It should be very creepy, and far below hell. As for Hell, those random encounters and deathly entities, that shall be trippy. I would want human players or NPC companions to join me. No way I'm going down there along. Blame Minecraft with the zombies, witches, skeletons, Enderman, and the creepers......This game is going to be far more brutal in that.

    Excellent. That's 95% how I viewed it. More scenic heh. Making me itch so badly in wanting to play Rising World so bad so I can start showing off my creations. You can happily view the mountain in your area.

    Also loving your own idea of the Forged Gear area. The angled banners, the masks, the torch holders, and similar. :thumbup: