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  • I have an idea . A big idea . You sayvit is hard to make a lake system . BUT you can add tree . So if you create an apple tree , jou can make juice With apple or with orange ... So you can make a drink system whiout water

  • Having trees that leak maple syrup would be interesting. Just a side thought that connects to yours. Being able to sap specific trees for sap to make syrup would be a comical addition.

    On a serious note - Growing grape (for wine); Apples (for apple juice); Oranges (for orange juice); and coconuts (for cocomilk) would be another to quench one's thirst. When water is a pain to acquire, or if those juices are in your containers they should be used happily to quench your thirst. I'm sure they thought of this, just that it's neat to mention. What you're drinking is still water.

    I support this! I'd even support grabbing milk from cows to quench your thirst.

  • You will anyway be able to quench your thirst by eating fruits. E.g. watermelons will have a greater effect on that than apples.
    Creating different drinks or juices will also be added in the future, most likely in combination with the "baking and cooking" system, when we will generally concentrate on things like that ;)

    Syrup is also a good idea, we put it on our list :)

  • Awesome stuff! Can't wait to see that in action now. Now has me being curious as to how it effects survival as a whole while wondering how farming of that will go.

    And I'm now amused that syrup has been added onto the list. Nice. I can go all Canadian then by shipping maple syrup by steam train around the map heh. Hopefully the NPC villagers will want to indulge themselves in that while giving me something in return for the sweetness :thumbsup:

  • You will anyway be able to quench your thirst by eating fruits. E.g. watermelons will have a greater effect on that than apples.
    Creating different drinks or juices will also be added in the future, most likely in combination with the "baking and cooking" system, when we will generally concentrate on things like that ;)

    Syrup is also a good idea, we put it on our list :)

    Nice! Got me thinking of food processing. Mortar and pestle, different hand crank stuffs like a hand blender, or hand power flour grinder, hand crank apple press etc.. ;)

    Hopefully the NPC villagers will want to indulge themselves in that while giving me something in return for the sweetness


    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Drink? We have cows and goats. Who needs to worry about water so early though I have posted a suggestion on that.
    Add a dairy bucket Milcheimer [hopefully google translate did not get that wrong].
    1 plank, 1 stick, 2 short rods, = 1 dairy bucket. Gives milk if right clicked on cow and goat with a chance that they will run off giving nothing. Wild cows do that. One would be as thirst quenching [reducing] as an apple.

    Another thing that would be useful is a pruning hook. This gets apples from trees without chopping them down. It may also get pine cones from pines: with one pine cone producing 5 edible seeds that restore only one food point each. Pruning hook in the anvil add 2 sticks in the crafting table.

    Should be a little longer than the one in the picture.
    To stop both being overused add a score of 5 to the player expended when each is used, at zero 0 it stops working until you sleep.

  • I'm sure we will be able to milk cows and goats in order to drink milk but also to make cheese. I like the idea of a pruning hook. A ladder would be useful in some cases I imagine also. Eating pine cones? No. They should be used for evergreen tree seeds. ;)

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I support that dairy milk bucket and a stick to pick apples with. I wouldn't mind drinking cow & goat milk as it makes me think back to my time in Europe. Same with the stick to knock apples out of their apple trees because Minecraft frustrated me too much with random oak tree drops.

    I wanted to post here to mention that we should have various methods to collect water, filter them, and to be able to transport them around. The intention of this post to just brainstorm while assuming it's in one manner or another being planned while also taking that 0.5.3 update into account.

    • Capturing Rain Water: Whenever rain does get added it would be neat to capture running water into 'storm barrels', or to simply have a big water collector placed somewhere in forested area. For deserts and tropical areas I'd assume we would have to build those plastic coverings with a rock in the middle to allow water to accumulate in a can. What I was thinking was to simply have those water catchers from both the home storm drains (Barrels; Think house roof -> pipe -> Barrel) and the those cottage types to take showers with to be instead used to quench your thirst.
    • Salt Water Filter: One would normally avoid drinking ocean water so I'd suggest two things here - 1) Having to boil sea water in a pot - 1.2) Using the sun + plastic covering + can + rock in middle method - 2) Inserting a modern tech device to filter salt water using solar power, or similar, to then use for yourself, other players, or to trade with other worldly entities. I can for sure link you two devices, just that they're hard to find on a whim. I'd have to sneak them in within an edit. There's one that's like a pipe and another that's solar powered using algae, or similar. Both were shown on Discovery Channel's Daily Planet.
    • Train (Vehicle) Liquid Cargo: If thirst is going to be such a big thing then we should be able to carry liquids around the map via cargo trains. Doesn't have to be liquid cargo tanks as filling up Jerry cans for drinkable purposes should be fine. Placing them into object storage carts could do. Maybe I'm looking too deeply into trains, but what is implied has me assuming we'll have trains. I'd assume we could even carry items around using cars, trucks, or at the very least set up mine cart rail networks. Maybe this is pushing it, I'd assume to expect those "Agua" transport trucks (as seen in Cuba) and those milk trucks that were once a thing. Not sure if those still are. Would be comical to keep things classy on both the "Agua" and milk transport side of things.
    • Bottle & Container Collection: I'm sure this might be a thing in the future. I'll still mention it because we have all these storage cabinets acting as chests that we might as well store cooked food, water bottles, and all that sort in them. Keeping apple juice, orange juice, and collected water would be ideal to put in those places.
    • Tradable to NPCS: This being bonus points. If we can trade water to NPCs then that would add something small to the larger picture. Thinking RimWorld & Timber and Stone here. Doesn't have to be done, just something that would add onto the game through small interactions in trying to survive while seeing the NPCs attempting to survive. I'd happily set up a trade-route to keep those NPCs alive, even if there's really no real gain. Doesn't have to be water. It can be milk, fruit juices, or whatever even things like beer, tea, or even coffee.

    Would be interesting to see if people even do transport and trade water on their SMP (survival multiplayer) maps later. If water is something that will be finite you would have to then resort to growing juicy fruits while constantly having to exhaust liquid sources. Oceans would then be something that might have to stay infinite in source so you would have to resort to filtering it out both for domestic and industrial purposes. Having to then ship 'clean' water around would then become a realistic possibility, especially with how food is being done. You have to sit there for a good few minutes to see them done. Leave them too long and they burn. That same card I'm trying to place on water.....

    I'd expect water tanks to be placed in people's settlements to keep them well hydrated. If we get wandering NPCs post game completion that be something to consider even more. on SMP people will go through their supplies quite swiftly, or so I'd assume. :whistling:

  • Capturing Rain Water: Whenever rain does get added it would be neat to capture running water into 'storm barrels', or to simply have a big water collector placed somewhere in forested area.

    I actually think that water should at first be added as rain that you can catch in a bucket, nothing more.

  • I actually think that water should at first be added as rain that you can catch in a bucket, nothing more.

    Sure, that works. The European cottage shower thing came to my mind first so I didn't mention that bucket thing. Placing buckets around would be a nice way to collect water I guess, then could gradually build larger storage devices, if necessary. Your idea works in simplicity.

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