I'm asking this because of the xmas tree in the game being called 'xmas' instead of 'christmas'. I'm not religious or anything (i respect all religions) , just curious.
Are the Team that created Rising World atheist?
This is only a short form, call it Internet Jargon. Maybe to save letters because of s missing space . Nothing else has to be interpreted into it.
Ty for thanks, afk for away from keyboard and so on. There are so many shortforms.
It is pretty common in Europe to say Xmas
I'm not sure why this question is even relevant?
Lol, no, I'm not an atheist
I hardly believe the word "xmas" is primarily used by atheists
Yet we don't want to put the game in a religious context
oh silly people
. we miss rising world!!! have a whole community waiting so patiently
What is the difference between Merry Christmas and Merry Xmas?
1. Christmas or Christmas Day is the holiday which is celebrated by Christians as the birth of Jesus Christ while Xmas is the abbreviation of the word. ... The word “Christmas” is the spelling most preferred by most Christians while businesses and advertisements prefer to use the word “Xmas” because it is more concise.
Actually i am christian and prefer the writing "Weihnachten" or "Heilig Abend".
While I was employee, I learned this abbreviation from USA people, but also UK people used this in that company. That was many years ago ... *cough* do I sound like being old?
While I was employee, I learned this abbreviation from USA people, but also UK people used this in that company. That was many years ago ... *cough* do I sound like being old?
yes very old lol just joking
yes very old lol just joking
it was the *cough* that gave Arakara away wasn't it?... Very old indeed...
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